
In the Beginning

When the Genesis of the Universe came into being there weren't many things. Blackness filled most of the void that we call space and it seemed ever ending. Though the three always existed who started the spark, the spark of the Bang.

They were siblings, existing outside of their creation, yet always ever there to watch over there creation and watch it grow.

The eldest spent her days calculating the things that they could have made.

The middle spent his days happy to just be able to create in his space where he could just exist for himself and the time being, not thinking of what had happened or what was next.

The youngest didn't really understand her role, she always felt like they needed to do more for what they were to make next.

But, they always were happy to be with each other.

Eons went on with the beautiful creations coming and passing as they spread the Universe apart, just enough for their next plan, the youngest had found what she wanted to do, and her elders were happy with her idea.

Conciousness...what made them think, what made them? Could they make others like themselves? It was the first time they were ever confused about a creation.

So then they wrote down what made them who they were, 4 parts each...then they cast those things into their creation, and this is where life began, 12 Scrolls hurtled out through the cosmos, each containing a super powerful aspect of it's being which wrote it.

If brought together they can meet their makers who will then give over their abilities to the holders of the Scrolls. Any living creature may wield a scroll, each giving divine power.

The Scrolls were lost to time though, drawing near each other, they happened to find a planet where even the smallest spark could ignite change, a lost planet which had been abandoned by other creators, yet still vibrantly existed, it was only a Remnant from what it once was but now the Scrolls lay dormant there waiting to be found, calling out to the stars...and in time...more will come.

And so it is left with the academies.