
The Zodiac Prince (Gatekeeper Saga)

Blurb: A reluctant farm boy discovers he is the vessel to an immense power capable of tipping the balance in the fight against the Dark King. ___________________________________ Synopsis: The world is in the brink of apocalypse, losing the war against the forces of evil. The last Gatekeeper died a century ago at the hands of the Dark King. What remains of the five great races of Mortals, Mages, Giants, Elves and Dwarves were hiding inside the walled city of Eldoria, the last stronghold of the living. When all hope was lost, the Gatekeeper, a Zodiac Prince vessel to the twelve primordial gods was reborn. The Zodiac Prince could tip the balance in the fight against the Dark King ONLY if he can control the power of the twelve great elemental spirits—a feat none of his previous incarnates were able to accomplish. Unbeknownst to many, the Dark King seeks the power the boy holds for his grand scheme to blanket the whole world in perpetual darkness. Will he succeed where his predecessors have failed? Will he still fight for the great city of Eldoria when he learns that a dark secret hides behind its walls? And that everything he was lead to believe is not necessarily true. ___________________________________ Excerpt: It started with a voice, powerful and resonant, like the roar of a mighty lion. "Weak," it said, the word reverberating through the depths of my mind. "The new Gatekeeper is weak. What a waste." The voice was scornful, dripping with disdain.

Phoenix_Marco · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 15 (Solaris The Lion)

The night was thick with silence, a silence that seemed almost unnatural, hanging over the forest like a blanket. The woods were dark, darker than they should have been, and the moon's light struggled to pierce through the dense canopy above. It was in this oppressive stillness that I found myself, once again, inside the forest Tom and I hunted.

It started with a voice, powerful and resonant, like the roar of a mighty lion. "Weak," it said, the word reverberating through the depths of my mind. "The new Gatekeeper is weak. What a waste." The voice was scornful, dripping with disdain.

A second voice, soft and smooth like a gentle stream, responded. "Cut it out, Solaris. You're too hard on our new vessel. Give him time."

"Our mother might have been mistaken in picking this one," Solaris continued, undeterred by the rebuke. "But we couldn't let this poor thing die just yet, could we?"

As the conversation unfolded, I realized with a jolt that they were talking about me. I was not merely dreaming; I was sleepwalking through my own nightmare. This was exactly the night Tom and I had encountered the nightcrawlers, the very spot where terror had first gripped my soul.

"No, we can't," replied the soothing voice. "For if the Gatekeeper dies before awakening, the line ends with him, and there'll be no more vessel for us."

"Fine then," Solaris said, his voice a grudging growl. "I'll lend him some of my strength. I hope his frail body can endure it."

The realization hit me like a flash of lightning. The voices belonged to the elemental spirits, and the one speaking now was Solaris the Lion. Suddenly, a bright yellow light engulfed my body, as radiant as the sun. I felt myself lifted into the air, my clothes transforming into warrior garb made of fierce red fire, my hair becoming fire itself.

At that moment, I was no longer in control of myself. Solaris the Lion had taken over, his essence filling every part of my being. The nightcrawler closest to me was incinerated instantly, vanquished by the flames that raged from my body.

The other nightcrawlers, fifteen or twenty of them, circled warily, their movements betraying fear and hesitation. But then, with a collective screech, they lunged at me. It was not even a battle. My body—or rather, Solaris—had a profound mastery over the element of fire. I didn't move an inch. Red flames surged out of my body, dancing gracefully, striking down the nightcrawlers one by one. They fell and were reduced to piles of ashes almost instantaneously.

The surrounding bushes and trees caught fire, a storm of flames radiating all around me. The nightcrawlers stood no chance; the confrontation lasted no more than a minute. Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. Solaris's spirit left my body, and I fell back to the ground, once more myself.

When the commotion subsided, I stood amidst a circle of charred earth. Everything within ten meters was reduced to smoldering coals, as if a forest fire had swept through in an instant. The power of Solaris the Lion had scorched the ground, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake.

It was the first time one of the great spirits had communed with me. Though I had passed out and remembered little of the actual encounter, the significance was not lost on me. What Galland had said now made sense: the elemental spirits possessed my body the night he found me. That was when he knew I am the Gatekeeper. The power of the zodiac spirits are beyond comprehension, and wielding their might came with a tremendous cost if not controlled.

I woke with a jerk, the memory of the dream still vivid in my mind. The room was dark, save for the faint glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains. My heart raced, my body trembling.

Suddenly, Menelaus's presence filled the room, his gaze piercing through the shadows. "You had a vision," he stated, his voice calm yet commanding.

I nodded, struggling to find my voice. "I... I saw Solaris the Lion. He... he said I was weak. That I was unworthy."

Menelaus's eyes narrowed slightly; his expression thoughtful. The zodiac element of fire. "What else did he say?"

"He lent me his power. I was in the woods, where Tom and I encountered the nightcrawlers. Solaris took over my body, and I... no, he destroyed them all. It was like a storm of fire. When it was over, everything was burned to ashes."

Menelaus stroked his long beard, deep in thought, an old habit of his.

"What if Solaris is right?" I asked, the doubt creeping into my voice. "What if I'm not strong enough? What if I fail, just like the Gatekeepers before me?"

Menelaus's gaze softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Do not let fear cloud your mind. You were chosen by the goddess of light for a reason, and that reason is clear to those who have faith in you. Luminara's light shines within you, but in the end, you are only as strong as you think you are."

"But the power..." I stammered. "It's overwhelming. I don't know if I can control it. I felt my body on the verge of exploding."

Menelaus nodded, understanding the weight of my burden. "The power of the twelve zodiac spirits is immense, and it is not easily tamed. You must prove yourself worthy, not just to them, but to yourself. Remember, strength comes not from the absence of fear, but from the courage to face it."

He continued, his voice taking on a more urgent tone. "You must remain steadfast. The spirits chose you for a reason, and you must trust in their wisdom."

"What if I won't be able to tame the spirits? I am just a nobody compared to that kind of unfathomable power." I whispered, referring to Solaris' spirit that took over me momentarily. the fear gnawing at my resolve. "What if I'm not strong enough?"

Menelaus's grip on my shoulder tightened, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Then we will all be damned. But we won't give up without a fight. With or without the help of the elemental spirits, we will still fight the Dark King. Evey mortal, eleves, dwarves, mages and giants, men, women, children will stand against the dark king. He will not conquer Ganduana and our great city of Eldoria easily. Each have our own role to play. Some might be bigger than the others, but It doesn't matter. What only matter is your resolve. I know you will find it in you in time. And I am here to guide you through it."

"Thank you, Menelaus," I said, my voice steadier.

Menelaus smiled, a rare expression that filled me with warmth. "Now, rest. Gather your strength. Tomorrow we'll find out if you are more than the sum of your parts through Divination. Remember, you are a mage before you are a Gatekeeper. The blood of the old king flows in you. The power of the twelve is not just your source of strength."