
The Zodiac Prince (Gatekeeper Saga)

Blurb: A reluctant farm boy discovers he is the vessel to an immense power capable of tipping the balance in the fight against the Dark King. ___________________________________ Synopsis: The world is in the brink of apocalypse, losing the war against the forces of evil. The last Gatekeeper died a century ago at the hands of the Dark King. What remains of the five great races of Mortals, Mages, Giants, Elves and Dwarves were hiding inside the walled city of Eldoria, the last stronghold of the living. When all hope was lost, the Gatekeeper, a Zodiac Prince vessel to the twelve primordial gods was reborn. The Zodiac Prince could tip the balance in the fight against the Dark King ONLY if he can control the power of the twelve great elemental spirits—a feat none of his previous incarnates were able to accomplish. Unbeknownst to many, the Dark King seeks the power the boy holds for his grand scheme to blanket the whole world in perpetual darkness. Will he succeed where his predecessors have failed? Will he still fight for the great city of Eldoria when he learns that a dark secret hides behind its walls? And that everything he was lead to believe is not necessarily true. ___________________________________ Excerpt: It started with a voice, powerful and resonant, like the roar of a mighty lion. "Weak," it said, the word reverberating through the depths of my mind. "The new Gatekeeper is weak. What a waste." The voice was scornful, dripping with disdain.

Phoenix_Marco · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 11 (Sanctum)

Menelaus stands before us, a figure of power and strength and undoubtedly a major pillar that supports the whole city of Eldoria. He wears his usual bright yellow sorcerer robe, the vibrant color Astron mages. Astron houses the most powerful mages in the kingdom, whose skills are so legendary that even a single class S mage from Astron could topple a kingdom or lay waste to a city with their magic. Menelaus is one of those rare class S mages who had mastered all elemental attributes: fire, air, water, earth, and harness the power of the mind through telekinesis. Such is his unparalleled mastery of constellation magic that no one dares to duel him or challenge his position as leader of the Magi Order, and by extension, the most powerful mage alive.

 Though his years were many, his movements betrayed none of the frailty one might expect of age. His step was firm, his gaze piercing, and his voice carried the authority of countless spells cast and duels won. His hair, a crown of grey, framed a face marked by only the lightest touch of wrinkles, which betrays his ripe age— a life lived with both triumphs and tribulations, a testament to a lineage of powerful mages that stretched back to a time before the wall was built.

There are whispers about his age, the speculation ranging from eighty years to more than a century. Such is the aura of timeless wisdom he exudes. His knowledge of the mystic arts is vast, a deep well from which countless others had drawn and learned. His reputation alone commands respect, but it was his fairness and compassion that truly sets him apart and be remembered for the long years that stretches before him, and the long years more to come even after his death. As the leader of the Magi Order, he holds position of great power, yet he is well loved and regarded as the father of all mages in Eldoria. Many would gladly lay down their lives for a chance to learn under his tutelage.

Five of us had been personally chosen by Menelaus himself as his apprentices, selected for the raw talent he had seen within us. The honor was immense, and as we stood in the grand hall of the Magi Sanctum, the weight of it settled upon our shoulders. The sanctum itself was an ancient place of great history, filled with ancient tomes, magical artifacts, and the soft glow of lights emanating from the philosopher's stone.

Menelaus raised his hand to speak. "Remember this, young fools," he said, his eyes meeting each of ours in turn. "Power without wisdom is a path to ruin. You have been given great gifts, but it is how you use them that will define you. Seek not to dominate, but to understand. Use your strength to protect, not to harm. Strive to be just and compassionate. Only then will you truly become worthy of the power you wield."

The Magi Sanctum is immense. The ceiling arches high above, a celestial vault intricately carved with the twelve major constellations, with which the first light of creation was drawn. The same power a zodiac prince is expected to command. At the center of the ceiling, a retractable moon door reveals itself, through which one can witness the dance of the stars in the night sky.

In the heart of the sanctum, a massive crystal tower stands, pulsating with a mesmerizing glow. It rises like a beacon, its form tapering elegantly as it reaches toward the heavens through the moon door, as if in perpetual communion with the stars. This tower, known as the Philosopher's Stone, is the battery that powers Eldoria.

The Philosopher's Stone is a relic from the dark lands beyond the wall. Its energy sustains Eldoria, for centuries. Recently, however, the arrival of The Red Star of Doom wanes the power of the stone. For the first time in history, the walls have been breached, a reminder that humanity's last remaining sanctuary is not invincible.

"Our training begins with Divination," Menelaus explains, his eyes meeting ours with a mixture of sternness and encouragement. "In this phase, you will discover your natural magic attributes. Each of you possesses a unique affinity, a bond with the arcane forces that define who you are as a mage. Through Divination, you will learn to attune yourselves to these inherent powers, uncovering the strengths that lie within you. You will delve deep into your own beings, seeking the connections that tie you to the fabric of life itself."

"Next is Affinity," he continues, "here, you will learn to link with the celestial power of the stars, channeling their energy through constellation magic. You will study the heavens, understanding the movements and influences of the constellations. By forging a connection with these celestial patterns, you will draw their power into yourselves, weaving their magic into your core," he paused momentarily to check if we understood. "Then comes Manipulation, you will learn to command the elements by channeling the power of the constellations through your bodies, becoming the medium through which your magic flows. Fire, air, water, earth, and the mind will bend to your will as you master the art of energy manipulation. This is where you will truly begin to understand what true power is. The final test is Ascendancy. Where I determine if you will rise from Asteri to Astron, or remain an Asteri forever. Those of you who will pass the test will become sworn members of the Magi Order. Ascendancy, the final test, is not merely a ceremony; it is a transformation. You will prove your mastery of the magical arts, demonstrating your ability to wield the power of the stars. Only then will you be recognized as true mages of Eldoria, guardians of our great city."

The thought of Ascendancy fills me with a mixture of anticipation and reverence. It is the culmination of all our training, the moment when we will take our place among the most powerful mages in the land. The path ahead is daunting, filled with challenges and trials, but it is also a path of incredible opportunity and growth, one that I never thought I will walk, not even in my wildest dreams.

"So, young fools, shall we begin?"