
The Yuhao Chronicles

Michael, the Air Chief Marshal of United Nations Military dies while on active duty and is given the chance to reincarnate into the world of Douluo Dalu 2. ----------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/tAuGhpj Support: https://ko-fi.com/proprocrastination ----------------------------- Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of Tang Jia San Shao. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. DISCLAIMER: I do not own the cover image, @momoco_haru does. I only own the extremely poor photoshopping effects that I added to it!

ProProcrastination · Book&Literature
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78 Chs

Chapter 74

"What else happened aside from three days passing and Electrolux being healed?" Yuhao asked.

"As we somewhat expected, the orchid provided a massive benefit to your physique and physical aspects," Amra said. "I would say your current physique is equivalent to a rank ninety spirit master. You probably already know that your physique was improved, with you managing to punch your way through the earth as you did. With that increase in your physique, I took the initiative to release my bloodline seals. I ended up releasing four of them which was way more than I anticipated honestly."

As soon as he heard this, Yuhao focused on his body to confirm. All of his psychical aspects, be they his strength, his speed, his flexibility, his endurance among others, had all improved significantly. Extremely happy with the changes, Yuhao then focused on his bloodline and what skills he now had access to.

The first skill he was given was called Three-Eyed Nemean Lion Alpha Domain. This skill allows Yuhao to actively use the suppression of Amra, which not only applies to feline and feline-type martial spirits and beasts but also all types of fire-aligned spirit spirits and beasts. It also boosts the morale and vigour of all nearby allies, especially those with feline or fire-type martial spirits. While it wasn't a skill that actively damaged his opponents, debuff and buff skills such as these contribute massively to group strength.

The other skill he gained from the eighth bloodline seal and his fourth bloodline ring, was called Three-Eyed Nemean Lion Enfeeblement. It is an area-of-effect ability that affects the central nervous system and overall senses of a target. It causes the targets to experience dizziness and weakness in their limbs, as well as temporary loss of the four senses of smell, sight, taste and hearing. Yuhao was honestly surprised at this skill. Unlike the former, it was purely a debuff ability, however, it was extremely strong and simply overpowered if the opponents are not able to fight off the effects quickly, especially if they have no means of fighting without their senses.

"Wow…" Yuhao murmured, causing Amra to grin.

"Yeah, I always enjoyed using these skills in battle Yuhao. You will find that it is very easy to crush an opponent's spirit if they have to face these skills effects constantly," Amra said.

"There is more that has happened Yuhao…" Xue Nu said, snapping him out of his excitement and deep thought.

"There is?" He asked.

Xue Nu sighed, "Come on. Did you honestly think that a resource that high quality and rare would only give that much? I know that it healed Electrolux, who is over ten thousand years old and was quite injured, and upgraded your physique a lot, but still…"

Yuhao dipped his head slightly as he acknowledged the statement, "What else happened?"

Xue Nu scratched her cheek, "Well…I am not one hundred percent sure on what you call it, I believe it is a 'Silver Awakening'? Basically, all of your spirits seemed to have evolved. Something else happened with your spirit eyes. Amra, care to fill him in on that? I am honestly surprised you didn't mention that first."

Yuhao quickly willed his body spirit to appear before Amra could reply. As the spirit manifested, rather than his spirit eyes simply glowing as they usually would, Yuhao's hair changed to radiant gold and extended down to cover his neck. His eyes were glowing pure gold with a third, golden gem on his forehead, and finally, he now had sleek, golden fur covering his arms and hands. Even more strangely, six spirit rings appeared on the floor beneath him. The outer four were a dark, gold, the most inner ring was a pale-gold and the last one was a vibrant red.

"What?!" Yuhao couldn't help but exclaim in confusion.

Thinking that he had willed his bloodline to appear instead of his spirit eyes, he released the spirit and manifested his body spirit once again. Nonetheless, the same transformation still occurred.

"Calm down, Yuhao," Amra said, his voice peaceful and reassuring.

Extremely confused and bewildered, Yuhao just looked at him, wordlessly asking for an explanation.

"I don't really know how to best explain this," Amra started. "Basically, when your spirit eyes were undergoing their silver awakening, that your FrostFire and Steel Space Dragon spirits underwent, I was presented with an opportunity. We have talked in the past about how you should get practice in with having three normal spirits, a bloodline spirit and Electrolux's pseudo-spirit. And I know it is something that should have been discussed with you, however, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I briefly discussed it with our friends here while you were unconscious. We agreed that it was worthwhile, so I took the chance. I more or less merged my bloodline spirit with your spirit eyes body spirit."

"You merged two spirits? What does that mean? Will I lose some of your bloodline rings now or will I not be able to absorb other spirit rings?" Yuhao asked rapidly, trying to process the large change.

Amra shook his head, "Both spirits can still gain spirit rings as they have been. Now you can essentially have a total of eighteen rings on this spirit once you get to Titled Douluo level and release all of my bloodline seals. So, it would be the normal nine spirit rings, plus my nine bloodline rings. They are just, for appearance's sake, on one spirit now. So, you don't have spirit eyes anymore but a Three-Eyed Nemean Lion Emperor Beast Spirit."

Yuhao blinked a few times as he sat blankly in his seat, "Huh…I guess that is cool? I don't think I can really understand and process the big change at the moment, however, I trust you and the rest of you guys here to only make wise and beneficial decisions."

"Do you want to look at your other two spirits? Or just wait?" Bing Bing asked, breaking the silence that had descended in Yuhao's mindscape.

"Uh, yeah I will. Sorry, I am still working everything out." Yuhao replied.

He let his new beast spirit disappear, which now that he focused on it, is called 'Three-Eyed Nemean Lion Emperor' and willed his dragon spirit to appear. This spirit, due to the silver awakening, had evolved into a 'Titanium Space Dragon' spirit. As the slightly darker, silvery metal appeared and covered his body, he could feel that the passive physical boosts associated with the spirit's manifestation have increased by a sizeable margin. Not including the metal of the dragon spirit being slightly darker, there were not any other noticeable differences in its design.

Satisfied with the evolution, but not massively shocked, he let the dragon spirit disappear and focused on his last spirit. This spirit has a big change in name, now being called Thermal Titan. Yuhao understood where the 'Thermal' side of the name came from, being an overall term for temperature, however, he was unsure why 'Titan' had come into the name. Still semi-confused, which was a common occurrence today, he willed the Thermal Titan spirit to manifest.

As it appeared in his hand, he felt his strength increase by fifty percent and his body turn slightly more durable. With this happening, understanding flashed through his eyes. The spirit was still a black hammer-scythe; however, it had several swirls of purple spreading across the handle. The chain attached to the end, which he hadn't really learnt to use as of yet, similarly had some purple swirls mixed into the dull, grey.

He could feel that his immunity had extended to all temperature-related elements and had likewise extended to three greater ranks above his current strength, rather than two. Now, if he was to fight Ma Xiaotao again as he did before, he wouldn't even have to worry about being affected by her fire.

And the chapter is over. Hope the entire chapter being what happened with the orchid didn't bore you, but that is what half of fanfictions usually are xD. Updating Yuhao's status auxiliary chapter today for your reference.

I am am wanting to speed up the pace of the story, but I also like how I have done it up to now. Keen to hear your thoughts.

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