
The Young Pope

A young man who is a devout Catholic and hates coward and heretic prelates, wakes up and finds himself become a Pope in the past. Pope Benedict IX, the youngest Pope in history, criticized by historians and prelates of later times for his crimes and sexual lifestyle. "Thy Will be done, O LORD!" this is God's Will and he will bring the corrupted Papacy back to its track, which will affect greatly to later times. DISCLAIMER 1. One of the main tag, reincarnation, is only fictitious and does not belong to the Church's teachings. In fact, it is condemned as a heresy. 2. Bear in mind that Masses and liturgy in the novel was from the 11th century, which was nearly identical to the Tridentine Mass/Traditional Latin Mass before Vatican II, and quite different from the Novus Ordo created after Vatican II.

Joyful_Abyss_Mage · History
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26 Chs

We always have a Guardian beside Us

The muscular man gets on the bed, then he uses his hand to undress Benedict, who is still sleeping soundly.

"What do you think you are doing?" a masked man goes in the room and asks the muscular man.

"So you are the bodyguard assigned by that damned Count to protect the Pope boy?" the muscular man asks although he has already known the answer.

The muscular man gets off the bed and attacks the masked man. Although the masked man is smaller than the muscular man in size, he is as strong as the muscular man.

The muscular man soon realizes that he and the masked man are equal in strength and fighting, so he resorts to some dirty tricks.

"How about sleeping with me?" said the muscular man.

The muscular man's words make the masked man feels disgusted and he reveals his weakness.

"Argh" the masked man is soon defeated by the muscular man.

"After finishing playing with the Pope boy, I will play with you later." said the muscular man while licking his upper lip.

The muscular man turns to the bed, he sees Benedict sitting on bed, looking at him. He is not surprised though, since his fight with the masked man has caused quite a ruckus in the room. Fortunately for him, since the Cardinal who told him to commit this evil sin, has taken care of the guards, so no guards come into the Pope's room.

"Who sent you to harm Us?" asked the young Pontiff.

"You don't need to know, let's focus on our night together!"

"Sorry, but absolutely NO sex for Us. We must stay chaste at all cost." replied the young Pontiff.

"Don't pretend to be a virtuous man, the clergy right now are full of sexually active man, including those who commit sodomy. So let just follow the flow and obediently sleep with me." said the muscular man.

"Ha, that's why the clergy needs a Pope like Us to wipe out the corruption. We are God sent."

"Fufu, but what can you do now, the masked man your father assigned for you has been defeated by me, while the guards has been taken care of by the Cardinal who sent me. You can't escape now."

"Oh, so a Cardinal sent you, huh? We will have to investigate this later. And you are mistaken, big man, We always have a Guardian beside us."

"Hah, you mean a Guardian Angel, one of those chubby babies with wings?"

The young Pontiff cannot help but shake his head and says:

"Haizzz, it's clearly you have not been instructed in the Faith by the Cardinal who sent you. It's true that what We meant Guardian Angel, but Angels are not chubby babies with wings, those are just for the sake of art.

Listen up, Angels are pure spirits without a body, so you can't see them with your corporeal eyes. And as they are without a body, any kind of corporeal description is not true. The corporeal description of Angels is just for the sake of helping people pray better.

Many times, Angels take on light substance and make themselves visible to us is to do what God tells them to do. And. . ."

"ENOUGH!" screamed the muscular man.

"Even if you are so knowledgeable about Angel, today you are doomed!" roared the muscular man before he jumps on the bed.

"Hey, what if you break the bed, If you break the bed, We will have to waste money on a new one, and that means less money to give to the poor." admonished the young Pontiff.

"SHUT UP!" roared the muscular man before he shred his clothes.

"Ok, We won't admonish you anymore."

The muscular man is very angry now, he strongly press the young Pontiff down the bed,

"Ouch. That's hurt."

"Let's hope you can scream as loud as talking when I rekt your body."

"O Our Guardian Angel, a big scary man wants to destroy the temple of God, please help me! I beseech Thee."

(Note: every Christian body is a temple of God.)

Suddenly, a light appears beside the bed, and a sword is pointed toward the muscular man's neck.

"What is this?" surprised the muscular man.

"We told you. We always have a Guardian beside Us." answered Benedict to the muscular man's surprise.