

MAN OF THE PEOPLE is a realistic story written by Madhol A Bol know as Jeremiah Madhol Ater. The book describes how different communities have been having bitter rivalry for years due to land ownership and livestock issues. The author details how these two communities have been engaging in wars over the years as the generations come and go but never have they managed to come together to find a long-lasting peace until the time a young man was born. A man was born by two parents who came from these two different rival communities who happened to have married each other when the two communities had a short peace that was cut short again due to some reasons related to their unending rivalry. Despite the challenges from both sides who never wanted to come together, the young man managed to bring the two communities together. He sacrificed and dedicated himself although his life was almost being terminated by the people who never wanted peace to come over the land, as a dedicated man, he managed to achieve his goal. The book is based on non-fiction and it clearly conveys the true image of most of the South Sudanese communities and other African communities who undergo the same experience as explained in the MAN OF THE PEOPLE. The theme of the book is how societies put their interests over the common values that bring them together as a society. Moreover, we also see how one person who cares more about the peaceful co-existence of the society sacrifices to ensure that the differences do not burn the society. There is also a clear indication of how people focus on the past, find ways to ensure that they avenge what was done to them in the past few and not think about what the future has for them. They do go ahead to oppose people who want the best for the community to satisfy their interests. These are what we see in the society we see today and people; like Luong are always there to ensure that things happen the way we want them to be but we never support them, instead, we turn against them.

Madhol_A_Bol · Realistic
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11 Chs


In the small village of Ucum in the Geer land, a man of the people named Luong was born to Ulang and Achila in early November. Luong's parents are from two opposing communities, Ucholo and Geer. The two cultures had been at peace for two years by the time he was born, and this was how his two lovely parents, who never thought of their differences, met. Luong's grandfather was unfortunately killed in a war by the tribe from which his mother hails. This made it very difficult for this young couple to marry because their two families couldn't agree on anything. No one from either was willing to listen as such traditions of no marriage between the two communities when the war and hatred intensified were introduced. They never got together to formalise their marriage. Despite the fact that Ulang's mother agreed, Mr Uchala, Luong's father's uncle, opposed the union to the point of threatening to kill Ulang, Luong's father for betraying his brother. The Geer tribe has a custom that the bridegroom's uncle must officiate a marriage if the father is deceased for it to be considered official and sacred. Despite the challenges, Luong was raised well by two parents from different cultures who were brought together by love despite the hatred between their communities. They tried to forget all the differences and fight the opposition together and raise their child to be the man that they wanted and dreamed of.