
The Young Hokage

The life of Naruto and his sister as they go on missions and face powerful foes. Strong Naruto. Hokage Naruto.

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9 Chs

A Family Reunion

The high winds that were so typical of the Land Of Iron blew across the snow-covered land without end. The bitterly cold air bit into his face made it nearly impossible to see where he was going. But at long last, he had made it to his destination. A small cottage sat at the base of a hill with thin wispy white clouds of smoke coming out from its old battered chimney. He was sure in a few more years it would need to be replaced or else run the risk of a fire burning their small house down leaving both him and his sole daughter homeless and exposed to the elements.


Once he was safely inside the small cottage he at once set himself to the task of warming himself up next to the small fire in the fireplace. This year's winter had been much harsher than was usual. Something that he could honestly say he was surprised by given how far north he was. But soon after he had regained some feeling in his hands he began to hear the unmistakable sound of footsteps coming from one of the two second-floor bedrooms. The blacksmith waited ever so patiently for the hug he was surely about to receive from her. He didn't have to wait long before his daughter walked into the room and gave him a happy smile. He eyed the girl. No, that was no longer true. She was now a proper woman of 20 summers. He had to constantly remind himself of that fact. Her long red hair was tied up in one of the newer hairstyles that were now starting to get picked up by the villagers in the south of the Land Of Iron, otherwise, it would have run down her back like a crimson waterfall. Not too dissimilar to someone else he knew who now lived far to the southeast.

"You're home early father what's going on"? She asked just as she pulled away from her father. Her eyes held a look he knew only too well. A look his sister would give him whenever he was doing something odd.

"Yuna-chan can you please inform our host we'll be leaving soon". Her father asked as he was busy packing his things inside a traveling scroll.

"Are you sure this is a good idea"? Yuna asked looking at her father worried.

"No, but it can't be helped". He said as he placed the last of his things inside the scroll.

"Why"? Yuna asked still not at all understanding the need.

"It's very complicated but needless to say we must go". Her father said as he opened the door and walked out into the hellscape that was the Land Of Iron.


The hustle and bustle of the small port town of Jorsoi was one Jiraiya had grown quite accustomed to over the years. Being the spymaster for Konohagakure had ensured he had seen most of the known world this side of the Summer Sea. From the many pleasure houses all the way down to the slave dens. He had seen it all. He had done it all. As for Tsunade, all she had said to him was to buy the tickets to board a transport ship that was set to depart the port in the next few hours. Her mind was still going over the upsetting news. Their beloved sensei was gone. Killed by his very own teammate no less. She could already feel her eyes begin to moisten somewhat and a rage unmatched since the dying days of the third great ninja world war.

"Are you ok"? Jiraiya asked as he looked over at her with concern. For as much as he loved to joke and act the fool, he also knew that his teammate was hurting in the same way he was. She may even be in even more pain seeing as she was the closest to their beloved sensei than her other two teammates.

"I'm fine let's just get to the ship". Tsunade replied never once meeting his eyes as she moved effortlessly through the sea of people. Jiraiya for his part only moved ever deeper into the town in turn. Any words he was going to say to the woman now lay unspoken now forever lost to the endless sea of what-ifs.


Yuna slowly made her way to an innately decorated building. The foot-high snow slowed her down considerably but after a full ten minutes of walking, she could finally see the building in question. The samurai guards posted outside all bowed to her. She knew it was done more out of respect to her father's past deeds than to herself or to her clan. Paying that no mind however she opened the doors and entered the building. Once she was inside she could see the many massive stone statues all depicting notable samurai from the Land Of Iron's long and storied history. She loved how beautiful everything was inside this place. From the soft brushstrokes of the dozen pieces of artwork to the almost lifelike statues that lined the halls. She, however, still had a job to do and so she quickly made her way upstairs. Upon reaching the top floor she knocked softly upon the door. It wasn't long before the door opened to reveal general Mifune.


"Yuna-chan how may I help you today". Mifune asked giving her a kind smile.

"Father has asked me to inform you that we'll all be going soon". Yuna replied to his question. She could tell that the kind old general was surprised by the news but said nothing for a time as he just took it all in.

"Why now after all this time"? Mifune asked her as he picked up his tea before taking a small sip not fully understanding the sudden urgency. Yuna then proceeded to explain the situation to him.

"I see, will I wish you luck on your journey. If you need anything all you need do is ask". Mifune said as he gave her a hug. One she was more than happy to return in kind.


By the time the last clan member entered into the arena the sun had long since set.

"What's going on". One of the youngest clan members asked.

"Be patient I'm sure we'll find out soon enough ". Replied a female who seemed ready to hit the other on the top of their head for asking such a stupid question in the first place. Clearly, whatever it was it had to be big otherwise their clan's representative wouldn't have summoned them all up to the coliseum so fast. After waiting for nearly an hour Yuna's father made his way to the podium. Almost at once, he called for silence, and soon after the whole arena was silent awaiting the man's words.

"As I'm sure you're aware I, Ashina Uzumaki have summoned you all here to announce that we will soon be departing for Konohagakure. Ashina said before the arena descended into chaos. It took several long minutes before he could continue.

"Please allow me to speak. It'll all make sense once I'm done. Now as I was saying I have it on good authority that my sister yet lives and she has two children, a boy, and a girl. Both are likely now in immense danger". Ashina said before once again chaos resumed.

"Who dares to threaten the crown prince and princess"? A man asked. His sword partially drawn out to show his intentions to the fool or fools who thought it wise to put their lives in danger.

"Danzo". That was all that needed to be said before all were in agreement. Danzo would soon woe the day he ever made an enemy of the Uzumaki clan. The chants of nearly 20,000 men and women sounded in unison. The Uzumaki clan was coming to Konohagakure and they were coming with the full intent of liberating Naruto and Naruto from the clutches of Danzo's rule.


Naruto's whole world had seemingly been overturned virtually overnight. First came the news that the kind old Hokage that he had known for all of his life had been killed. By his very own teammate no less. Next was being kidnapped inside his own home in the middle of the night and being thrown inside a jail cell alongside his baby sister Naruko. Unbeknownst to either Naruto, Naruko, or even Danzo a fleet of ships were already making its way down to Konohagakure with the sole aim of liberating them from Danzo's tyrannical rule.


Ashina Uzumaki could be seen alongside general Mifune.

"You do realize that we are breaking our neutrality with all of the ninja nations by doing this". Mifune said giving Ashina a sideways glance.

"I do". Ashina replied never once removing his eyes from one of the many maps they had of Konohagakure and its many outlying outposts. This one dated around two years ago.

"So what's the plan"? Mifune asked as he slowly walked over to eye the map for himself. He could already tell that the walls would take a fairly good beating before they would fall.

"An all-out assault is simply impractical, we would just be cut down to nothing long before we could save my niece and nephew". Ashina said still looking for any possible way inside the heavily guarded ninja village.

"What about your sister? Kushina right"? Mifune asked unsure if that was in fact her name. He had never been told her name outright by Ashina and was guessing based on names he knew the man beside him cared for.

"That's right, but I wouldn't worry too much about her, she is an ANBU level ninja after all. She'll be fine on her own". Ashina replied before pointing to what looked to be an abandoned tunnel on the outskirts of the village.

"That's it, that is our way inside, have your men ready when I give the signal". Ashina said as he rolled up the map.

"You didn't even say what the hell it was". Mifune said just as Ashina walked out of the room. "I really hate it when he does that". Mifune muttered under his breath. The nearby samurai all laughed at the poor general's misfortune.


Deer could honestly say this posting sucked. All he did all day was look at rocks slowly being overtaken by the high tide and uncovered hours later when it went out again.

"Anything to report"? His sole companion Bear asked. Bear like all members of the Akimichi clan ate copious amounts of food easily making him one of the biggest in the force. At the moment he was busily enjoying a family-size bag of potato chips. How he could eat anything with a mask on his face was something Deer had yet to work out but the man clearly had a way as he was somehow doing it.

"No, unless seeing a dolphin jump out of the water about an hour ago is something worthy to put into a mission report then no I don't". Deer replied in a dull tone. It was clear he wanted to do anything and be anywhere else. Bear could understand how the poor man felt. He had done his fair share of bad postings in the past. But that came with the job. Being an ANBU didn't always mean non-stop action. It also meant doing jobs like this. Being sent to some out-of-the-way place to watch rocks or trees for possibly weeks on end looking for anything out of place.

"It's not all bad". Bear said as he took his seat next to Deer. "I'm with you". Bear couldn't help but laugh at his companion's reaction.

"Yeah, your loads of fun". Deer said sarcastically. Bear pretended to be hurt by the comment. Just as Deer was about to tell him to stop being so overdramatic he heard a ping. At first, it was slow but soon it grew in frequency until the sound was nearly continuous. Bear quickly wired headquarters for new orders.

"This is Crow what do you have to report". The man asked on the other end of the line.

"Massive fleet inbound estimated time of arrival to the outer perimeter is around ten minutes. Inform the Hokage we have a sizeable fleet of ships inbound". Bear said as he watched as the fleet slowly sailed past the outpost. As it did so he could make out the unmistakable sigils of the Uzumaki clan and that of the Land Of Iron.


Konohagakure was in complete and utter chaos. Ninja were running to and fro trying desperately to get a handle on the situation. Reports and counter reports were both flooding into the war room at a high rate of speed with Danzo watching it all. Just then a Chunin ran up. By the look of him, he was one of the newest Chunin seeing as his flak jacket appeared to be new.

"Report". Danzo ordered his lone eye never once leaving the sizeable screens displaying the fleet that was nearing the village.

"Massive fleet is confirmed. Fleet consists of both The Land Of Iron and remnants of The Land Of Whirlpools". The chunin reported before Danzo sent him away.

"Send a small detachment of men to secure our prize, I'm not about to lose my ace in the hole due to this mess". Danzo said before storming out of the room.

"Yes sir". One of the ANBU replied before picking five others and exiting the war room.


Mifune was busy overseeing the unloading of both men and the war equipment from the many transport ships. A small campsite had already been established running down the length of the beach. Just then Ashina walked over to Mifune and said. "Konohagakure is just ten miles north of our current position. All you have to do is to keep them busy as I make my way through the old tunnel network". Ashina said before taking a handful of men and women and disappearing Into the nearby forest. He still didn't know what the signal was but was sure he would know it when he saw it. So for the time being all Mifune could do was continue the task of unloading the ships as quickly as possible.


Meanwhile, both Jiraiya and Tsunade could do nothing but stand on the top deck of their ship watching the invasion fleet from afar. "Tsunade is that flag what I think it is"? Jiraiya asked.

"It is, but I thought the village had been destroyed years ago". Tsunade said stunned by this revelation.

"Looks like you may still have some family yet". Jiraiya said placing his hand on her shoulder. For once she made no move to displace the arm though he guessed that had more to do with the revelation of surviving family than anything to do with him.


The walls of Konohagakure were lined with all level of ninja not all that dissimilar to that dark day on October 10th. The gates were closed and any and all defensive countermeasures were enacted. "You all know what is expected of you". A veteran Jonin yelled out. His hair slowly turning white with age. He had been offered retirement many times and he had refused each and every time. It wasn't long before the sounds of men marching In mass could be heard in the distance. The banners of both The Land Of Iron and The Land Of Whirlpools flapped in the still cool morning air. Mifune slowly rode up to the gates on horseback. His sword at the ready.

"I'll only ask you just this once release Naruto and Naruko to us or else we're going in ourselves". Mifune yelled out.

"I'll like to see you try you samurai piece of shit". One of the men on the walls said though he couldn't figure out who had said it. Needless to say, he now had his answer and it was now time to in Ashina's own words: knock on the door.


Meanwhile, Ashina and his small group were knee-deep in sewer water. "Ok, this should be it". Ashina said moving aside so Yuna could do her thing. It wasn't long before the wall had become a new door. Dust filled the small space making it hard to breathe. But before they could take even a few steps forward Danzo's men entered the hallway. Both groups eyed each other until a droplet of water hit the floor. The battle to save their family had only just begun.


As Danzo walked outside the Hokage tower one fact was made very clear to him. The village was now truly in a state of utter chaos. Dozens of thick black columns of smoke could be seen rising all over the village. What few ninja could be spared were quickly being dispatched to put out the many small fires that now threatened to destroy what the invaders had not hit with their cannon shells. He had only made it about midway down the sizeable tower when he had heard the unmistakable sound of the village walls falling. In the distance, he could just make out the banners of both the Land Of Iron and the Land Of Whirlpools flapping in the air as their forces stormed through the opening now left behind. The now setting sun gave the attacking army an almost holy-like glow as if the sage himself was blessing their deeds this day. The mere sight was nothing less than an insult to him personally. He had coveted the position of Hokage nearly all of his 64 years of life and he wasn't about to lose it all now.

"When I'm done with you treacherous samurai the Land Of Iron will be nothing but a pile of ash under my feet. I will see to that." Danzo muttered to himself as he moved forward. His lone eye held an intensity unseen since his field days as a Jounin. Back when he was the equal of any of the best shinobi of the leaf. The sheer thought that now that he had finally gained the hat he had so coveted nearly all his life was now being threatened by these upstarts was something he just wouldn't allow to stand. He would see to it that every last one paid for their audacity and blatant disrespect. He would coat his blade with the blood of those who dared stand against him this day and every day that followed. He was Danzo Shimura, the Godaime of the hidden leaf.


Meanwhile, Ashina and the others had quickly taken the two obviously malnourished children to one of the many medical tents that now littered the area around the village soon after finding them in a cell unfit for the worst child rapist. It was there that Tsunade finally laid her eyes on them. When she did she knew in her heart that Danzo had to go. Painfully would be the most preferable way if she had any say on the matter. Jiraiya shared the sentiment wholeheartedly. This was simply unforgivable. Hokage or otherwise this was just too much for the two highly skilled ninja to overlook. The pair looked about ready to die and she was unsure if anything the doctors did would matter in the end.

"Will they live"? Tsunade asked as she walked over to the two. In her expert opinion, the two children were maybe a day or two away from death. The emotions she was feeling at that moment were nearly too much and it was only due to Jiraiya's hand on her shoulder that she was able to rein in her emotions enough to not race into the village and find the man responsible for this act of utter cruelty.

"It's far too early to tell but we'll do our best". One of the many medics replied. Just as the medic said this Naruto woke up and immediately tried to get up from his bed. But he was quickly lowered back onto the thin mattress.

"Where is my sister? Where is Naruko"? Naruto asked looking frantically all around for her. Still very much the protective older brother. Even now in his half-dead state.

"She is being taken care of right now. She'll be back in a few more minutes don't you worry child". The very same medic replied in a calm tone of voice. The news seemed to put him at ease as he finally relaxed. It was at this time that Jiraiya made himself known to the boy.

"Hello Naruto, I'm Jiraiya, I taught your father". Jiraiya said as he extended his hand to the boy. Naruto took it happily and gave him a very weak handshake.

"It's nice to finally meet you, mother talks about you all the time". Jiraiya was sure that anything she had to say about him was anything but flattering but he was nevertheless pleased the boy knew who he was. Given his young age, he doubted most children knew who he was by mere name alone.

"What does she say about me"? He asked the boy.

"That you're a skilled ninja and that father was lucky to have had you be his sensei". Naruto replied before his body demanded sleep and his eyes closed. Soon after his admittedly loud snores filled the tent making everybody break out into a fit of giggles.


Meanwhile, back inside Konohagakure Kushina was currently racing to the gap that now existed in the village's northernmost wall. Only being slowed by the fallen debris from the cannons that still occasionally rained down onto the village. But she had quickly noticed that none of the shots ever hit any of the many residential districts. That oddity alone wouldn't have stopped or even slowed her down. But seeing the banner of her old home village sure as hell would. "That's impossible. I'm the only one left". She muttered to herself. "Unless that old bastard lied to me". The mere thought alone was enough to make her chakra briefly visible. That was if anybody had been around to have seen it. None were, however. But before she could go on the warpath hunting Danzo down somebody else had found her first.

"Kushina? Is that you"? A boyish voice asked from behind her. Turning around she saw a young man with short reddish hair and mint green eyes.

"Kazuki is that you"? Kushina asked. Both eyed the other for all of a moment before they gave each other a long deep hug.

"I'm so happy you're still alive"! Kushina said happily.

"Why wouldn't I be"? Kazuki asked giving her a very confused look.

"Wasn't the village destroyed"? Kushina asked.

"No. Uzushiogakure was attacked that's true but we repealed the attackers. The village itself is fine. We only lost some of the outermost outposts and even then the loss of life was minuscule". Kazuki said before he asked. "Who told you it was gone"?

"Danzo. He told me it was attacked and lost back when I was just a Chunin". She quickly replied. This in turn only made her want to hunt Danzo down even more. As if summoned by that very thought Danzo soon appeared from around a street corner.


<msreadoutspan class="msreadout-line-highlight msreadout-inactive-highlight">Danzo eyed the two ninja that now stood before him looking for any and all openings. <msreadoutspan class="msreadout-word-highlight">He</msreadoutspan> could </msreadoutspan>find none as was expected. She was an ANBU after all. A captain at that. One of the very best the village had ever produced. As he did Kushina pulled out her katana as did Kazuki. Danzo's own blade was already covered in blood. Some of it still dripping onto the ground below.

"What luck, two more of you to kill". Danzo said in a sickeningly happy tone of voice. A tone of voice that was totally out of place coming from a man such as he. His sword at the ready for the attack he was sure to come.

"You lied to me you old bastard"! Kushina yelled as her chakra began to flare even more than before.

"So what if I did". Danzo replied. "I may have failed to destroy that cesspool you lot call a village but no matter. When I'm done with you I'll personally see to its destruction myself". Danzo said before launching himself at the two before him.


Danzo moved far faster than one would expect from a man of his years. His attacks were but a blur to the eye. It was only due to Kushina and Kazuki's ninja instincts that saved them from Danzo's lightning-fast attacks. But once the two had gotten used to his speed his advantage over them all but disappeared. As the battle continued Danzo quickly began to realize he was simply outclassed. "I...will...not lose to you". Danzo said clearly exhausted from the long battle.

"Danzo see reason. You have lost. The village is falling and when your treachery comes to light your rule will end". Kushina said. Danzo only laughed at her.

"That is where you're wrong. I have no intention of losing to you". Danzo said as he pulled out his trump card. The dragon summoning scroll.

"Is that...it was you"! Kazuki yelled out. His eyes now bore nothing but utter contempt for this man before him. This man needed to die for his transgressions on his people and his village. He would see to it that he did. As slow and as painful as was humanly possible. Soon the whole area was filled with smoke. The massive silhouette of the king of dragons could just be seen inside the cloud. The final showdown was just about to begin.


The smoke had only just started to clear from Danzo's summoning when the massive dragon lunged forward only missing the two by just a few mere inches. Both Kushina and Kazuki knew that they had to prove to the king of dragons who they were fast or else they would be his newest meal.

"Kushina I hope you have a plan". Kazuki said nervously. Never once removing his eyes from the dragon that stood mere feet away from them both. She couldn't rightly blame the younger man. Seeing as that last attack had taken a small part of her ninja uniform.

"We make for the opening in the wall then go from there". Kushina said before tossing a few small smoke grenades obscuring his view of them before they both made a mad dash for the gap in the wall.


The king of dragons, however, wasn't about to let the pair run off so easily and soon took to the rapidly darkening sky. Unleashing a white-hot stream of fire that burned everything it made contact with. Danzo for his part wasn't too far behind the three being careful never to land atop one of the many burning buildings now left in its wake. But before long the two jumped through the gap in the wall and out into the open field. The many tents now lay abandoned. The many men and women were now inside fighting with the leaf ninja. She hoped that the invaders were winning. She was sure her comrades would soon realize this wasn't an attack. Not really. Seeing as none of the vital infrastructure of the village was being targeted. Nor were any of them being killed. Just incapacitated for a time. The fighting would if it hadn't already be over. At least for them.


On the far side of the field inside one of the many medical tents both Tsunade and Jiraiya watched as the two began to battle the massive dragon. Naruko had long since returned and was now resting peacefully atop her brother's form. His arms encompassed her own smaller form almost as soon as she was beside him as if by sheer instinct. A bed had been free for her to use but she had made it clear to them all that she was dead set on being with her brother. Not that they minded at all. It was probably for the best anyway. This wasn't really something they should see. Should the regrettable come to pass.


The once green field was now a barren landscape. Trees had been uprooted and were now on their sides. Large swaths of land were now burning uncontrollably. Both had done everything they could but nothing had worked. The massive dragon's hide was far too thick for their kunai to do much more than bounce off harmless upon the now blackened soil of the field. Their swords only left a few small minor scratches. Nothing too serious. It didn't much matter anyway seeing as both were now broken and discarded a few feet away from the pair.

"I guess this is it Kushina-same". Kazuki said. All his hope was now gone. Kushina, however, wasn't having any of that and hit him in the back of the head.

"We'll find a way to win. Now start looking for a weakness of some kind". Kushina ordered the younger Uzumaki.

"Like what"? Kazuki asked still rubbing the back of his head but nevertheless complying with the order.

"There on the back of his neck it's some kind of seal. That must be what's making him attack us. Can you remove it"? Kazuki asked. She looked at it and nodded.

"Yes, but I'll need you to keep him busy. Also, keep an eye out for Danzo I know he's around. He may try something". Kushina said before jumping into the trees. Her timing had to be perfect or else he may see her and eat her whole. Even she knew that this was it. If this should fail she would likely die. That thought alone terrified her to her core. Who would care for her Naruto-kun and Naruko-chan? No, she would live. She wouldn't allow even the king of dragons to best her this day. She was the wife of the 4th Hokage. An elite ANBU who had fought tooth-and-nail for her captaincy and lastly she was a mother with two beautiful children not far away. She had seen the two legendary ninja and had caught a glimpse of her two small children sleeping. She need only end this and she would be able to hold her baby's in her arms once again.

Kazuki had been forced to jump away from yet another lunge from the dragon king. But he had managed to place him right next to Kushina. So a minor success. He was however still worried. Danzo never tried anything. Not once. Had he run off? Was he just buying his time until the last possible moment to attack? He honestly didn't know and if he was being totally honest he wasn't sure it would even matter. Seeing as he was running on the fumes of fumes. How he was still upright was nothing short of a miracle. But then he had heard it. The most beautiful sound in his whole life.

"Release". At once the dragon king stopped and just looked at the tiny human. Not even the smallest of movements to attack. He just stood in place as if waiting to be told why on earth he was now in the middle of a burning battlefield. The battle was finally over. The invasion was finally over. But most of all Naruto and Naruko were safe and for Kushina that was all that mattered.


A few days later with the reconstruction work already underway both Naruto and Naruko could be seen standing next to gate three. "Brother are you ok"? Naruko asked. Her traveling bag lay next to her on the ground.

"Yeah, I'm fine Naruko-chan. It's just we'll be gone for a long time. I just want to memorize every little detail". Naruto said before hugging her.

"You two ready to go"? Ashina said slowly walking up. The others had already left for home. They were to be one of the last to go. After all with a council member leaving as well as a notable ninja paperwork had to be filed. Like a lot of paperwork. Like towers and towers of the stuff. How anything ever got done in the village was a total mystery to the man.

"Yeah". The two kids said before they slowly made their way down the dirt road. A whole new chapter of their lives was just about to begin. One that would test them and forge the very beginning of their legendary ninja careers.


Whatever Naruto or Naruko had expected before they had crested the hill they could now honestly say they were blown away by the sheer size of the village that now lay before them. Even from atop one of the tallest hills that surrounded the village of Uzushiogakure they still couldn't see it in its entirety. The village just seemed to go on forever. Or at the very least as far as they could see before the many hills blocked their view of the rest of it.

Uzushiogakure had always been something their mother spoke of only rarely. To see it first hand had made the two small children understand why that was. Words alone could never do it any real justice. It had to be seen to be fully understood. The village walls made the ones back in Konohagakure look like some small child's sandcastle. That is to say that an invasion of the village was nearly impossible if not already doomed for failure from the very start unless the village was attacked by most of the great powers of the elemental nations. Seeing as such an attack seemed to be nothing more than some madman's paranoid daydreams the pair had very little to worry about in that respect. Walking ever deeper into the massive village that was to be their new home the pair couldn't help but marvel at the many new sights and sounds. They could see and hear the many blacksmiths hammering upon their medals as they forged and reshaped their medals into more useable things. Such as swords, kunai, and ninja stars. They could see the shop owners selling their wares to many a passerby as well as the many small children playing hide-and-go-seek and other such games in the many parks situated all over the sizeable village. Naruto had even attempted to sneak off and play with them once or twice. But Kushina wasn't an ANBU captain for nothing and easily stopped her son from his would-be escape attempts. Naruko all the while completely failing to hold in her laughter. The pair moved their heads left and right up and down so much that the two kids had a very mild case of whiplash by the time they had gotten to their new home.


"Welcome to your new home. Lord Hisao will see you all first thing tomorrow so rest up you two. I don't want to hear that you fell asleep because you didn't get enough rest". Ashina said before closing the door.

"Mother who is lord Hisao"? Naruto asked as soon as the door had been closed.

"He is the current Uzumaki clan head and also our village leader. He is called the Shiokage. He is a very wise and strong man and you two will show him the utmost respect at all times. Am I clear"? Kushina asked already knowing full well the answer.

"Yes, mother we understand". The two said in unison.


The very next day the small family of three made their way to the clan heads home. The two guards posted outside gave them all a deep bow. Their eyes locking upon Naruto and Naruko's form before the door closed forcing the pair to resume their past activity.

"That was the crown prince and princess". The younger of the two guards said.

"I know that. Who else could they be? Their mother is lady Kushina for crying out loud". The other man said.

"Wait that was lady Kushina"? The left one replied.

"Yes, now please stop talking you're giving me a migraine ". The right one said angrily.

"Right sorry". The left man said before falling silent once more.


The three were quickly escorted to a waiting room not far from his office. "Lord Hisao is busy with a meeting right now. He should be done very soon. Please wait until I come get you". The kind old lady said before bowing deeply to them. With that done they waited. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into an hour.

"What's taking him so long"? Naruto yelled out in utter boredom.

"Brother we must be patient like the nice woman said". Naruko said still next to their mother who was busy reading a book about the history of dragons.

"I'm sorry your right Naruko-chan. But I really want to go eat". Naruto replied just before his stomach made itself known. A low growl filled the air.

"I hope that growl wasn't meant for me". The voice of an elderly man said.

"I...um no not at all". Naruto said frantically waving his hands all around.

"He does know I'm joking right"? The man said to Kushina.

"No, best you tell him that or else he may make an even bigger fool of himself". Kushina said with an amused expression.

"Oh, I see". The man said now with the same expression upon his own face. Just then the woman from before entered the room.

"I'm so sor...oh lord Hisao you're...um right I'll...I'll just go". The woman said before slowly backing out of the room. Everybody in the room eyed the now closed door for a few seconds before all of them exploded into a long fit of laughter.


Soon after that, the group walked inside his office. Hisao sat behind his desk as Kushina sat opposite him. The two kids sat not far away on one of the many comfy chairs in his office.

"You wish for them to be trained by me"? Hisao asked wanting confirmation.

"That's right". Kushina replied. This, in turn, made the old man eye them both. Long and hard.

"You said they did a full year at your ninja academy right. May I look over their reports"? He asked already knowing the answer but proper procedure demanded that he ask anyway.

"Yes, this should be everything. Will you do it"? Kushina asked him. Hisao took the paperwork and looked it over. He was honestly impressed with what he was seeing.

Naruto Uzumaki: age 6-7.

Taijutsu Mastery: Number 1 (Class size 25).

Weapons Mastery: Number 1 (Class size 20.

Jutsu Mastery: Number 1 (Class size 25).

Track Times.

1:28 minute: Easy. Average time (1:48).

1:55 minute: Medium. Average time: (2:12).

2:10 minutes: Hard. Average time: (2:47).

Naruko's own were much the same as her brothers being the runner-up in just about everything.

"I'll do it. But this isn't going to be as easy. I'm going to push them to the utmost. Do you understand"? Hisao asked her worried about the two.

"I'm sure they can handle it. I trained them personally. They are used to such things. Kakashi even helped me with their training when I couldn't from time to time." Kushina said taking the paperwork back and placing it inside a small scroll.

"Will ok if you're sure. We'll start in a few days. We'll begin with the basics and see how it goes". Hisao said and with that, the meeting was over and the small family went home. For both Naruto and Naruko, a whole new chapter of their lives had only just begun.
