
The Young Devil, The Dark Mother, And The First Woman

She asked the dark mother; 'Must I kill the little girl for me to change?' The dark mother replied; 'No, you must protect and cherish her. Love her unconditionally as children deserve.' And so she did, and the little girl became the first woman.

PoisonLily · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Arc 0 - Chapter 9

Theresa helped Maria change into casual clothes. They both sneaked out of the castle and into an inconspicuous car that had an old driver.

"Good evening, misses," The driver greeted them.

Theresa wiped her running nose from the cold, she focused on getting Maria warm clothes and hiding the unconscious Nathan, she didn't have time to put even a coat over her dress. "Listen, I contacted some people that are already moving Mom and Dad, you will all move to country C- they can't touch you there since it's another Mafia's territory," Theresa typed quickly on her phone, most likely messaging people or their parents. She completely forgot Maria wasn't even supposed to know everything here was part of the Mafia world. "You will have food, money, and a new house, a new construction company I contacted will hire Dad and a new school for you-"

"When did you start planning all of this?" Maria already knew the answer to this question.

Theresa panted. "A few days ago, when I confirmed I was pregnant."

Maria didn't make herself look surprised, she couldn't. Right now she was cold as ice. "It isn't Nathan's child, isn't it?"

Theresa shook her head and teared up. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I had to drag all of you to this. I'm sorry that Nathan tried to-" She couldn't bring herself to say it.

'If you weren't raped, then why are you whining?'

Maria was still expressionless. "It wasn't your fault."

In a way- it truly wasn't.

Theresa shook her head and held Maria's cold hand. Even though Maria was the one who was wearing warm clothes and she was with a strapless dress, she was warm compared to Maria who was cold as ice.

"So I'm going to be an aunt?"

Theresa stayed silent before raising her head with determined honey eyes. "No, you'll never see this child." She bit her lips as the rain started to drop outside. "I have to stay here and make sure you are all safe. I have friends whose fathers are in the political world so they can hide you, this is the only chance for you three to escape. if I'm together with you they won't rest until they find us."

"Why?" Maria asked, her cold demeanor almost innocent.

Theresa put her hand on her stomach. "This child's father is the current head of the Mafia, if I stay I can convince him to let you all go."

"Won't they hurt you when Nathan wakes up and tells them what you did?"

Theresa shook her head. "No, it's more complicated than that. But I promise you that I won't be killed." Theresa kissed Maria's forehead and put her hair behind her ears. "You go now, a small plane waits for you- you'll get there before Mom and Dad but you'll be safe."

When Theresa tried to exit the car, Maria held back her hand. Finally, the ice broke as Maria sobbed, her eyes red and tired. "Sister, you must let my nephew eat Matcha Tea ice cream," Her hand held tighter. "It has the best taste."

It wasn't the best, it was gross to the sisters who loved the usual vanilla taste. But two little girls ate that ice cream proudly in front of their parents laughing faces, trying to prove to them they bought it because they liked the taste.

They didn't buy it just because it had their initials.

Not at all.


Maria was explained by Lilith and Satan that there is simply no item from the shops that could rescue her sister. Even if she bought poison and killed Jacob, he had so many people in his Mafia that they simply could not poison everyone. And once he dies, who knows what they will do to Theresa? This was simply a dead end.

It took a few days for her parents to arrive at their new house in this foreign land and demand an explanation from Maria. Maria told them the story, she altered a few things, but ultimately told them the truth. Maria's father sat at his new coach- defeated. He wanted to save his daughter. But how could he, a construction worker, fight against a Mafia that even some governments were apprehended of? Not to mention- his daughter was nearly raped by that scum, and he trusted him with both of his little girls. Now he lost one, and the other was mentally scarred.

Maria's mother started to pray. The prayer she once neglected for work and household chores, was now uttered morning, noon, and evening. Maria could hear her mother wake up in the middle of the night sometimes to pray by the window- believing she would be closer this way to god.

Maria also prayed with her, she felt that maybe if she prayed, she would start to feel the guilt she strangely wanted.

Did she love her sister? Yes.

Did she miss her? Yes.

Was she worried for her? Yes.

But she never felt guilty.

Maria never attended school or went out, she took the money back from the private school her sister arranged for her and gave it to her parents. Her parents thought she needed time to recover and heal, but Maria never left the house. She signed up for an online school that sends written classes and gives tests to let the students graduate. But she never stepped her foot outside, not even for the house garden.

One time she bought a device that let her watch her sister, it was her most expensive purchase so far. Her sister was learning how to take care of a child from an old maid with her 9-month pregnant belly. Everything she wanted- she got, everyone treated her with respect and taught her many things she needed to learn. Nathan was nowhere to be found. Even Jacob kissed her stomach many times and was not seen with other women.

Yet Maria saw the look on her sister's face whenever he kissed her.

It was Ice.


"How was work?" Hanna asked her husband.

Ethan put his hat on the table and sat down, the wonderful smell of cooking penetrated his nose down to his grumbling stomach. "Pretty hard, this new type of building requires lots of attention to detail- our new contractor is very strict."

Hanna laid the food before her husband.

Her husband started to dig in before he noticed. "Where is your plate?"

Hanna wiped her hands on the apron. "I'll call Maria, so we can all eat together." She climbed the steps to the second floor and knocked gently on her daughter's door.

"Yes?" an extremely sweet voice sounded through the door.

"Honey, food is ready," The wrinkles around Hanna's eyes stretched when she smiled. "Want to eat with your Father and me?"

Airy and light steps were heard until the door was opened. A sight sore for the eyes revealed itself as if god manifested in a woman's body. She smiled charmingly. "Yes, I'm so hungry."

Hanna smiled as well and the three started to dine.

"Dad, how was your day?" Maria asked her father.

Ethan nodded as he shoved more meat inside his mouth. "Started a new type of high-end building."

"Does this mean you have a new contractor?"

The company her father works in is a private construction company that often takes jobs from rich people. Whenever there is a new job - there is a new contractor that commissioned them. They often oversee the process closely.

Ethan sighed. "Yes, but he is such a sketchy guy."

The family of three finished the dinner. The women cleaned the dishes and let the exhausted father rest.

Hanna glances at her daughter who dried the dishes she washed. They now have a dishwasher, but they still couldn't get rid of old habits.

Hanna uttered a prayer in her heart as she did the chore. A prayer that her daughter will finally leave the house after 5 years. Maria was now 21, and since that day they settled in this house, she never went out again. Hanna knew it was from her trauma, and not only from the loss of her sister. They already knew Theresa was safe, each holiday she would send money and a card with a picture of herself and her son - yet they could never meet again.

But also from the fear of other people. After 2 rape attempts, it's no wonder.

Hanna secluded a meeting with a family therapist every week to come to their house. Although it was a bit expensive- they had the money to afford it thanks to Theresa. After a few meetings, Maria admitted that Nathan wasn't the only man that tried to rape her. It also happened when she was 5, on that cursed day when Theresa passed out at the Zoo. When the couple started to search their memory and recalled how in panic they left the little girl, who was later only returned by a staff member- there was a feeling of despair that god must hate them. God must love everyone except for them.

Maria told them a staff there stopped the man but didn't bother to tell the parents or report him. Of course, it was a lie to conceal the bloody truth. How there wasn't a headline filled with the murder of a man in a woman's restroom at the Zoo the next day, she didn't know.

Perhaps that little boy was no human, but her guardian angel.

Hanna watched as her daughter put the clean and dry dishes in their place. Her little girl truly grew up. Her body became more like a woman - defined with curves. Her skin was deathly pale from not seeing a single ray of sun - yet it strangely suited her. She never worked hard or walked around, so her hands and feet were soft with no callus. Her hair grew a lot, reaching under her buttocks- yet it was always full, healthy, and shiny. She just became more beautiful by the day, with a voice as charming as an angel.

Hanna and Ethan consulted many doctors about their daughter's health. It was extremely unhealthy to not get vitamins from the sun. But with all the numerous home visits the doctors made- she was always in perfect condition. Hanna thanked god every night for her daughter's health. She felt that god noticed how much her daughter suffered and decided to bless her.

Hanna couldn't explain this feeling, but she felt as if there was a presence around Maria; constantly protecting her. She decided to add another prayer full of thankfulness to god for sending angels to watch over her daughter.

Hanna came to put the container full of meatballs in red sauce inside the fridge, she was surprised at the little amount left. "Maria? Were you still hungry?"

Maria nodded with a closed-eyed smile. "My aunt is coming soon- you know I get extra hungry around that time."

Hanna laughed and turned to the fridge to put the food inside.

Maria gave the stink eye to the two devils that licked their gravy-filled fingers.


Maria lay on her bed and stared at her status.

Name: Maria Albert

Age: 21

Occupation: None

Danger Level: C

Titles: None

Powers: NR (not relevant)

Skills: Studying (high), Gaming (low), Seduction (high), Manipulation (high), Cooking (medium), Cleaning (high), Tea mastery (low), 

Special Skills (System Only): 0

Likes: Fancy Items, Money, Attention, Parents, Lilith, Satan, Sister, Sweets, Presents, being alone, airy dresses, games, Matcha Tea, Manipulating people to her will.

Dislikes: Being ignored, Bitter foods, Yelling, Nathan, Birthdays.

Role: Player

S Points (SO): 270

Charm Points (SO): 507,598

Poison Points (SO): 40,362

Game Worlds Completed (SO): 0

Punishment Worlds Completed (SO): 0

System Achievements (SO): 0

System Inventory (SO): NR

Satan lay on her right side, his small body barely taking up any space. "You haven't got a new mission since you captured the heart of that little ******** ****** ******** *** **** ****, You'll only get a new one if you go outside and actually interact with people."

Lilith stretched on her left side and buried her head in the pillow. "What's wrong with this kind of life now? Let's live like this until she dies of old age; after that, we'll have no time for vacation when we'll work at a game world."

The two devils argued until Maria opened her mouth: "I'm going out tomorrow with my father."

Both devils sat up fast, Satan's small body nearly rolling out of the bed. "Why?"

"I have a feeling I'll trigger an important quest."

Lilith smirked while Satan looked suspicious. "How do you know?"

Maria smiled angelically, she looked down at her phone which displayed a news story about new buildings the 'Heaven's Order' group is building. "A woman's intuition," She giggled, putting the most beautiful melodies to shame. "It gets stronger when Aunty pays a visit."


Ethan took a deep breath as he drove his daughter to his workplace. It was 'bring your children to work' day, but when Ethan jokingly offered Maria to join, he never thought she'd agree.

It was her first day outside of the house in 5 years, but this was the least of Ethan's worries.

He is one of the few fathers at work! The rest are young guys! His daughter is too beautiful!

Ethan used to think that the phrase "Too Much Beauty Leads To Tragedy" was a sentence for the rich - problems he wished he had. But now he understood that sentence clearly. And just like all human begins; when it wasn't his problem - he wished for it to replace his current problems. When it was his problem - he wished to replace it again.

Maria was wearing a pale blue summer dress with brown sandals. She didn't wear too much jewelry- only a pair of little pearl earnings, while her face was bare and devoided from makeup. Yet she still looked so hauntingly beautiful. It was a warm day and they were only going to the office, so Ethan didn't mind at first Maria wearing a dress. But as he thought about this a little deeper, all these young wolves eyeing his daughter... Ethan felt like he was struck with a heat stroke.

The stories Maria told him 5 years ago and the shock of losing his eldest daughter left a deep wound in her father's heart- filling him with constant Paranoia.

Ethan parked the car in a high-building parking lot. Maria inspected the logo at the entrance- it was six wings - like those of the angels of the highest order.

A child ran excitedly as his father tried to calm him down- it was a temporary office their contractor provided for them, here they would discuss carefully with even the lowest of workers on the construction of the building to make sure everything was perfect. They could not afford to make a mistake.

The mischievous boy looked back at his father to mock him with his tongue out, he did not notice when he ran into the person in front of him.

The small boy crashed into something soft yet still fell back, his nose smelled a hint of a flowery scent and an apple pie. The boy was stunned when he looked at what he ran into.

The most beautiful woman was before him, her skin was white as snow and hair as dark as the night- reminding him of a bedtime story his mother liked to read to him, he always thought it was lame because it was about some stupid princess. He didn't think it was lame now.

The men and the few children around them were stunned at the appearance of the beauty, from the lowest-paid construction worker to the highest-paying contractor. 

Maria smiled kindly at the little boy before her, her eyes filled with gentleness as she helped him up. The boy liked the soft and cool feeling of her hand.

Maria messed up the little boy's hair and warned him to not run too fast- lest he get hurt. The boy blushed deeply and ran to hug his father's thigh from the embarrassment.

Ethan's coworker and the little boy's father apologized while scolding his son.

Maria smiled with her eyes closed. "No worries, such are children- naughty but cute."

Ethan saw his younger coworkers blush, he shook his head and escorted his daughter to a more secluded corner.

For this celebratory day - the young men and the fathers with their children were separated; the families were escorted to a lecture room and the others were going back to their usual work day. The team manager had to argue with the overwhelming amount of guys with no children who insisted on being at the lecture as well.

Maria was already impressed with the first building floor which had a large white marble floor and was modern yet tastefully designed. She did not expect that the lecture room was so impressive as well.

It was like sitting in a small theatre - chairs organized in rows that were not too close to each other, it was just enough space to open the small table attached to the chair - intended to hold snacks and drinks. The small chairs intended for the children were in the front while the bigger ones were at the back. Fathers sat their kids and gave them snacks and drinks from the big refreshment table; it was filled with brands that were very popular in the media: making the kids excited.

Maria sat next to her father, she joked with him about how she was a bit too old to sit with the children. The other men- a majority of them husbands, couldn't help but glimpse at the beauty. Maria took no notice and only smiled as she looked at the joyful kids.

The room darkened and the screen started to play.

"Hello, kids!" A cartoon chubby blond baby with wings was shown with a background of the blue sky. "My name is Bobby the Angel! And I'm here to show you guys how great 'Heaven's Order' group is, and how we all appreciate the hard work your parents do for us!" The children laughed at Bobby's fat body as he struggled to fly with his tiny wings.

"Right now I am coming down to earth! But I am only a low-ranked angel," Bobby pouted cutely. "I don't have those impressive wings my superiors have that help them fly faster."

Bobby finally made it to Earth. "Come here- I want to show you something! This is Country C - the most advanced Country in terms of technology; In. The. Whole. World!" The children gasped in awe as they looked at the faraway shot of the capital city.

"Here- 300 years ago, started the 'Heaven's Order' group!

In the beginning- it was a small family of farmers, praying to God for a good harvest every year. But one day, God- the big boss," Bobby giggled. "gave one of his highest angels an order to deliver his prophecy to the poor family- one that will make all the country's children happy!

The angel told the family that they must install order!" Bobby saluted comically. "So that kids like you can play and eat chocolate all day!" The children agreed with glee.

Maria was lost in thoughts. Was this a child-friendly history lesson? The history of Country C was known to have a very corrupt government that used to enforce child labor laws that killed millions of small children at the time. The people rioted thanks to one family who lost their eldest son and decided to uprisen the common people. That family later gathered power and fought the government with questionable means.

In short - they became a famous crime family that had an extremely twisted idea of their own religion. When modern times came to be; their descendants had to separate themselves from that stigma so they could invest their powers and resources into the business world. And that's how they became the powerful 'Heaven's Order' group.

Of course, such brutal details were not included in the cartoonish lecture, Bobby only showed the children the theme parks the group made and the popular candy brands under their names... Maria felt as if she was being indoctrinated into a cult.

Most of the fathers didn't pay attention to such details, some were on their phones, some slept from boredom, and the rest stared at Maria.

Maria glanced to her left side at the 'empty' seat next to her, the stunning woman in red was laughing at the young boy who had to sit with the children. Maria sighed as the young boy flipped his coworker off.

The next destination was a tour of the usual office, letting the fathers show off their workplace and explain to their children what they are doing in their daily work.

Maria stood in the back and smiled as some fathers messed around with their kids, she was alone since the team manager had to call her father because of an urgent matter.

A middle-aged man stood beside her and smiled gently. "The office is very impressive, isn't it?"

Maria turned her head and nodded her head. "As long as the children are having fun."

The man laughed and took a sip from his coffee. "Well, although you are a bit older - you should have fun too."

Maria laughed with the man as her eyes carefully scrutinized him. Although he was a man who looked to be in his late forties- he was tall and buff, the gray suit couldn't hide his broad shoulders and big arms, and the square glasses managed to hide his sharp eyes to only a certain extent.

He was a wolf pretending to be a sheep.

Maria glanced at the faint tattoo on his forearm - it was a single wing.

The man extended his hand to Maria. "My name is Simon, I am the contractor who rented your father's services in this company."

Maria smiled, flashing her white teeth and innocence in her eyes. "Nice to meet you, I am Maria." She shook his rough hand.

Simon chuckled. "Your father talks about you a lot - so we are all familiar with you." + 10 Charm Points.

Maria blushed. Lie. Her father is too overprotective to simply talk about her and show her off to a bunch of men.

"I also heard from your father that you finished school with good grades - Isn't it time to find a nice job?" He sighed sadly, looking truly sympathetic. "Our old folks aren't here for us forever."

Maria bit her lips, her eyes downcasted to the floor.

Simon smirked when she wasn't looking. "I have a great office job offer for you- it pays nicely and has very convenient hours." He reached a hand into his suit pocket and fished for a business card. "Let's discuss it over the phone?"

Maria glanced at the blue holographic screen before her.

Sub-Mission: Accept Simon's Job Offer. Reward: 30 S Points.

Maria smiled with squinted eyes and took the card. "Yes, it will be an honor."


The young woman waited by the nearest bus station near her home, her parents were excited that she finally opened up to the world and went job-hunting. They would have a stroke if they knew that an old man was picking their daughter up.

Maria smiled at Simon and entered his car. The two chatted along the way, Maria emphasized her excitement and nervousness from getting a job- letting Simon think that he was controlling the situation.

"Umm, sir, why are we leaving the city?" Maria's eyes swept the way filled with trees fearfully.

Simon smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, this is a new office working on an environmental project - so it is a bit far away."

Simon parked the car near a new-looking building that was in the middle of nowhere, he escorted Maria closely- as if afraid she would run away.

After Simon swept a metal card at the door the two entered the building, Maria's eyes widened.

Lots of people in suits and guns at their belts were busy talking and typing in high-tech computers. The place itself was dark with no windows and had papers and photos of people all over the walls.

Simon escorted Maria into an isolated room, where only a young and exhausted-looking woman sat at a table looking at a clipboard in her hands. Simon dragged a chair for Maria and gave her a glass of water. "Maria, this is my partner- Special Force Officer Katelyn."

Maria sat down and gulped nervously. "Is this some sort of a police station...?"

The red-headed woman nodded indifferently. "You could say so." Katelyn took a small remote from her suit jacket. "Nice to meet you, Maria. Do you know why you are here?"

Maria hugged her cold arms in the freezing room. "For a job offer...?"

Katelyn nodded. "Yes, but it might not be the offer you expected." The red-headed woman looked at her smirking partner who stood behind the young girl. When he told her he found a hidden treasure, she didn't quite expect this. Alas, the girl was truly too naive - a perfect match for what they sought.

"Simon and I are a part of the 'AOCU' - Anti Organized Crime Unit of the government. Since you are a new citizen I wouldn't expect you to know that Country C struggled with organized crime groups for a long time." Katelyn pressed her remote control, the projector projected a familiar logo on the wall. "The most troublesome of all is 'Heaven's Order' Mafia."

Maria's mouth gaped. "But..." She looked at Simon.

Simon chuckled and rolled down his sleeve - revealing the tattoo she saw before on his forearm. "I am an infiltrator from the police, I worked almost 20 years to bring them down."

"Although they present themselves to the public through a simple business group persona - it is more than that. This Mafia is a group of fanatics not much different than a cult, their hands reached the business and political world- but their main area will always be crime." Katelyn pressed the remote again, the next slide showed terrible images that made Maria scream from the horror of their brutality. "Assassination, illegal casinos, drugs, arms trafficking, important art and jewelry smuggling, organ trafficking, money laundering, and a few other sick and twisted acts that I will not mention here." Katelyn's eyes burned with passion. "This is the largest crime group we've ever experienced in history."

Maria trembled, her beautiful eyes teared at the bloody images. "B-but why am I hear- hearing about this?"

Simon patted Maria's shoulder. "I was aware of your father's story the moment he entered the company, the West Saint and the Heaven's Order have been cooperating for a very long time - if we manage to hurt the Heaven's Order group, we will also manage to shake things at West Saint group," He smiled gently at Maria. "We can bring your sister and nephew back."

Maria jumped from her seat, her voice shaking as she desperately held Simon's arms. "Can you bring Theresa back to us?!"

Simon nodded and helped the shaking Maria sit once again. "Not only that, but we will protect all of your family too- but you have to work for us."

Maria nodded hurriedly before she could open her mouth to agree to anything they offered - Katelyn opened her mouth. "You will serve as a maid for a key figure there," Katelyn crossed her legs. "and will do anything we tell you to do; whether it's to search for certain leads, leak us information, or other means of cooperating with us."

Katelyn and Simon looked at the little lamb hurriedly agreeing, desperate to save her sister. She couldn't see the deceitful lies they told her so she would perform this role for them.

The two officers didn't realize that they fell first for the fox's excellent disguise.


Maria's parents were proud of their daughter who was going to a prestigious university. The 'AOCU' organized everything to fool them into thinking that their daughter was finally opening up to the world and going to study on the other side of the country. She was so busy with her studies that she didn't have time to call and only had time to text briefly. The texts, of course, were written by other officers.

In reality, Maria was staying in a secret base that taught her how to behave and what to do in emergencies. To her relief- they didn't teach her martial arts or how to defend herself since trained people could be obviously suspected due to their body language.

It was best to send someone innocent and young - like Maria. Of course, there were many young and innocent people they could have chosen, but none had the godly beauty and charm Maria had - she was Simon's best candidate the minute he laid eyes on her.

Maria lay on her bed in the windowless room and read the papers she got again.

The 'Heaven's Order' Mafia was the largest and oldest crime group, they expanded themselves into business and politics but never left the ever-growing crime world. This cult-like group had a clear hierarchy; The overall boss and leader of the Maifa was "God", his identity was known only to very few in the Maifa and the police itself. The only thing known about him is that "God" must be a direct descendant of the founding family.

Next was "Seraphim", a handful of people with a direct blood relation to "God" that was responsible for the criminal aspect of the group. They have a tattoo of six wings.

"Cherubim"; Politicians who are responsible for bringing the agenda of the group into the political world and controlling the mass media. They have a tattoo of four wings.

"Thrones"; Major businessmen who are responsible for financial aspects and the control of the market. They have a tattoo of two wings.

"Archangels & Angels"; work under Seraphim. One wing tattoo.

"Powers & Principalities"; work under Cherubim. One wing tattoo.

"Dominions & Virtues"; work under Thrones. One wing tattoo.

Simon was a very low-placed 'Virtue', and just to get to that position took him years. This sort of structure seemed more like a new Neo-religion than a Mafia.

The two devils were in the system space, knowing that if they came outside they could draw Maria's eyes - this can seem suspicious to the people who monitor her window-less room.

Maria was called to the last meeting she had before going on the mission, she entered the room - seeing the familiar faces of Simon and Katelyn and another woman she didn't recognize.

The young woman's eyes widened and narrowed at the sight of the beautiful Maria. Katelyn nodded at her. "Maria, this is Margret- who will from now on will be called Isabel. She will be your partner in this mission and will be in charge of direct contact with us."

Maria and Isabel nodded at each other, the moment she interacted with the woman she almost laughed at the belladonna flower next to her head. + 200 Poison Points.

Name: Isabel (Margret)

Age: 25

Occupation: AOCU new member, former prostitute.

Danger Level: E

Danger Level To Host: E

Titles: NR

Powers: NR

Skills: Sexual Intercourse (High), Seduction (medium), Cleaning (low), Dancing (medium), Singing (Low)

Likes: Men, Money, Power, Sex, Beauty, Feeling Superior, ???. ???

Dislikes: Beautiful Women, Children, Pregnancies, ???, ???

Role: NR

Simon nodded at Maria. "I'll give you the document regarding your new identity."

As Maria read the document with her new name on it, she looked up at the man before her and asked: "Can I decide on another name?"

Simon looked at Katelyn who shrugged her shoulders, he looked back at the beauty before him and gave her a pen.

Maria crossed out the name they assigned her and wrote a new one.

A certain She-Devil eyes teared as she looked at the paper.



Small Theatre:

Maria: "Hello, Eve"

Eve: "Goodbye, Maria"