
The Young Devil, The Dark Mother, And The First Woman

She asked the dark mother; 'Must I kill the little girl for me to change?' The dark mother replied; 'No, you must protect and cherish her. Love her unconditionally as children deserve.' And so she did, and the little girl became the first woman.

PoisonLily · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Arc 0 - Chapter 3

Years went by after the separation from Theresa and Nathan. Maria was now 16, and in those 6 years, she farmed many Poison and Charm points.

And also spent a lot of them.

"Beautifying Facial mask"- a mask that will beautify your features slightly and naturally (very appropriate for not causing a 'shock' from a large-scale beautifying product), one-time use, and is recommended to buy until the desired face is achieved. Cost: 50 Charm points.

Maria bought this product 25 times.

"Aphrodite's curves"- a statue that can be adjusted by the mind to the desired body type, once the host adjusted it to their liking- they can open the statue and get inside of it in their spiritual body - the physical body will slowly curve into it over-time. (We advise that the host will not further their stay inside the statue for more than 15 minutes, the rose store will not be responsible for the results if such actions will be taken), one-time use. Cost: 7,500 Charm points.

Maria made the statue into a petite physic that had slightly large breasts, a slender waist, and a round bum. The hands and feet were small, thin, and delicate. The shoulders were weak and the shoulder blades were highlighted with a slight arch. The neck was long and graceful. She fully developed into that body at age 15.

"Mermaid's wet serum"- a serum that will give you the shiniest, silky, and long hair that will always style as you wish for and will never be damaged by heat. (Please leave the store with a review if you enjoyed the sea-themed packaging with the shell bottle and seawater smell or if you got seasick). Cost: 550 Charm points.

Maria put the serum on every night and was not disappointed with her shiny and long black hair. She put a 5-star review.

"Weaknesses Of Men", "Beauty Is Not Everything, Know Your Tactics", "Manipulation At Its Finest", "Seduction And Love Can Come Together", "Pretty Crying- Why The Damsel In Distress Will Win Over The Indepndet And Strong Woman", "I Can See Through Your Lies- When Your Manipulation Is Weak And How To Overcome It", "Attraction And Beauty- How Do They Correlate?" - These were all books that couldn't be found in the library that Lilith wanted her to study. Cost: 950 Poison Points.

"You look stunning, Theresa," Nathan admired the girl who twirled in front of the mirror in her short pink dress.

"I can't believe I'm 18!" Theresa giggled, her brown honey hair bouncing with the curls the hairstylist did for her.

Nathan admired the girl he liked for so long. The dress she chose was truly beautiful on her- the sleeveless top was sparkling with the diamonds that were put into straight lines that fell into the ballerina-like skirt which was a shade lighter than the top. Her Shoes were also jeweled with real diamonds and had a cute bow at the tip. On her cute ears, there were golden heart earrings as well as a golden heart locket that fell between her breasts. She had exquisite makeup on from a high-end makeup artist that came into this small-town hotel especially for her from overseas.

Nathan came behind her and hugged her back, looking into her honey-colored eyes from the mirror. "Are you excited to celebrate with your family again?"

The look in Theresa's eyes dimmed. "Yes, the last time I celebrated my birthday with them was when I was 12."

Nathan snorted as he was reminded that he wasn't invited at that time. He even found out that little shrimp lied about Theresa not wanting to invite him!

He took a deep breath to calm down. He was a man now, almost 18 years old. He is well-versed in the family business and has tons of money to spoil the girl in his heart. He shouldn't be agitated by something that a little girl once did, Theresa will also be upset if he didn't get along with her sister.

Theresa fiddled with the golden locket Nathan gifted to her. "The last time I visited was 3 years ago- I didn't have time even in the holidays' thanks to school's high demands and a certain someone," She lightly hit with her elbow at the guy's defined abs. "And the internet connection is so bad here that I couldn't even video chat with them."

Nathan gave Theresa's tanned shoulder a kiss. "Once we get married, I'll take them to live next to us in a luxurious apartment."

Theresa snorted. "Hmph! Who will marry you?!" She blushed. "We are not even in a relationship!"

Nathan sighed. "Well, I wanted you to be my girlfriend ever since we met again at school overseas, you were the one who said she wanted to focus on her studies."

Theresa tightened her lips. "Well, it was true..."

Nathan looked at her through the mirror. "We already graduated this summer. I studied hard and went up the classes to graduate with you, even my uncle praised us and said that you are a good influence on me. It almost seemed as if fate met us again at the new school- wanting us to be together. So will you be my girlfriend?"

Theresa looked down at her expensive shoes.

Nathan sighed tiredly and put his hand through his hair in frustration. "I'll get the car, we must not arrive late to your party or your parents will be worried."

The tense silence was driving Theresa mad, she tried to speak several times to Nathan but he made it seem like her talking was distracting him from driving- so Theresa just shut her mouth instead.

Theresa liked Nathan - she truly did. They have done everything a couple would do - go on dates, cuddle, kiss, and make love... he was also very handsome, intelligent, extremely good at fighting, made lots of money, and had a promising future. But...

She could never get rid of that guilt.

Once they arrived at Theresa's old home, she was filled with nostalgia. She tried hard not to cry once she saw the old outer walls that never were quite white as they should be and the swing that hung limply on the old tree at the entrance.

Nathan took a deep breath as he saw the unfallen tears in his lover's eyes. He told himself to rid of his anger for her sake and opened the flashy car door for her.

Theresa smiled happily and together they passed the old gate and stood on the stone trail.

Nathan interlaced their fingers, squeezing her small hand. "Ready?"

Theresa put a hand on her nerved stomach that wouldn't stop doing flips and nodded. "Yes," Finally, she'll show them her promising and successful life. Her parents will be extremely happy for her, and that little girl... would not be able to live up to that high standard.

Nathan opened the door, expecting to see his lover's cousins, aunts, and uncles, impressing them and showing her he was the best man she could have chosen.

"Is that... Nathan?"

Nathan looked around with wide eyes.

Is that his lover's birthday or a class reunion? Why were his old classmates all here?!

A tall guy came around and patted Nathan on the back. He had a white button shirt and glasses that made him look like a scholarly college student. "Didn't expect to see you after all these years!"

Nathan narrowed his eyes at the guy. "You...?"

The guy's gentle brows raised in confusion. "Don't you recognize me? I used to be your classmate- Johnatan." He turned his head to a pretty girl. "Have I really become that handsome, Anna?"

Anna blushed and shook her head. "Idiot..." She mumbled before nodding at Nathan a bit coldly. "It's nice to see you again, Nathan."

The once-classmates all crowded Nathan, asking how his been and trying to catch up. Some girls blushed when they saw his handsome appearance and his designer clothes.

Theresa stood in the back inside her own home, watching as people ignored her on her own birthday as girls approached her partner. Forgetting completely she rejected being his girlfriend earlier that day.

She bit her lips as she walked to Nathan's side, clutching his arms and letting people finally have a good look at her.

They definitely recognized her, but instead of giving that admiring gasps she was expecting from these small-town people, they offered her a polite smile and happy birthday wishes.

Theresa looked down and messed with her heart-locket like she always does when she is nervous. Why were they this nonchalant? At elementary and middle school these kids almost gouge their eyes out just to glance at her. Sure, overseas she wasn't the prettiest, but here it was an expectation to have kids like them stare at her as if she was an A-list celebrity.

"Your parents are in the back garden with the rest of your family," Anna pointed to Theresa.

Theresa didn't bother thanking her and pulled Nathan outside with her, hugging her surprised parents and the rest of her family happily.

Her grandma immediately observed her palm when she finished hugging her. "Oh, it's the first lucky star of our family," She tapped the beauty mark on her right palm lightly and smiled at Nathan. "Now we have a handsome boy to guard this precious star."

Nathan laughed and engaged in small talk with the old lady. Yet that same lucky star couldn't help but be focused on her grandmother's words.

First star...? Wasn't she the only star in the sky?

Her mother gently redirected her inside. "Let's go inside, your sister is almost finished preparing."

Her father sighed. "You women are always taking so long to dress up."

"Who was the one who forgot to turn up the heating system for the showers?!" Her mother gave him a glare as her father laughed while teasing her.

Theresa interlaced her arm with Nathan's. She was nervous about seeing her sister again. She didn't see her for three years since her last visit. Maria was quite sick at the time so she only greeted her through a crack in her door, shutting it quickly because she didn't want to infect her. Theresa only remembered a face that was covered with long, black hair. The darkness of the night not helping to her sight at all.

Theresa only saw her one time in her rare video chat's with her parents, due to the terrible connection - everything was extremely blurry. She never saw her in the chats after due to the time-zone difference; when she had free time to call after school, Maria was attending her own school.

That gloomy and quiet girl couldn't possibly compare to her. Just like Theresa couldn't possibly compare to those rich foreign girls at her school overseas. Each had their own league.

Theresa wearily glanced at Nathan. She sighed, relieved by his adoring eyes on her.

Even if she had the most beautiful and charming girls in her overseas school, Nathan never speared a single glance at them- no matter how much they begged for his attention.

How could he possibly look at that gloomy girl?

Jonathan glanced at the top of the stairs when he heard light steps, his eyes widened before a large smile broke on his face. "The birthday princess has come!"

Everyone glanced upwards, silence has taken place in the once cheerful house.

Theresa didn't know why she glanced at Nathan first. It seemed as if it was almost an instinct.

Dread filled her stomach when she saw his shocked face and enlarged pupils- as if he tried drugs for the first time and hallucinated he was in heaven.

When she finally looked up at the top of the stairs, she remembered the one time she stupidly argued with her mother about a bedtime story she read her one night.

"The Ugly Duckling", Theresa argued that such an ugly duck couldn't possibly grow up to be such a beautiful creature. She didn't believe it until her mother showed her photos on the internet, panicking when the young Theresa started to bawl her eyes out.

Theresa used to laugh at her younger self for crying because of a children's story, she didn't remember the emotions that ran through her young mind that night and why it was so impactful she cried all night.

Right now, as she remembered those emotions, she cried as well.

"Sister!" Maria called out and ran downstairs to her sister. Her fluttering azure dress with streaks of white seemed to be following her like water that followed a young lake nymph.

Once Maria warped her slender arms around her sister's waist, only then did Theresa could observe her almost fully.

The dress Maria wore was cheap in the eyes of people who were well-versed in luxury items, like Nathan and Theresa. Yet it couldn't be denied that it fitted and complimented her.

The dress had a corset that was warped in an airy fabric with off-the-shoulder fluttering sleeves. The skirt was the same color as the corset and was flowy as if it was a clear-water waterfall. Her shoes were a simple white low-heel. Her hair was not styled at all and simply fell on her back, and the only jewelry she wore was fake pearl earrings and a fake silver necklace with a tear-shaped glass crystal bead.

Any other woman that wore that for her birthday celebration will be judged by Theresa's discerning eyes, knowing in her head she was probably poor yet feeling a little giddy all the same.

Yet how could anyone think it was not tasteful on Maria?

There were many people who used quality clothing and makeup to better their appearance, but there were not many people who were so beautiful they could beautify the rags they wore themselves.

After all, a woman could wear a beautiful dress and look like a model, yet a dirty rag cannot worsen the beauty of a goddess.

Theresa watched the small and white face of her sister break into a beautiful smile full of white teeth when she looked into her eyes after their hug. Maria's hair felt like silk when she accidentally placed her hands on it when she hugged her back, it shined as if she just took a dip inside a hot spring.

Her slender arms still held her sister, and the soft hands took Theresa's hands into their own- just like that time they said farewell at the airport. Yer her hands didn't feel this soft and cold back then, with long and slender fingers that had pink-luster healthy nails at the tip.

Theresa swept her eyes from the slender legs into the hourglass-shaped waist and finally at the pushed-up breasts with the delicate shoulders and collarbone. Her curiosity led her eyes to wander into the swan-like neck and into the white face that held affection for her big sister.

Maria's eyes which were always so hard to notice due to the long bangs she had, had a slight charming curve to them with a beauty mark at the tip of her left eye, yet the long eyelashes and innocent glint still gave those grey eyes a pure feeling. It was the kind of eyes that seduced people without knowing, the most fatal combination of charmingly seductive yet so innocently pure.

The upturned and small nose had an M-shaped and pouty mouth with a natural reddish-pink color under it. Her straight brows curved a bit when she smiled so happily at her sister.

When Theresa was shocked that people didn't think of her as a celebrity, she was wrong, they did think she looked like a celebrity.

But will a celebrity be so interesting to the eyes after you've seen a goddess?

Maria wiped her sister's tears so agonizingly gently, her cold fingertips stained with a bit of makeup and mascara. "Sister, I missed you so much." Her own tears came down, giving her cheeks, the corner of her eyes, and the tip of her nose a healthy flush.

Theresa glanced from her side eye at all the people looking at them and was quick to wipe her sister's tears as well, albeit a bit hurriedly and not as gently. When she discreetly looked at her fingertips for the cheap makeup, she saw nothing on them but a bit of salty water.

Theresa excused herself to the bathroom, her mind full of that clean face as she fixed her makeup in the mirror.

Their mother called everyone to the dining table, telling them they'll start eating once Theresa comes out. She and a few aunts went to the kitchen to check all the dishes.

The long table had two decorated birthday chairs in each corner, Nathan sat next to one of them yet wanted to get up as he saw the number '16' on the balloons tied to it.

"Hold now, boy," One of the uncles who sat opposite him said. "Your girlfriend's parents and family want to sit next to her after not seeing her for so long. You should sit here with your old classmates in the meantime."

Nathan gritted his teeth and took deep breaths to calm down. He had to remind himself that this was not his own family, where if a lower-placed individual disrespects you, no matter if he is your elder, you shoot them in the foot as a warning.

The veins in Nathan's hand popped as he fisted his hand in anger at the hand that was placed on his shoulder. He controlled his instincts not to put the boy in a shoulder throw.

Jonathan sat next to Nathan as Anna took the other seat that was closest to the birthday seat, sitting directly in front of Nathan.

"It was such a big surprise seeing you here," Jonathan smiled at Nathan. "I couldn't believe Maria's mom when she told me you and Theresa studied at the same school overseas. What a coincidence!"

Nathan nodded and looked at the white-buttoned shirt Jonathan wore, feeling a sense of superiority as he saw the cheap fabric that couldn't compare to his own similar yet still a world-difference white-buttoned shirt.

His eyes wandered around, seeing his old classmates that still seemed stuck at the time they were in elementary school, the rowdy bunch of relatives that appeared to come from a place even more barbaric than this small town, the cheap decoration such as those plastic cups and plates.

He snorted in his mind and promised himself that once Theresa marry him he will celebrate her birthday with his own family. Inside the ballroom of their mansion, in the company of the people related to their family business, surrounded by the luxury of fine wine and food with the sound of classical music played by renowned musicians on the spot.

The only people he will allow to partake are her close relatives; Her mother, father, and...

"It's a shame we are on different ends," An angelic, soft-spoken voice sounded by Nathan's ear- waking him up from his daydreams and giving his body shivers. "I wanted to catch up with big sis'."

Nathan turned his head, looking at the beauty who was complaining to her friend. He gulped as she looked at him and smiled charmingly. He seemed to smell an intoxicating scent around her, his experienced nose recognized; a mix of sour cherry, vanilla orchid, musk, and a hint of something much fainter than the others- he couldn't recognize it. Yet that faint scent drove him mad trying to chase the smell and understand what it was.

While trying to smell more of it, Nathan accidentally caught the girl's gaze in his own.

What will she say to him after all those years? Will she tell her parents how he teased and bullied her, giving them a bad impression of him so that he wouldn't be able to be with his beloved? Or would she slowly poison her sister's mind about him, telling lies as she did to him many years ago?

"I was so excited to see my sister again that I didn't even greet her boyfriend!" Maria chirped happily, her older family cooing at her cuteness. "My name is Maria, which I'm sure you already know due to my sister, and you are?"

Something inside Nathan's mind broke.

The angelic girl that waited to hear his name had to stifle her laugh, enjoying the laughter of her two devilish and invisible companions instead.

The reason why Nathan clung so desperately to Theresa was not because of her beauty or charming personality. It was because to this day, she refused to be in an official relationship with him, unknowingly awakening those hunter instincts every man has to accomplish his goal.

It was a good strategy, if only Theresa was knowledgeable about what she was doing- she could have secured Nathan as hers forever. She was like a diver that followed a beautiful fish in a dark sea, almost securing that exotic fish in her net if it wasn't for the hungry mermaid she was unknowingly swimming next to.

That same mermaid, that was used to the dark waters she was born to, took the exotic fish the divers had his sight on and ate it with no remorse.

Nathan was a proud guy, too proud. When he was little he was constantly in survival mode due to having little to no money and a jobless father that was addicted to video games.

Due to those same survival instincts he got used to navigating his life through- he latched on to anything he put his time and effort in. It was no surprise that he didn't want to let go of the girl he chased through his childhood and that kept refusing him.

Theresa did well refusing Nathan again and again, his large ego coupled with his hunter instincts kept him fixated on her. It was the same reason why he refused those girls that were extremely beautiful and rich and threw themselves on him, it was because they were too easy- there was no chase involved.

Yet the mistake Theresa did was not rewarding him for his constant chase- even the most patient hunter will tire after a while of not catching his prey, going to find his food elsewhere.

Them acting like a couple was not the reward Nathan so eagerly chased, it only made him think in his subconscious mind that Theresa was a bit cheap for sleeping with him without being his girlfriend.

Theresa didn't try to charm him with her personality or looks like she was used to doing when she and Maria were younger, getting comfortable and content- thinking he was inside her net.

She shouldn't be surprised when a sharp-tailed mermaid will smile at her with fish blood still between her teeth.

Maria's smile falter a bit as Nathan didn't answer her. She looked a bit embarrassed with a lovely blush decorating her cheeks and neck. The onlookers categorize Nathan as rude in their minds.

The embarrassed and shy girl actually looked with delight at the belladonna and rose symbol next to the handsome boy.

'+50 Poison points'

'+150 Rose points'

Lilith giggled as she leaned on Maria's chair, the birthday balloons moving a bit to the side.

Anna looked at the balloons as they moved in such a weird way. Was there a sudden breeze?

Jonathan looked at the awkward situation before him and cleared his throat. "Don't you recognize him, Maria? It's Nathan!"

Maria blinked her eyes for a bit in confusion, her eyelashes looks like fluttering butterfly wings when moved so quickly. Her confused expression finally cleared as she recognized the handsome boy. "Nathan from elementary school!"

Nathan didn't say a thing as he nodded quickly and took a sip from his soda.

Maria clapped her delicate hands once and smile charmingly once again. "Who knew we will see you once again before the class reunion!" She giggled mischievously, her dimples showing at the side of her mouth. "You were right all along, you did end up with my sister!"

Nathan glanced at the beautiful girl who teased him, he looked down at his clenched hands and tried to hide his blush.

It didn't work for him as Jonathan pointed out his flushed state, making everyone laugh and think it was due to his shyness at the mention of chasing his girlfriend even back then.

Only the sly girl and the devilish-charmingly woman behind her knew it was solely because of her teasing, seeing as the rose symbol stayed next to his head and the notification of 100 more Charm points.

Theresa finally got out of the bathroom, her makeup looking good once again yet not as perfect as the one before - done by the professional makeup artist.

When she saw her lover sitting next to her sister and not next to her own seat, she was dumbfounded. She only calmed down a bit as her uncle explained to her.

She cursed the old man in her mind and watched as her mom and aunts bring out the dishes.

Maria got up to help the women yet was stopped by her grandmother- saying she was the princess today and needed to be waited upon. Maria pouted cutely and farmed more 100 Charm points from a collective of people.

Theresa looked around her and felt that something wasn't right. And then she finally noticed-

Her birthday seat was usually closest to the kitchen door and not the one next to the house entrance. Yes, that must be why she felt weird! Because she and her sister switched places!

Maria ate quietly as she looked at her panicked sister. Smiling inside her mind as she had the same thoughts as her older sister.

We did switch places.

But sorry, sister, I want to switch once again.

Maria looked at the screen that was only visible to her.

Sub-Mission: Capture Nathan's heart. (Reward: 200 S points).

She giggled, her friends thinking she is laughing due to Jonthan's lame joke.

So, entertain me with this game, my beloved sister.