
The Young Devil, The Dark Mother, And The First Woman

She asked the dark mother; 'Must I kill the little girl for me to change?' The dark mother replied; 'No, you must protect and cherish her. Love her unconditionally as children deserve.' And so she did, and the little girl became the first woman.

PoisonLily · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Arc 0 - Chapter 11

Eve eyed the young man holding the bloodied knife in dread. Suddenly all her seduction tactics, charming strategies, and manipulative words escaped her mind.

There was only fear. Fear of God's warrior. 

As the youth rose with his bare white feet to his full height, it seemed as if an ancient angelic being revealed itself to Eve. 

He had a slender frame that made him seem taller than he is, he must have been only about 1.77 centimeters. Long white hair with slight waves, it seemed to be tangled and uncared for as if he woke up from a deep sleep. His skin was deathly white with blueish undertones, familiar icy blue upturned eyes with a contrast of gentle brows. He had quite a feminine face, with a button nose, full pink lips, and long white eyelashes. Yet his strong jaw, high cheekbones, and of course his prominent Adam apple gave a balance of masculine appearance. 

It was as if he was God's greatest creation, a perfect balance of feminine and masculine features that created an otherworldly and angelic cold beauty.

It was such an awe-inspiring beauty, that it almost concealed his dead killer eyes.

The knife in his hands was not tightly gripped, it was as if it was an extension of his arm, even if it was only held by a finger - he had every ounce of control on it.

When his bare feet took one step towards her, Eve's mind forgot all logic; It couldn't think about how beautiful this man was, how he survived in this chilling weather with no heating system and only these measly clothes on his body, or how his face was impassive and devoided of emotion - almost bored even if his body language meant that he was a threat. She had no control of herself, only fear came in.

She felt she was a sinner who betrayed the God she had learned to pray to since 3 years old. This man- no, angel came to punish her in the name of the wrath of God. 

Maria started trembling as she looked at him. The little girl started to pray for forgiveness inside of her head.

Only that a woman suddenly caught her eyes, the woman was sitting in the far back with a lowered head and clapped hands, her mouth was mumbling and it seemed she was praying to God.

Yet her eyes were open, the red eyes looked straight at the fearful Maria while her mouth formed a smirk. She was still praying, yet it seemed that her prayers were not intended for God.

Then to whom?

The young man stopped his steps as the woman before him bowed her head.

"Welcome back, young master. I presume you have come after the other masters. I'm sorry if I interrupted your prayers, I only came here to clean," The young woman raised her head and smiled gently. Her beauty was so blinding and mesmerizing, with such sparkling diamond eyes, siren-like voice, and lovely flushed cheeks.

He might have been God's beloved creation - a cold angelic being with no chance to warm his icy eyes.

But she was God's first created woman - a being so seductive and charming that she created from her womb the whole of humankind. 

"My name is Eve."

"Sub Mission- Make Gabriel Heaven's Fall In Love With You. (Rewards: 1,000 S Points)."


Eve cleaned the floor silently, from time to time she glanced at the young man who rested at the same bench - his knife no longer in sight.

Once she introduced herself, he put away his knife and resumed resting - only this time while sitting. He did not say a word to her and Eve took it as her sign to clean.

Of course, it was also her sign to check his status.

Name: Gabriel Heaven's

Age: 23

Occupation: One of the "Seraphim" of the Heaven's Order group.

Danger Level: SSS+

Danger Level To Host: SSS+

Titles: "The Bloody Angel".

Powers: NR

Skills: Martial Arts (Master), Weapon Mastery (Master), Torturing (Master), Politics (Medium), Hound Training (High), Business (High), Manipulation (High), Driving (High), Horse riding (High), Chess (Master), Medicine (Medium)

Likes: Snow, Summer, Church, Books, Reading, Inflecting Pain, Praying, Fighting hand to hand, ???, ??? 

Dislikes: Rain, Thunder, Women, Sexual Things, Heavy perfumes, Lipsticks, Sleeping in bed, ???, ???

Role: NR

Eve blinked and continued to scrub the floor. 

Once she was finished cleaning the whole place, she asked in a hushed tone: "Young master, is it alright... is it alright if I pray for only one minute?"

The beautiful man ignored her, he did not even open his eyes.

Eve gulped and sat far away from him, she clapped her hands together and seemed to be in a deep prayer.

She felt cold all over despite the heating as if his eyes that bore into her could freeze her over.

Once she was done, she informed the young master that she would leave him the heating system on and wished him goodnight.

Eve exited the church with a bitter taste in her mouth. 

Finally, she got a new Sub-Mission, one with a massive reward.

But she had no progress with her target!

She was gorgeous, as always, prayed, and made it seem like she loved the church just like he did. Yet he did not care at all!

He was not asleep, she felt his cold eyes on her as she prayed. Yet he provided no Charm Points! Which means he had not an ounce of a good impression of her!

Was that because he hated women in general? Eve did not know how far his dislike for women went or even why he disliked them in the first place.

At least her turning in her bed managed to annoy Isabel, who granted her more Poison Points.

Once she falls asleep and enters the system space, she has to come up with new strategies with Lilith and Satan.


The strategies the three came up with all night were for naught.

Gabriel Heaven's did not appear at the castle for the whole week. 

'It couldn't be that he stayed at the church for the whole week.' Eve bit her lips while she was wiping the kitchen counter.

She was almost drooling thinking about that many S Points, but thinking about her target's Danger Level and mastery at torturing calmed her down a bit.

She needed to be patient.

As she cleaned the kitchen, her coworker accidentally knocked over a glass with her elbow.

The freckled maid screamed.

Eve raised her eyebrows at such a high-pitched scream. She just knocked down a glass, it happens to all the servants.

A cold-faced man came in from the dining room with an unimpressed expression, his hand inside of his pocket.

Eve recognized the man and lowered her gaze.

"What is the matter?" His eyes looked over the broken glass. 

Emma, the freckled maid, trembled and apologized: "I'm sorry, master. I was frightened by the sound."

Micheal raised a brow. "Is that a reason to scream bloody murder?"

Mr. Halls, the butler, came in quickly and bowed deeply. "I'm sorry for the disturbance at lunchtime, Master. These maids are lousy and will get their punishment right away." The butler glared at both of the young girls. "Clean it up immediately and go to Ms. Harriet to receive your punishment!"

Eve went to take the broom from the corner of the room, yet the cute curly-head maid was a step before her and bowed down to pick up the broken pieces. 

Of course, she was cut.

Emma held her hand tightly and blinked her teary eyes.

Eve started to feel a sense of familiarity. 

Mr. Hall's veins on his forehead nearly blew from anger, the only reason he didn't crudely berate them on the spot was due to the high-ranked man next to them.

Eve took out a handkerchief from her pocket, warped it around Emma's hand, and bowed to the two men before her. "Forgive us, Master, for disrupting your mealtime. I will clean here quickly and take Emma to receive our punishment." Emma sniffled quietly behind her.

Michael's eyes scanned Eve, his face showing no emotion. "No need for a punishment, accidents happen."

Mr. Halls and Eve thanked Micheal as he returned to his meal.

"Eve, continue on cleaning." He glared at Emma. "You, come with me."

Eve glanced one last time at Emma who was still sniffling, and continued to clean after both people left.

Michael was still in the kitchen with her.

Eve bowed her head to him as she was done cleaning. "Master, do you have another request for me? Should I cook something for you?"

"Hmmm," Michael rubbed his chin, his cold eyes a bit less freezing. "Chocolate cake... with sprinkles."

Eve's mouth almost hung open from the childish request, yet she restrained herself. "Of course, I will make one right away!"

As Eve started to work and melt various chocolates, Michael started intensely at her back.

"What is a beautiful woman like you doing here?"

Eve froze. She looked back at the intimidating men.

No Charm points. Only bored eyes and a head leaning on his scarred hand. 

This man had no sexual or romantic attraction for her. It seemed as if she said even one wrong word he could easily crush her skull with his bare hands.

 Eve looked at her mixing bowl, her gaze withdrawn. "I- it was... I was not born with fortunate circumstances." 

Michael smirked a bit. "An orphan?"

Eve nodded, yet she wanted to grit her teeth. This man already knows everything about her "background". He was suspicious of her.

Although it was always her dream and goal; extreme beauty comes with a price.

Eve put the cake in the oven and they both waited. Waited for 40 minutes. Eve refused to remove her gaze from the working oven, and from the corner of her eyes the big man was doing the same; looking at her without budging.

Eve felt as if she was inside of his physiological torture games. How can someone just stare and do nothing for so long? For her, it was out of fear and survival instincts, but for him, it seemed as if it was a well-known and loved tactic.

Eve took the hot cake out and poured the chocolate over it, she sprinkled over the sprinkles and presented it to her master.

Michael smiled, he took out his phone and took a picture. After that, he got up, smiled at Eve, and went out of the room.

The cake remained untouched.


As Eve took off her coat and hung it, she was surprised the heating system and lights were already on in the church.

She went inside and was surprised to see Gabriel on the benches, a warm blanket around him like a small child while he was eating.

Eating chocolate cake.

Eve bowed before him, she bit her mouth hard to not spit out the fact she was the one who baked the cake to get Charm points.

She knew she probably wouldn't get it this way with this guy.

Gabriel looked at her, a bit longer than before, and continued with his cake.


Another month passed by. Eve has been cleaning the church every Saturday night, seeing Gabriel yet he did not exchange a word with her.

She reached the conclusion he was like a small boy. Somehow.

At night, after a long day of work, Isabel and Eve were taking a shower together in their small shared bathroom.

As they both sat under the hot and loud showerhead, when they were sure no one heard them, they discussed their plans.

"All the little things I found so far I reported." Isabel sat naked before Eve.

Eve cuddled under the warmth into herself more and nodded. It was agreed beforehand that she would know nothing about the way that Isabel was communicating with their employers so that she wouldn't spill anything.

In truth Eve realized that she was just a pretty distraction, Isabel was the real agent here who was trained long before her.

Isabel started at Eve's pink nipples and bit her lips hard. They were both working to death, how can that girl's skin still be so luminous and smooth like a pearl?!

'+20 Poison Points'

Eve smiled and rested her head on her crossed arms.

Isabel leaned her head back and sighed. "Do you have plans... after all of this is over?" Her eyes had a hollow look to them. "Have you thought what comes after it?"

Eve pulled her shoulders which were flushed red from the heat. "Perhaps it's like a game, only when I beat this level would I know what comes next."

Isabel giggled. "So Life is a game? Who is the final boss - Death?"

'+10 Charm Points'

Eve smiled, her eyes sparked with glee. "No. Death is like... turning off your computer after you finished a game,"

"And then turning it on again and starting to play game number 2."


Eve stood next to Isabel, Laura, and all the other maids in the living room. Their heads were facing down in respect to their masters who sat on the sofa.

Michael and a few menacing men sat with great posture and inspected the maids.

Gabriel was leaning his head back with closed eyes.

"Choose," Micael's deep voice sounded berating. "If you want to act like a child it is fine, but I'll have to assign a nanny to you."

Gabriel raised his head, his eyes, just like in a famous painting, glaring at the other man.

Not to mention the maids, even the men with them tensed.

Only Eve stayed calm and wondered, is Michael Gabriel's father? They were very similar after all.

As the quiet went on intensely, Michael sighed and rubbed his temples. "Fine. I will just choose for you. You," Michael pointed. "will be taking care of his daily needs. Understood?"

He was pointing at Eve. 

Just as she expected. Eve nodded and opened her mouth to-

"No," An icy voice full of void sounded.

Eve raised her head a bit. Once again he did not look at her.

Gabriel raised his hand and pointed. "I want this one."

The gaze of the maids followed the "lucky" girl who was chosen by the emotionless master himself and found themselves looking at the cute freckled girl who was in shock herself- Emma.

Isabel let a little sigh in relief. Thank god, they almost drew too much attention from that psychopath that way. 

Yet Eve did not feel the same.


Was she just cast off? After all of her effort? All her visits? All of the times she gave him warm blankets and food, prayed with her most innocent look next to him, and worked so hard just for some damn starting Charm points?!

Absurd!!! Did he ever even meet Emma?! How could he choose her?!

Michael was satisfied and let Gabriel go. Emma scurried after her new personal master.

All the maids went back to their jobs while sighing in relief, only Eve wanted to cry.


Eve wiped her tears as she walked in circles around the living room.

Lilith was sitting on the couch while reading a book with her glasses while Satan looked at Eve worryingly. 

"There are more chances," Satan reminded logically. "Do not be discouraged."

Eve ripped the hanging herbs and threw them. Yet the herbs did not hold much weight which gave the throwing action a less satisfying feeling, making Eve more miserable and frustrated. 

"Agh!!!" Eve took a vase with flowers and threw it on the ground. 

The vase shattered. Water and red flowers were everywhere.

Finally a satisfying feeling, she breathed in relief. But then came the hollow feeling of shame, she felt once again like a little girl. Crying and throwing a tantrum.

Eve covered her face with her hands.

"So what?" Lilith read her through as always. "So what if you are crying and throwing things around? you are allowed to." She sighed and got up. "It's pointless to feel shame with us."

Lilith bent down and rubbed the girl's back.

Eve whimpered. "I want the ground to swallow me whole! I was sure he was going to choose me!" She wiped her snot with the tissue Lilith offered. "Why do I feel so empty now? So ashamed that I want to rip my own eyes out? I just want to bring back time and delete my memory!"

"If you do that; wouldn't you just repeat it all the same...?" Satan murmured.

Lilith threw him a killer look and hugged Eve. "Don't ask why. You feel it as is it and nothing can be done right now. If you want to remember those things and continue on that is fine, if you want the opposite that is also alright." Lilith held Eve's face in her gentle hands and smiled. "Anything you want is yours to take."

Eve sighed tiredly. "I don't want to study tonight, just rest in bed with you."

Eve was lying in the middle of Lilith and Satan, the calming forest could be seen and heard through the cabin's glass windows. 

Even if she knew it was quite impossible, Eve felt as if she fell asleep once again that night.


Gabrial was finally seen more in the manor and no longer visited the church on Saturdays.

He was either sleeping on the couches, reading before the fire, eating in the dining room, or locking himself up on the third floor.

He was also quite a frequent visitor for the training grounds for hounds, and the training rooms for himself. Yet only a few senior maids were allowed to clean after him.

Emma was still trailing after him like a lost pup, catering to his every wish and need. It drove Eve mad when she saw him open his mouth and talk to the other woman.

Not even a word was uttered to her.

Eve swallowed such bitter feelings and forced herself to move on.

Igor, the man who harassed her came back from his recovery, his face was still bruised and his hands wrapped up. It was scary to think what was done to him to still be seen like this after this long.

Perhaps that was one of the things that made this crime group so organized and terrifying, they were strict and harsh even on their people. What would happen if an enemy of them decided to provoke?

Well, for Eve's luck, Igor became her new bank of Charm points. He did not come to talk with her at all but would stare at her back and appear wherever she was often.

Even if she was only sweeping, she would raise his Charm points.

Igor was the least busy of the few men here and was often seen being talked to by an older man from the masters of the house.

One Saturday evening, when the men gathered in the living hall, laughing and smoking cigars, Eve was on her way with a tray of snacks.

A maid who just turned the hall with a can of half-finished lemonade bumped into Eve.

The snacks were knocked to the ground while the lemonade spilled over Eve, fortunately, the maid managed to hold the can before it would shatter on Eve's feet. Yet it still made a loud noise that startled the always-on-guard Mafia men.

The men exited the room; Michael first and Igor last with Gabriel nowhere in sight, all their eyes turned to the two shocked maids.

The maids who bumped into Eve bowed down and admitted her mistake while Ms.Harriet came into the scene as well.

Eve, on the other hand, bowed her head and covered her upper body. Half of her long black hair was drenched, while her white shirt became see-through. Her white skin and bra became visible.

She seemed so petite and cute, drenched in the cold and trembling. Her lovely pink lips wobbled while her eyes teared in shame.

Ms. Harriet took a step forward to help her, yet the master beat her to it.

Michael dropped his large and expensive jacket on her small figure. "Go and take a shower," He looked over at Ms.Harriet who understood and called the other maids.

All the men went back into their relaxing evening, only Igor was staring at Eve's figure as she ran away. A heavy blush on his bruised face and a tight feeling in his lower regions.

Such a sight... Which man won't be tempted? As if she presented herself to him...

Igor cleared his throat and stepped outside to the biting cold. '+350 Charm Points'


Eve, who already showered and washed her sticky hair, was now in warm clothes with her hair in a simple braid. 

She exited the back entrance and went into her usual way to the church. The biting cold was harsher than ever while the night was a bit brighter with the full moon.

Delicate blush decorated Eve's lovely cheeks as she climbed up the mountain, her little nose was freezing and her full lips a bit cracked. Her gray eyes looked at the moon above, seeming to reflect it as if her eyes were the ocean at night.

"Ah!" Eve heard a woman's voice.

She stopped in her tracks, chills climbed her back. The dark woods before her were suddenly more terrifying than ever, the trees becoming in the shape of monsters.

But she hasn't gotten a new mission for so long. Even if she dies, she will just go to her first game world with Lilith and Satan.

Fear was still present, yet curiosity and greed overcame it and even gave an exciting feeling.

Eve stepped away from the usual stoneway to the church, going with quiet steps into the forest. Since it was snowing, her footsteps were much quieter since she stepped on the snow and not on leaves.

As Eve got closer to the sound, she discovered very quickly a source of light - a small bonfire. She hid behind a tree and looked at the people next to the bonfire, shocked at what she saw.

A shaved-headed man with open pants pounding into a maid. 

Eve wanted to puke.

They were both groaning quietly, the woman sometimes couldn't help but let out a scream when the man reached a certain spot inside of her. As the maid turned her head to the side facing Eve, she was surprised once again - to see the cute and innocent Emma.

And as the shaved head man retrieved his head from sucking on her neck, he ripped her collar and sucked on her small freckled breasts. That was Igor.

Eve swallowed down her bile, she took a few steps back to quietly exit the disgusting scene while thinking about how to use that in her favor.

A gloved hand covered her mouth while another arm wrapped around her torse- keeping her silent in her place.

Eve's forehead started to coldly sweat. In her mind her thoughts ran rampant, perhaps this was a place where men did such things to maids, and now they'll do it to her. 

She already planned how to jump into the small fire, scarring herself so they wouldn't touch her and then killing herself by biting her tongue off.

A chuckle was heard next to her small ear, Eve's heartbeat was pounding deep in her ribcage - almost breaking it.

"Disgusting, isn't it?" a dark whisper.

Eve's gray eyes landed on the white hair on her shoulder. The gloved hands released her, knowing she was stuck in place like a statue from fear.

Gabriel dusted his arms off, even if they were fully covered with a leather jacket and gloved hands.

His empty eyes looked at the two bodies still mingling. "Such dirty sinners contaminating this lovely tree and pure snow..." He turned his head to Eve, he was smiling. The first smile she saw from him and it terrified her more than the time he pulled his bloodied knife.

"Should be purified, no?" With an innocent child-like smile with closed eyes.

Eve's looked at him, petrified in place. 

Angels were much scarier than devils.