
The Young Demon Lord and her Maid-Knight

Having dedicated her life to this singular purpose—defeating the Demon Lord to bring peace to Eldoria—Elara now finds herself adrift, questioning her place in a world no longer defined by the battle against evil. The cheers of victory are hollow, drowned out by the silence of uncertainty. As Eldoria begins to heal from the scars of Thalrax's reign, Elara retreats from the adoration of her people, seeking solace in solitude. Her absence is felt deeply among those who once hailed her as their savior, leaving a void in their hearts as profound as the absence of the Demon Lord himself. Meanwhile, in the quiet depths of the realm, untouched by the passage of time, a new life stirs. Born of the essence scattered across Eldoria, a young girl awakens in the rubble of Thalrax's throne room. With eyes wide and innocent, she gazes upon a world she does not yet understand.

Bobby_Oben · Book&Literature
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50 Chs

Ready for whatever

It was getting late as the trio reached the mining camp. Upon entering, some guards walked up, somewhat confused, and greeted Lilith, asking who the two others were. Lilith greeted them with a smile. "These are my companions," she said. "They were following me without me knowing it, just to make sure nothing bad would happen on my first solo adventure."

The other guard smiled and said, "Well, you are a lucky one, Lilith. To have such companionship is to be envied. So, what news do you bring from the mountains?"

Lilith smiled and told the guards, "Everything should be taken care of now. There should be no more animated undead. We checked out the old mine again after I was done checking the ruins, and there were no more undead."

The guards thanked Lilith and let her go onward. As they neared the tavern, rumors had spread like wildfire, and miners and guards were whispering and pointing at her.

They entered the tavern, the warmth and noise enveloping them like a comforting blanket. The scent of roasted meat and freshly baked bread filled the air. The trio spotted a free table in a cozy corner near the hearth. Lilith, with a determined stride, walked over to the barkeep, a burly man with a graying beard and kind eyes.

"I'd like three servings of your best stew and some drinks, please," Lilith requested, her voice carrying over the clatter of mugs and murmur of conversations.

The barkeep nodded and quickly set to work. Lilith paid him with a few coins, thanking him before heading back to the table where Elara and Ella were waiting.

As Lilith sat down, Elara looked at her fondly, her eyes reflecting pride. "You have grown again, Lilith," she said, her voice soft but full of admiration.

Ella nodded in agreement, a smile playing on her lips. "And you are more self-assured about yourself now, it seems."

Lilith blushed slightly at their words but then her expression turned somber. "Have you heard from Aurora?" Elara asked, sensing the change in Lilith's mood.

"No, not at the moment," Lilith replied with a hint of gloom in her voice. "I think I might have forced her to awaken only so that she had to sleep again. The necklace is more vivid now, though, so it might not take as long for her to reawaken."

Ella flew across the table and squeezed Lilith's hand reassuringly. "She'll come back soon, Lilith. You've done everything you can."

Just then, the barkeep arrived with their food and drinks, placing steaming bowls of stew and frothy mugs in front of them. "Enjoy," he said with a warm smile before returning to the bar.

The trio began to eat, the rich flavors of the stew lifting their spirits. Around them, the tavern buzzed with life, but at their table, a sense of camaraderie and hope prevailed.

Ella joked, "Lilith, I'm not sure I can finish this big serving of stew. You do get that I'm a faerie, right?"

Lilith laughed at her remark, a light and cheerful sound. "What you can't finish, I will. We are a team after all," she said with a grin.

Elara chuckled, watching the two of them banter. "Lilith's right. We're in this together, just like always."

They continued eating, the atmosphere lightening further as they shared stories and laughter. The rich, savory stew warmed them from the inside, and the camaraderie among them made the meal even more enjoyable.

As they ate, the whispers and curious glances from other patrons in the tavern didn't go unnoticed. Miners and guards alike seemed intrigued by Lilith and her companions, their hushed conversations punctuated by glances in their direction.

After finishing their meal, they leaned back in their chairs, feeling satisfied and content. Lilith looked around the tavern, her eyes catching those of a few curious onlookers. She smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. They had faced dangers together, and now they were stronger for it.

"Let's get some rest," Lilith suggested, her voice gentle but firm. "Tomorrow, we have a lot to plan."

Ella and Elara nodded in agreement, and the trio stood up, ready to retire for the night. As they made their way out of the tavern, Lilith was stopped by someone shouting her name.

"LILITH!" one shouted. "You can't leave now."

It was Thorsten who called out to her. "Yes, missy, you can't leave without having a drink with us," Brumstone yelled, somewhat buzzed.

Lilith laughed and nodded. "Alright, I'll be back. Give me five minutes. I need to show my friends where they can sleep. There should still be room next to your small tent campsite, right, Thorsten?"

Thorsten grinned and gave a thumbs-up. "Of course, there's always room for you and your friends."

Lilith turned to Ella and Elara. "Let's get you settled in first. Then I'll join you guys for that drink."

They left the lively atmosphere of the tavern and headed towards the campsite. The night air was cool and refreshing, and the camp was a short walk away. Thorsten's small tent site was nestled near the edge of the camp, providing a bit of privacy away from the bustling center.

"Here we are," Lilith said, gesturing to a couple of spare tents. "These should be comfortable enough for the night."

Ella fluttered around, inspecting the tents. "Perfect! Thanks, Lilith."

Elara nodded in agreement. "This will do nicely. We'll get settled in, and you go enjoy your drink."

Lilith smiled. "Alright, I'll be back soon. If you need anything, just let me know."

She headed back to the tavern, where Thorsten and Brumstone were waiting with wide grins and mugs in hand. "Ready for that drink?" Thorsten asked, handing her a mug.

Lilith accepted it with a smile. "Ready as ever."

The group clinked their mugs together, the sound of metal on metal echoing in the warm, bustling tavern. Laughter and camaraderie filled the night as they shared stories and drinks. Lilith, Thorsten, and Brumstone sat at a sturdy wooden table near the hearth, the fire casting a cozy glow around them.

"So, tell us about your adventure in the old mine, Lilith," Thorsten urged, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Lilith took a deep sip from her mug and leaned back, a smile playing on her lips. "It was quite the journey. The old mine was exactly as eerie as the tales said. The air was thick with dust, and the silence was almost deafening. But I found what I were looking for. There are still a lot of mana veins with stone ores and crystals. The animated undead were a challenge, but I managed to clear them out."

Brumstone nodded, his expression a mix of admiration and excitement. "Mana veins, you say? That's quite the find. Those crystals will be invaluable for our work."

Lilith grinned. "Exactly. There's enough down there to keep you busy for a long time. Just make sure to stay safe. Those mines have more secrets than I could uncover in one trip."

One drink became many as the night wore on. The tavern's atmosphere grew more lively with each passing hour. The trio's laughter mingled with the sounds of other patrons enjoying their evening, creating a symphony of mirth and merriment.

"Remember when we where young, that time we got stuck in that cave-in?" Thorsten chuckled, nudging Brumstone, who laughed heartily in response. 

"How could I forget? You were digging us out with your bare hands while cursing up a storm," Brumstone replied, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye.

Lilith listened with delight, feeling a deep sense of belonging. These were the moments she cherished—sharing adventures, trials, and triumphs with friends who had become family. She told them about the intricate runes she found in the ruins, speculating on their ancient origins and potential uses.

As the night stretched on, the mugs kept being refilled, and the stories flowed freely. The barkeep occasionally glanced their way with a smile, ensuring their drinks were always topped up.

Eventually, the tavern began to quiet down, the patrons slowly trickling out. The trio remained at their table, their conversations slowing but no less warm.

"We should probably call it a night," Thorsten said, his voice a bit slurred but cheerful. "Got to be up early to check out that mine you mentioned."

Lilith nodded, feeling the pleasant weight of exhaustion settling in. "Agreed. It's been a great night, but there's work to be done tomorrow."

They stood up, a bit unsteady on their feet but happy. As they made their way out of the tavern, the cool night air greeted them. Lilith took a deep breath, savoring the moment.

"Thanks for the drinks and the company," she said, hugging Thorsten and Brumstone in turn.

"Anytime, Lilith. We'll see you in the morning," Brumstone replied, his grin wide.

With that, Lilith made her way back to the campsite where Ella and Elara were already asleep. She slipped into her tent, her heart full and her mind at ease, ready for whatever adventures awaited them next.