
The Young Demon Lord and her Maid-Knight

Having dedicated her life to this singular purpose—defeating the Demon Lord to bring peace to Eldoria—Elara now finds herself adrift, questioning her place in a world no longer defined by the battle against evil. The cheers of victory are hollow, drowned out by the silence of uncertainty. As Eldoria begins to heal from the scars of Thalrax's reign, Elara retreats from the adoration of her people, seeking solace in solitude. Her absence is felt deeply among those who once hailed her as their savior, leaving a void in their hearts as profound as the absence of the Demon Lord himself. Meanwhile, in the quiet depths of the realm, untouched by the passage of time, a new life stirs. Born of the essence scattered across Eldoria, a young girl awakens in the rubble of Thalrax's throne room. With eyes wide and innocent, she gazes upon a world she does not yet understand.

Bobby_Oben · Book&Literature
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47 Chs

Deja Vu? and Ella's Small Adventure

As they stood in line to enter the capital, they heard a yell out of nowhere. "We meet again!" A young nobleman walked up to them with a confident stride.

Lilith blinked in surprise, but Elara merely sighed. The nobleman, Garret, approached with an eager look. "Maid-knight, have you thought about joining me?"

As dense as ever, the nobleman Garret had forgotten their last conversation and was once again attempting to recruit Elara into his faction. He desperately needed strong subordinates, and what could be stronger than a maid-knight? It certainly didn't hurt that Elara was a stunningly beautiful woman.

"Oh, who are you again?" Elara asked, her tone cool.

Garret looked somewhat flustered and displeased. He straightened his posture and said in a strong tone, "I am Garret, the second son of House Falstone."

"Aaaah," Elara said, now recalling who Garret was. "Well, Garret, as I said last time, I already serve someone else, and I'm not interested in joining a nobleman's faction."

Garret looked annoyed and walked away, muttering to himself, "I want a maid-knight. How unlucky am I..."

Lilith giggled softly at the exchange. "He really doesn't give up, does he?"

Elara shook her head with a bemused smile. "Some people are persistent to a fault."

As they continued to wait in line, Ella, fluttering just above their heads, noticed a small commotion near one of the market stalls outside the gate. "I'll be right back!" she chirped and zipped off before anyone could stop her.

Ella weaved through the crowd, her small size allowing her to maneuver easily between people. She reached the source of the commotion and found a group of children gathered around a makeshift puppet show. The puppeteer was an elderly man with a kind face, and he was telling a story about a brave knight and a cunning fairy.

Enthralled, Ella hovered above the children, her eyes wide with wonder. The puppeteer's skill was impressive, and the story was captivating. As the tale reached its climax, Ella noticed a small, shadowy figure sneaking around the crowd. It was a little thief, attempting to pickpocket the distracted onlookers.

Determined to help, Ella flitted down and landed on the thief's shoulder, startling him. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" she demanded in her tiny but fierce voice.

The thief, a young boy no older than ten, looked terrified. "I... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Ella's stern expression softened. "Why are you stealing? Don't you know it's wrong?"

The boy looked down, tears welling in his eyes. "I... I don't have any money, and my sister is sick. We need medicine."

Ella's heart ached for the boy. "Wait here," she said gently. She flew back to the group, who were just about to enter the city.

"Lilith! Elara! I need your help!" Ella called out, fluttering urgently.

Lilith and Elara turned to her, concern in their eyes. "What's wrong, Ella?" Lilith asked.

"I found a boy trying to steal because his sister is sick and they need medicine. Can we help him?"

Without hesitation, Lilith nodded. "Of course we can. Lead the way, Ella."

Ella guided them back to the boy, who was still standing where she'd left him, looking scared and lost. Lilith knelt down to his level and spoke gently. "Hi there, I'm Lilith. What's your name?"

The boy sniffled. "I'm Jace."

"Well, Jace, we're going to help you and your sister," Lilith said with a reassuring smile. She reached into her pouch and handed him a few coins. "This should be enough for the medicine. Let's go together to make sure you get what you need."

Jace's eyes widened in disbelief. "Really? Thank you so much!"

Elara, Everleaf, and even the grumpy Garret, who had been watching from a distance, followed them to a nearby apothecary. The shopkeeper, seeing the nobleman with them, quickly prepared the necessary medicine.

As they handed the medicine to Jace, his face lit up with gratitude. "Thank you! I don't know how to repay you."

Lilith smiled warmly. "Just take care of your sister, Jace. That's all the thanks we need."

As they walked back to the gate, Ella fluttered happily around them. "I'm glad we could help," she said.

Everleaf nodded. "Sometimes, small acts of kindness can make a big difference."

Garret, having witnessed the entire event, seemed deep in thought. Perhaps, for the first time, he began to understand that true strength wasn't just about power, but also about compassion and helping those in need.

With the gate to Everwood now behind them, Elara and her companions entered the bustling capital city with a mix of relief and anticipation. The journey had strengthened their bond, each step forward solidifying their camaraderie forged through trials in the Whispering Forest.

Inside the guild hall of Everwood, Everleaf took the lead, guiding them through familiar corridors lined with maps and quest boards. Adventurers hurried about, swapping tales of recent exploits and preparing for new quests. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of purpose and achievement.

Upon reaching the reception area, Everleaf called over Mila, the diligent catkin receptionist known for her efficiency and warmth. Mila's ears perked up with curiosity and a welcoming smile graced her face as she approached.

"Guild Mast'Niya Everleaf," Mila greeted with respect, her tail swishing gently behind her. "Welcome back'Niya! It's good to see you and your companions'niya. How can I assist you toda'iya?"

Everleaf returned Mila's smile, a hint of mischief twinkling in her eyes. "We've just returned from our quest in the Whispering Forest," she explained. "Elara and her group here have performed admirably. Could you ensure they receive their payment promptly? And perhaps a little extra as a token of appreciation?" Everleaf added with a subtle wink in Lilith's direction.

Mila nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, Guild Mast'Niya. I'll get started right away'niya. Please, have a seat while I prepare everythingiya."

As Mila busied herself with the paperwork, Everleaf turned to Elara and the others with a warm expression. "While Mila sorts out the details, why don't we take a moment to relax?

As they settled into the comfortable chairs of the guild hall's waiting area, Everleaf leaned forward with interest, addressing Elara directly.

"So, Elara, what are your plans now?" Everleaf asked, her voice warm and curious.

Elara nodded thoughtfully before responding, "Well, first things first, we need to find a place to stay. We'll check if the Golden Acorn has any rooms available; it was a really nice inn when we stayed there last time. Oh!" she added with a smile as Everleaf recognized the inn. "That's great! It would be nice to dine there again, maybe catch up over a good meal. As for plans, we don't really have anything specific lined up apart from exploring the capital."

Lilith chimed in eagerly, "I think I'll look for some books to read. I want to learn more about the area and expand my knowledge."

"Excellent idea," Everleaf replied warmly. "The capital has a vast library; you'll find plenty to explore there."

Ella fluttered around them excitedly, adding, "I'll stay with Lilith and maybe explore the city on my own. There's so much to see!"

Everleaf smiled warmly at the group, pleased with their plans. "Sounds like a plan. Once Mila's done with our paperwork, you can head out and check if the inn has rooms available. If not, I can arrange for you all to stay in one of the guild's rooms just for today. Normally, they're reserved for other guild employees and guild masters who travel from other guilds, for meetings in the capital ."

Mila finished up the paperwork efficiently, then approached them with a stack of documents and a pouch filled with gold coins. "Here you go'niya, everything's in order'niya," she said cheerfully, handing the papers to Everleaf and the pouch to elara.

"Thank you, Mila," Everleaf replied, taking the papers and looking them over briefly. "Elara, Lilith, Ella, why don't you head over to the Golden Acorn and check for rooms? I'll meet you there shortly after I've taken care of a few things here."

Elara nodded gratefully. "Sure thing, Everleaf. We'll see you there."

With that, the group gathered their belongings and made their way out of the guild hall, setting off towards the familiar warmth of the Golden Acorn Inn.

As they entered the Golden Acorn, they were welcomed with warm smiles from the innkeeper.

"Welcome back, you three," the innkeeper greeted them warmly. "I guess you're in need of a place to stay?"

Elara nodded with a smile. "Yes, please. If you have a room for two people, that would be great."

The innkeeper chuckled heartily. "Haha! I suppose a room for three was a bit much last time. I do see that the faerie doesn't take up much space."

Elara grinned in response. "Ella prefers to flutter around rather than sleep on a bed."

The innkeeper nodded knowingly. "Ah, makes sense! I have just the room for you two then. It's cozy and right upstairs. Follow me."

He led Elara and Lilith up a flight of stairs to a comfortable room with two beds and a small table by the window overlooking the bustling street below.

"Here you go," the innkeeper said cheerfully, handing Elara a key. "Enjoy your stay. If you need anything else, just let me know."

"Thank you," Elara replied gratefully as they settled into their room. "It's good to be back here."

Lilith nodded in agreement, her eyes bright with anticipation of exploring the capital once more.