
The Newcomers

One early morning, the head master walked into J.H.S.2 classroom with two new students. He introduced them to the class saying " class, these are new students who are going to be in this class. This is Evans and this one is Nicolas". The whole class smiled at the newcomers. But Evans' eyes were gazed one girl in during the introduction. This was Charlotte. The bell was rang for recess. most student went out for break, some went to eat and others went to play. Charlotte and her two friends Ayisha and Isaac sat in the classroom chatting when Evans and Nicholas approached them, Isaac knew Evans so he introduced him to Charlotte and Ayisha as his long time friend which made it easier for Evans and Nicholas to be their friends too.

As time went on, they got to know each other more and their friendship became stronger. But Evans started having feelings for Charlotte but doesn't have the courage to tell her.

One day he decided to act as a man. He went straight to her while she was reading a book and whispered in her ears" I want to speak with you outside please".

Charlotte followed him outside and asked what the problem was. He said to her " Chatty, using her pet name I....love you and would love to be in a relationship with you. But Charlotte replied " Alryt but let me think about it first" and he agreed to her response. But one of the girls in the class called Sandra also admires Evans but couldn't tell him. She feels jealous anytime she sees Evans closed to Charlotte.

The two started dating, Evans always want to be with Charlotte, he always use the excuse of helping her to copy her notes to be close to her. When they got to their final year, Charlotte was worried about what the others would say if they find out she is in a relationship with Evans and also what her teachers would say, so she asked for a breakup but Evans was not willing to break up with his love. Charlotte started ignoring him at school and also home when he calls.

Finally, they wrote their final year exams and went away to further in the school of their choices. During these period, Evans and Charlotte lost contact so couldn't hear from each other or even see each other.