
the Young Avengers : The weird, weird West

L1T3RAT1 · Sci-fi
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14 Chs

Doomed Futures

Dodge City, Kansas, 1871

12:00PM - Noon

The stagecoach from St.Louis arrived with a typical compliment of passengers: A notorious gunfighter who hoped to find peace in Dodge and a place to settle down; A wealthy oil baron who was stopping of as part of a return trip from the East; A delicate and beautiful belle who sought to make amends with an estranged uncle; And a middle-aged widow who hoped that the change of scenery would help her build a new life in the wake of her husband's death.

The thunder of the horses that brought the noon stage into Dodge City signaled a throng of townsfolk to assemble in its wake. But it wasnt really the thought of visitors that pulled the Westerners away from their daily activities. The noon stage also carried mail, parcels, and news from the bigger cities back east.

Henry the Salomon keeper rushed out to meet the stage, hoping to receive a letter from his gal Sally back east in Philadelphia.

Sheriff Clemens met the stage looking for the latest wanted posters of fugitives from the Federal authorities.

12-year-old Ernie Caufield met the stage on a mission from his mama, looking for a package from his aunt in Chicago.

It was nothing special--the noon stage arrived almost every day. It was just a typical summer day in Dodge City. But then something happened that cut through the peace of the daily routine. Something unexpected…

Something Extraordinary…

Something Weird...


Doom Castle, Latveria, 1967


Baron Victor Von Doom had been a promising student at New York State University at the same time as Reed Richard's (Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four, and the proclaimed smartest man on earth). While at University, Victor had accidentally but permanently disfigured himself in a horrible laboratory explosion. While convalescing, he was expelled from the university and formed the irrational belief that somehow Reed Richard's had been responsible for his accident. Since that time, Victor had used his own inventive genius to construct a life-supporting and powerful battle suit armor and became the iron-fisted ruler of the European nation of Latveria, which he used as his platform for his attacks against his rival Richard's and his allies in the Fantastic Four.

This was a time early in his career, and he had just finished building his own practical working time-machine. Shortly after finishing its construction, he used the time-machine's diagnostic equipment to discover temporal chaos emerging from Dodge City, Kansas, of the 1870s and sent a probe back in time to retrieve further information. The probe was only able to relay a few scant pieces of information before it was destroyed by unknown means, but it was enough for Doom to deduce the presence of a living creature that seemed to be sustaining its body on Time itself. He dubbed it a: "Chronovore".

Doom then began recruiting allies, and led them back in time to gain control over a Chronovore, and with that power blackmail the Universe.