
the Young Avengers : All this and WWII

L1T3RAT1 · Sci-fi
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14 Chs

The Grand Tour

As the Young Avengers were gathering in their make-shift headquarters for a regularly scheduled afternoon meeting, they noticed a large parcel (approximately 3 feet by 3 feet by 2 feet) just within the doorway. The package was addressed to the Young Avengers.

Despite how thorough Vision and Iron Lad's security measures were, there was no record of anyone ever delivering the parcel, nor were there any indication of a break-in. All attempts to discern exactly where the parcel had come from or who left it (fingerprints, etc.) proved fruitless. As did any attempt to see or hear inside the parcel without opening it.

Once they finally opened the parcel, they found it contained a small video monitor. Five seconds after the package was opened, the monitor began to beep, finally flickering into life to display the face of Col. Nick Fury. "Good afternoon, self-proclaimed Young Avengers. My name is Nick Fury. You might of heard of me as the executive director of the Strategic Hazard Interventions and Eliminations Directorate, otherwise known as SHIELD. I hope this little stunt didn't scare you too much; but i had no guarantee that you and I would be the only parties privy to this conversation.

"I don't have time to beat around the bush, so I'm going to get straight to the point. Two days from now, the Research and Development branch of a classified branch of US military will be testing the new Cavalier Infantry Support System. We would like you to participate in that test.

"This isn't fun and games, boys and girls. The testing itself will be hard work; but if you cooperate we'll see that you're well rewarded. Any questions?"

"When and Where?" The Patriot asked.

"I can't tell you that unless you agree to participate, and that was a yes." Nick replied.

Once the Young Avengers gave their collective consent, Nick Fury informed them that they were to report to a secret western research lab, located just outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico (the lab where Bruce Banner had become the Hulk). Nick announced he would be traveling to New Mexico to meet them at the airport with new instructions.

"Just what is the Cavalier Infantry Support System?" Iron Lad asked.

"CISS is a fully automated, self-propelled close support system. I can't tell you anymore until you reach New Mexico."

"How long will the testing take?" Stature asked.

"Should only be a day or two."

"Why us?" Iron Lad asked.

"CISS is being specially designed to function against opponents with capabilities similar to those of yours and your teammates. There is no better way to test the system than to put it against the real thing. I can assure you however, the testing is not dangerous."

The Young Avengers immediately agreed.


When the team arrived in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the Airport, Fury himself was there waiting for them. He then ushered everyone into a military vehicle which transported the Young Avengers to a large house located in the desert suburbs. For the duration of the weapons testing, that house and the vehicle they arrived in would be at their disposal. Inside was enough living space for everyone, and even some modern conveniences. After being given enough time to get accustomed to their new surroundings, Fury drove them to the weapons research lab, which is located in the desert 10 miles outside of town.

After a 15-minute drive, they arrived at a large fenced-in compound. They noticed ultra-modern motion sensors and biometric scanners all along the perimeter. This base was probably one of the most well-executed facilities in the entire country. It was where The Incredible Hulk was created. Whatever it was that went on there, the people inside were xenophobic and dont want too many people to know about it! Fury started, "This base is classified top-secret. From this moment on, you are all subject to the Official Secrets Act. Right now, I'm going to take you inside and show you around a bit.

"By the way, you'll notice the security equipment scattered all along the perimeter. Every inch of the base features state-of-the-art anti-infiltration security systems. Nobody and I do mean NOBODY can get in here without authorization, so from now on, you all better carry these ID cards with you at all times." Fury then handed each of them a special laminated S.H.I.E.L.D. agent ID badge.


The tour began with Fury's own office. The office was very comfortably furnished and featured a massive bank of monitors and displays. Its polished wood paneling clashed with the pristine anti-septic and metallic aesthetic that ran throughout the rest of the base.

"This is my office. From here I can monitor security within the complex, as well as keep on top of all Incoming and outgoing communications. The place is kind of clean right now because I haven't been here, and dont spend much time in this part of the country." Fury proclaimed.

Before leaving the area, Stature noticed a strange photograph on the wall behind Fury's desk. The photo was taken back in 1943, and showed in Black-and-white Nick Fury and his Howling Commandos posing with a group of figures wearing strange red and blue costumes. When Fury noticed Cassandra Lang eyeing the photograph, he said: "That was taken back in the good old days--1943. Dont know who the strangers are, but they sure saved our asses."


The next stop on the tour was the security office, inside, Fury introduced the Young Avengers to Special Director Mike Casey, the man in charge of Base Security. Casey was the young and eager type. He was pleased to have such an important assignment after only just a few years with the organization, and his enthusiasm was readily apparent.

Five men were constantly on active duty in the security room. The room featured a bank of monitors similar to those in Fury's office. Almost every location within the base could be observed from that room.


Each of the facilities labs were huge rooms filled with all sorts of highly-advanced scientific equipment one could imagine. In the first lab, Fury introduced the Young Avengers to Dr. Klaus Krupptman, who was hard at work on a project with several of his assistants. On a table spread askew before the doctor were scores of papers and documents.

"I'd like you to meet Dr.Klaus Krupptman, one of our head researchers.

"Dr. Krupptman is one of my most trusted researchers, simply because he and I are the only ones working here old enough to remember World War two. "

Krupptman was courteous to the Young Avengers, but they seemed to make him a little nervous.

Iron Lad, after he had looked over the paperwork on the table, was able to discern that Krupptman and his associates were working on a project involving Chronal Locomotion. Time traveling. The project team was, in fact, attempting to develop a time machine of its own. Though Nathaniel Richards knew that their success was a long way off, while he had already mastered it.


The second lab was identical to its counterpart. Here, Fury introduced the Young Avengers to Dr. Jack Cooper, another researcher. 

"This is Dr. Jack Cooper, he is overseeing the Cavalier project for us."

Cooper was a much younger man, than his colleague Krupptman. When Fury and the Young Avengers entered the laboratory, Cooper and his assistants were performing delicate tests on some minute electrical components. Cooper made it known he did not appreciate the interruption from his work, and was so preoccupied to hardly notice the Young Avengers at all.


Fury pointed out the directions the locations of the office block and the main testing floor, but decided against taking them there.

"Ok, now that you have an idea of what is going on, you can head back to the house and get some rest. I want you all back here at 7AM sharp to begin the tests."

"What are the procedures going to be for these tests?" Vision inquired.

"You'll find out soon enough." Fury retorted.
