
The yellow lightning

When Life seemed ok at Beacon for one Jaune Arc what happens when one close "accidentally" leaked his fake transcripts how will the school react, his friend's, his family well...when his father took away Crocea but also disowned him but at least took pity on the boy to atleast leave him the shield /sheath but only for pity and Ozpin gave Jaune to go on a one year Journey to broaden his horizons and become stronger and leave his former team on their own also one question HOW IN OUM'S NAME DID HE GET SENT TO A WEIRD PLACE CALLED GRAND PULSE AND HOW IS HE SUPPOSED TO SAVE THIS WORLD!? Well read and find out through Jaune's journey

Joyboy325 · Anime & Comics
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The Falling Crescent Moon II

A small crater is what was left on the ground was on the ground which in the bad that could've been he would be 6 feet under with broken limbs and bones

"Yang what the hells did I do to get you this mad did I accidentally cut a piece of your hair seriously you need to work on your obsession with that cause it'll probably cost you later down the line" advised Jaune which got Yang even angrier as she jumped foward and threw a punch and which Jaune dodged again

"Ok was it because I ate a few snickers from your secret stash I swear to oum that I didn't tell Pyrrah you know how she is when chocolate is involved, are you hungry cause you know your not you whenever your hungry you should get a snickers" He chuckled nervesly as he joked trying to calm the situation and maybe clear the air for any misunderstanding

"Look I'm sorry for whatever I did but don't you think that this might be passing the line a little" he said starting to fear for what's to come

"Then leave" she said looking at him with a look of annoyance when looking at him

"What, why?" He arched an eyebrow in confusion

"Because a Faker like you shouldn't be here"

"Wha, Why, why do you care for what I did all of you make it sound like a big deal like I did something forbidden or worse and you know there are people that do worse than this you know"

With Yang getting even angrier and more annoyed with Jaune because they both know that he's right and that got her even more angry and her hair began to blaze as all rational thought left her and ran towards him and and prepared to throw a punch at him but again he dodged her punch but she didn't let up she kept on the attack as tears started to fall from her eyes

This confused Jaune as to why she was crying

"Stop dodging and fight me damnit" getting annoyed and looked more... conflicted?

"I'm not going to fight a friend" he said firmly which affected Yang and made her shake little

"Are you looking down on me?" She questioned sounding more like a demand

But Jaune could see through the question and was able to see that what in front of him was nothing more than a mask and saw through the what she really meant because her eyes were looking at him asking him the question

'Are we really friends?' Almost pleading him to not answer the question to not make more difficult than already

"I don't know why your doing this but yeah we are friends well ...I thought that we were" he said as he looked at Yang hurt for her trying to fight him but didn't know why but then was starting to see that a crowd was being formed which was odd because the school was like a ghost town and then noticed that the figures were chanting

"Fight, Fight!" They were repeating over, over and over again

"Show this fucker his place Yang!" Yelled out a random student

"Show this Faker that he doesn't belong here" another voice said

"Dude the guy survived initiation just let it go" another voice said annoyed that so many people are making a big deal out of it

" why do all of you make it a big deal it's a piece of paper besides didn't you hear what Ozpin said if you pass initiation the transcripts don't matter"

"when in the hell did he say that?" Asked a voice

"During the little speech on the cliff something about paper won't matter in the field of life and death but character and other stuff I can't fully remember" answered the random student

"Oh I got that speech too for my group in the initiation" confirmed another voice

As some the students were talking amongst themselves and others were arguing with how the school works

Back to the "fight"

Yang looks more worried and having... anxiety? as things are being said behind them

"Shut up and fight me damnit and what the hell are you talking about I never saw you as a friend and we never were" and even just saying that didn't only hurt Jaune saw how her eyes shown hurt that the words telling herself were hurting her more than admitting how she feels that something is holding her back as he looks around a sees that 75% of the students looking at her as expecting something? And that's when it clicked in to Jaune's head

The whole action of what Yang is doing is a facade a mask to hide her true personality to feel accepted by others and Even going as far as to go against a friend because of her insecurities she didn't want to do this because of stupid papers it's because of being alone because of...him people blame and people associated with him will have trouble has Yang been dealing with this without them knowing because he was to focused on himself to self-centered that he didn't listen or noticed their state he felt like a horrible person for not noticing before and he feels like this is what he deserves as punishment for not helping a friend in need she...

Doesn't like being left behind that cheery personality the teasing the cocky personality and Jaune starts to notice about back then that Yang would sometimes read regular books about history or math alone in the library but when the rest of the group or other people would Walk in

She would try to hide it and put on a mask why didn't notice the big flag in front of it was completely infront of him he just thought that she was embarrassed of the thought someone teasing her about it but no it was the fear of rejection that was holding her back

As he was in his own head Yang looks at him with fear and anger but it's not directed towards him but herself not knowing what's going through his mind because when she saw the eyes of the boy going through tough times he always smiles and seems bounce back up no matter how times someone keeps pushing him down and she felt jealous of him able to keep on walking when does that used to bully him like Cardin then after the incident of they were apologizing to does that he bullied not just him though all of CRDL were slowly started to change their life and their ways instead of messing around and bully Faunus they started to train more seriously and started to work as an actual team and take classes more seriously and being kept to themselves and helping helping helping around when people need it like they were different people from before and no one knew why but they noticed that they were starting to hangout more with Jaune and strait up asked him what made him change and answered that it was Jaune And they had a talk and it started to make him think about himself and it made him want to change his way, hich shocked her but made her curious and started to hang out with him and found out a lot about Jaune one that he was an honest guy even when he didn't mean to be honest he's worst at lying than Ruby which was amusing to her

But she shook her head clear of the thoughts not trying to make it difficult for her as it already is as Jaune and her look into each other's eyes

"Come on then show me what one of the strongest 1st years can do then" he said in an arrogant way

'I really don't like what you are doing to yourself but I'll make the decision easier for you' he thought as he knew what he was going to do

"Well isn't that true flame brain come on and show me my like these low life's said" Jaune was acting incredible to be thinking 'where did all this come from?' Confused as where the hell this incredible performance was coming from maybe some held in anger he doesn't know ?

But the acting worked well a little bit to well to where her eyes turned red

'Well I asked for this didn't I?'basically asking himself

"Your dead Arc"she said in a calmer tone which made it ten times scarier and in which he was inwardly terrified

And so Yang sprinted towards him and was ready to throw a very powerful punch as she was getting closer to him she was hoping that the boy would dodge the punch butshe that he wasn't even make any effort to get out of the way and when get closer she saw him

Smile? At her which confused her to why he would be smiling in this situation but her thoughts were caught off foe when she punched him in the stomach hard and as his aura flickers he was sent flying through the wall and a few seconds some students cry triumphantly and go to her while others shake their heads in disappointment but all of that didn't matter to Yang at the moment when she noticed people were standing by her and complimenting her at what she did it clicked in her head of What happened

As a tear falls down to, everything else goes in slow motion

'That idiot why would he do this to himself he could've' as she started to look at were Jaune was sent as she saw Jaune slowly start to get up and him looking back

As she sees Jaune giving her a sad smile she was starting to push people out of the way to try to get to him to ask him an important question 'why would you do this for me?' but more people kept appearing out of no where as it was getting more difficult to more foward towards him but the sea of people were making it impossible for her to get to him

And Jaune noticed the platform that he was standing on was losing stability but made no effort to get out of the way as Yang also saw it she tried to to get him quickly but it felt impossible as she was being pushed back and was starting to struggle with the sea of people and and then saw the floor crack to spread more and when it was she saw him mouth the words "take care of yourself " 'what why is he like this why doesn't he worry about himself damnit why does he do this to himself' thought Yang as she forcing everyone out of the way trying to get to him and

While was about to walk away the floor gave out as he was falling as Yang stretched out her arm to reach him but she wasn't able to reach him in time as she sees that Jaune's eyes closed as if accepting what is to come she is shocked and In a catatonic state where she looks down the dark abyss that Jaune fell down to not looking away for it to not swallow her whole and also rethinking her life choices in the process

As Jaune continues to fall into the abyss he hit the ground with a hard thump

"Ugh"as a groan escaped his lips he looks around to that he is...in his dorm room which confused him as he looks around to see no one was but someone sitting in a meditation pose with black hair, wearing a green mistrialian outfit with white pants and he was facing the wall

"Ren ummm where is everyone else?" Jaune asked to the person he considers very good friend or maybe even a brother

But the boy said nothing still facing the wall

"Ok I'll be looking for the others then since you don't want to tell me" Jaune said as he was walking to the door but before he could walk out the door

"Why did you decide to walk this path Jaune?" calmly asked lie ren

"Because it was my dream to be a hero and a huntsman is a way to help people by killing the grimm" he answered without a second thought

"Then why weren't you trained by your parents by the time you were a kid then?" Again Ren asked

"You think that I didn't try to ask them for help to train me, yes ever since I was 5 i wanted to train to be huntsman a hero" as he said this his fist started to tighten

"But every time I try to ask them about it they would have an excuse to avoid it like 'sorry I'm busy' or 'sorry maybe some other time' at first I believed them because yeah they can get busy but i caught them at a time they were doing nothing and just training my sisters and so I asked them but no they found another excuse to avoid traning me so I'm mostly self taught at the time before I barely Improved but I kept going at it cause no one wanted to help me it seems and one day my dad caught me training and for unknown reason was angry with me? LIKE WHAT THE FUCK!" He said with alot of anger and resentment but took a couple of breaths to calm himself down

"Sorry sorry that was uncalled for" Jaune said as he was trying to pushing down his anger

"It just that I don't get it why just train the girls and leave out the only boy in the family THAT is the only one that wants to be a huntsman mind you it just doesn't make sense you know but either way me and dad had this big argument and... you already know the rest of the story"

"I understand that but because of that lack of training and experience what would happen to other people Jaune?" Ren once again calmly asked Jaune

"There would be incidents that would be your fault for that specific matter that occurred because of stupid decisions you made people around will die" said Ren and Jaune felt hurt for what was said but deep down he knew that Ren was right because of his training or lack there of people would die and fall because of...him

"I won't let that happen even when that kills ill make sure that doesn't happen" he said with resolve

"And if it's one of us that take the fall because of a mistake that could potentially kill us all because of your decision making?" And again calmly asked lie ren

"That's always around the corner since it's in the job description I know the weight of the role and what it intales ren" Jaune answered him

"Do you really? Because to me it seems to me that you are dragging us down Jaune and because of that it will put us in great risk and if that risk harms Nora or puts her infront of that risk I'm personally holding you responsible got it" Ren said in a serious tone

"Yeah um yeah I got it" said jaune a little dejected from his brother

"Good" as Ren got up walked passed him and walks passed through the the door and slams it shut as Jaune looks at the window as he sees something in the distance but can't see what it is so gets closer to it opens it up and sees a storm's approaching and he then hears someone crying as he looks he doesn't see anything but he can hear it slightly more clearly as leaves the room as in the window it shows the storm is closer than before

As Jaune is going to the roof as the crying gets louder as he opens the door to see his partner Pyrrah nikos in the roof huddled into a ball crying

This caused Jaune to be concerned for his partner for not knowing what happened to her

"Pyrrah?" Jaune called out concern laced in his voice as she turned around with eyes red and puffy from crying

"Oh Jaune it's you" she said with a fake smile on her lips

"What's wrong Pyrrah are you ok?" Said Jaune with a soft voice

As if to answer him her smile died and a frown to its place

"Jaune I ... don't know if I can keep doing this" she said as her voice trembling

"The hate and the words they say and the things they do it...it's too much for me to handle I don't know what to do anymore i...i" as Pyrrah started to cry again not really knowing what to do in this situation because she isn't used to this sort of reaction from people

Jaune went to comfort not saying anything because he doesn't know what to say right now and just being there for her to let out all she has been bottling up and letting it all out but then by accident Pyrrah push Jaune by reflex which in a pushed him near the edge of the roof

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry it was instinct I didn't mean to push you" she said holding herself as she was frightened and trying to reassure herself and trying to keep her calm and again Jaune went to comfort her but then a flash quickly happened

- flash back-

(Before anyone asks I don't know where this came from and this whole part came to life on it's own and I don't know what the fuck happened when writing this part also most of these chapters are meant to be symbolism so just throwing that out there and so yeah sorry)

As aman was hitting Pyrrah with a belt

"You idiot child you are supposed to be a nikos not some wanna be be fighter we are suppose to be the best of the best not to lose from no yet you lost to a nobody! It puts our family name to shame" as he finished hitting her with a belt

A small Pyrrah kept repeating I'm sorry over and over again while sniffling

"When someone slows you down from your destiny cut them for they are nothing but extra baggage that will only bring you down and won't be any good for someone as useless to stop greatness" he said as he was walking away then Pyrrahs mom walks in shocked at what she is seeing and run towards her asking what happened to her But not a word was heard from Pyrrahs perspective as she was just hearing the ringing In her ears

-flash back ends-

As she was seeing this traumatic memory in reflex she used her semblence and used it to push Jaune off the roof and at it took a while to realize at what she just did she quickly ran to the edge of the roof and looked over to see nothing but her heart beating hard in her chest as she repeats the words I'm sorry over again and no one is there to comfort her

For Jaune he was laying on the cold colorless floor body in pain and and at the same time feeling numb at what has occurred and then loud footsteps are heard walking and Jaune turns his head to see his father Johnathan Arc

As his father looks down on him and speaks "so why is it that I hear that you RAN away from home illegally entered a huntsman academy and almost 75% of the student body is wanting for you to be kicked out of Beacon" he asked for answers

But Jaune remained quiet not saying anything

"Why is it that when I tried helping you wouldn't want it-" before he could say anything else Jaune inturpted him

"Help, help! If you call ignoring your on training him or teaching him about the world that lives in ahead of time but no you taught on how to do task like sing, dance, clean, sow, play guitar, massages fucking massages why do you teach about things I'm only to need I'm going to...marry...someone" as the last words start to die in his throat and when saying that outloud it's as getting a revelation for why Jaunes upbringing why they only taught how him to be a house husband it's because

"You were gonna give me off in marriage to someone weren't, WEREN'T YOU" as he yelled at his father for confirmation or he's just over thinking things right now everything in his head is going all over the place but the silence from his father made it confirmed they never wanted to be a huntsman because they were going to marry him of to a total stranger and without his own knowledge

"Please tell me that this isn't true that I'm over thinking things just some small bits of being paranoid" he asked his dad but more like begging oum above for it to be some sick joke

And that was something that was something that made almost feel so useless

"If makes you feel any better you won't have to worry about that anymore" answered his dad as that was good but why did he feel like his chest was tightening as if preparing for some he didn't want to ask yet he felt compelled to ask

"Why is that" he asked with fear in his voice and what was said was embedded into his very soul while damaging his his heart for it felt as if it was stabbed a 100 times

"Because your an Arc no more" he answered without a change of his face within his eyes he told the truth

"Wha-" before Jaune could finish a word crocea mors pushed down on the floor as the floor cracked as if made of ice surrounding Jaune and not able to move for his body felt to heavy to move anywhere

"All I wanted to do was to be a hero is that to much to ask for" as he asked this the sound of a thunder storm was heard but slowly he was sinking down in dark water as much as he tries to swim up he would be pulled back down by a shadowy hand and would start suffocating from this much despair feeling there's no way out he can't get out its impossible to get out and feeling like he will pass out he frantically tries to swim up but then hands grab him and start to pull him down deeper into the depths and darkest parts of the dark ocean where will be seen as his consciences starts to fade in and out and the last thing he saw was the Sheild of Crocea Mors sinking down with a small glimpse of light reflecting off of it and before he falls into unconsciousness he heard a small almost quiet voice just above a whisper saying

"Jaune do you remember our promise" said a kind and gentle voice

'What promise?' He thought to back and is replying to his thoughts

"So you don't remember well then it's time for you to remember Jaune, remember" as the voice went silent but for some reason Jaune felt that it was like talking to an old friend that you haven't seen or spoken to in a long time and didn't feel like it's gone and then he slipped into unconsciousness and his last thought was
