
The Yellow Flash of KONOHA? in DC!!!

A guy wakes in a forest overlooking Central City, City of the Flash? " I'm fucked aren't I" Find out what he does going onwards.

Punyashlok_Barik_5277 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


After the whole Cadmus Lab fiasco....

The sidekicks were standing in the middle of rubble clearing surrounded by THE JUSTICE LEAGUE looking smug like they had taken down doomsday.

Robin stepped forward to explain the current situation to Batman. Half-way through the explanation Batman stopped glaring at the quartet and sent a questioning look at Diana as she looked like she was gonna pound some bad guys to the ground.

"Attention Justice League! Something doesn't feel natural" warned Diana

At this Batman began to scan the surroundings for any discrepancies, Superman, Martian Manhunter and other flying members of the league took to the air, Green Arrow knocked an arrow on his bow, Zatara began to magically scan the surroundings.

"Flash! Sweep the perimeter " Batman ordered.


The quartet surprised at first began to take their respective battle ready stance.


"Huh!" "Flash! I ordered you to sweep the perimeter."

"THAT'S WHAT I DID!" "Then why are you standing in the middle of the formation between the kids?"

Before Flash could answer that, a ethereal rainbow coloured pillar of light dropped on Kid Flash from the sky knocking him in the air, caught by the Flash. The light started to brighten to a alarming degree even the MAN OF STEEL had to close his eyes along with everybody else. 

Once the light subsided, in it's place stood a tube with a faint human like outline inside it.

Batman along with Superman cautiously approached it. As Superman recalibrated his eyes, He saw a note stuck on the glass like surface, on it was written 

 You lot owe me one.


His horror grew as he looked past the note inside the tube to see a familiar face with an arm missing. He turned around to call Batman, to see the nastiest glare ever seen in the history of mankind. Anybody else would have thought Batman was contemplating murder but he knew that look, that was the look of the detective Batman as his brain functioned faster than Flash's legs as he connected dots to dots to dots to dots.

And there is the case of security breach in the Justice League as Superman was pretty sure that the name of the sender was the name of a mission file in the Justice League database which as of this moment has become critically important.

As the rest of the League and the juniors came in the range to makeout what or rather who is in the tube, Diana was looking furious, Martian Manhunter was discussing the transportation of the tube to the Watchtower with Hal, Robin and Kaldur'ahm were looking heartbroken, Kid Flash was looking towards his mentor not fully grasping the situation, but Green Arrow was the most affected one there, he looked like he would just fall over, Dinah was supporting him.

As the rest of the League went to perform their duties pertaining to the the situation, they failed to sense a figure watching them 3 miles far from the top of a building.

'Now we wait for the ripples to spread.'


Justice League Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

2 and a half hours earlier

The team of trio marched towards their destination with sunshine, flowers and glory in their minds not knowing a shadowy figure just appeared in the room they just left unattended.

1st Person POV 

'So, the seals do really work' He mused as the intruder alarm had not gone off yet 'Let's finish the mission before Batman turns into Metal Batman and twerk slams me into the ground'

He produced a scroll from inside his jacket, after opening it he summoned a Pen Drive and a thin metal disc. He stuck the Pen Drive in the Justice League computer and stuck the metal disc to the side of the computer.

Files upon Files began to download itself in the drive 'Man it was worth the effort of threatening Toyman to make those for me' He mused as he recalled the time he tracked down Toyman to make him a drive which can steal data from the Justice League and a disruptor which disrupts his presence in real time and steals the technological blueprint of Zeta Tubes 'Hey, you might never know when you need it.'

The Pen drive began to blink red signalling it has done it's job. ' Huh, that took way less than the time I nutted for the first time' He then checked the drive on his wrist computer confused, before coming to the conclusion 'Of course they wouldn't keep all their data here, they have an HQ in space. Why did I think that all will be here? Whatever doesn't matter I've got some data and the Zeta tube blueprints, so all's well that ends well' storing the disk and the drive in the scroll.

With that he vanished from the hall.

2 Hours later

As the trio went forward in the hall, if they had retraced their steps backwards and looked upwards in the elevator shaft they would've found a dark silhuoette standing sideways on the wall like normal staring down at their stupidity.

Then He decided it was not worth trouble and walked past the hall, deeper into the elevator shaft towards Dr. Desmonds lab.

After reaching Desmonds lab he stuck to the corners as he saw Desmond rush out with a tiny horned creature on his shoulder.

He phased through the door and collected all the blockbuster serum and copied the formula leaving only one for the plot.

As he was about to leave he jumped towards the corner of the room seeing Desmond rushing back frantically searching for the blockbuster serum, in his crazed state he failed to notice that only one serum is left or the hand reaching for his back from the dark.

He grabbed the serum and ran off teach some kids, you don't come to an old man's house and get away.

1st Person POV

'So, the old man is about to touch some kids, I have about five to seven minutes before the chakra kills him and the justice league shows up.' He thought as he made his way deeper into the the lab he came across the body the unconscious body of armless Speedy. He stored him in a scroll and phased through the floor to find himself in front of another tube.

This one contained a deformed human like organism. He went to the control panel to the side of tube.

[Designation: Match]

'I can use this'

Upper Levels

"Come on kids, I swear I will be gentle~ "

"No, you sickfuck, what the fuck is wrong with you?" yelled Kid Flash " Hey Robin is it just me or the old man is glitching a lot?"

"That's not glitching dumbass, he is tweaking happens to all the people who are addicted to drugs, seen plenty of it in Gotham." replied Robin hanging from the ceiling like a bat.

"Would the two of please concentrate on the fight, who cares if he is glitching or tweaking, point is it is helping Superboy and I land some hits" said Aquaboy.

Unknown to them like most of the things are, the nature chakra injected by mc was raging inside the body of desmond turning his insides into a meat blender tearing him from inside turning bits into stone causing the movements of Desmond to look like a glitch.

1st Person POV

'Looks like they are focusing on the fight' He observed as he went around the hall stealthily placing seals around the hall.

After the quartet destroyed the hall, surrounded by the Justice League

On a building Three miles away we could see our mc observing the situation.

'Good they are in the Genjutsu field ' He thought as he made a sign to activate the field ' Why was any of this necessary? Aha! To prevent Heroes from finding out that Kid Flash is marked' as the tube suddenly teleported under Kid Flash knocking him in the air, covering it with the act that somebody threw it from the sky with a beam of rainbow light 'Man I feel like an electrician with all the light work.' 

'That should do it, with this Justice League would feel like I'm helping them somewhat with exception of Batman, I have thrown a tiny wrench in Light's plan and maybe if fate deems it Justice League would feel like they owe me' He pondered 'And honestly what would I do with an immature armless C-grade archer with rage issues, not my problem'

With that he vanished from the spot.


'Man, I feel like there's no speaking lines for me, am I an emo?'

Constructive criticism is accepted

Give me a good callsign for mc

Punyashlok_Barik_5277creators' thoughts