
The Yellow Flash of KONOHA? in DC!!!

A guy wakes in a forest overlooking Central City, City of the Flash? " I'm fucked aren't I" Find out what he does going onwards.

Punyashlok_Barik_5277 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

We Fucked Up! (1)

In a forest fifty three miles west of Central City, a man was running frantically occasionally looking behind himself with a terrified face, fear apparent in his eyes as he couldn't find any sign of the Demon.

He ran and ran for miles before his legs gave out and he fell over ass over his head and tumbling a few times, coming to stop after colliding against a tree, dick over face.

The walkie-talkie in his trouser pocket fell on his face.

"CAPTAIN! Captain what is the situation there? Why is the colonel not answering? What of Task Force X?" Came a stern voice through the walkie-talkie. He set his body upright and crouched behind a bush.

The man's breath hitched, he frantically looked around before looking at the device in his hands like the next moment a knife would cut through it.

"MA'AM! WE-.... We fucked up." the man answered terrified, eyes darting around "The rest are all dead. Colonel Rick, Task force X, the soldiers, it killed us all one by one, all are dead DEAD!"

"I see....come in Captain, the backup should be arriving in 5 minutes, regroup and give me a report."

As he heard this, the man looked down at the ground and murmured "Don't bother Ma'am, recall the backup I won't be coming in to report."

"Are you disrespecting my orders Captain?!"

"No Ma'am, I am dying." 

Saying that he collapsed on the ground, with his failing eyesight he caught a glimpse of what killed it in the moonlight, it was crouching by his side searching his body for God knows what, it noticed that he didn't die completely, a leaf shaped blade appearing in it's hand and the owl like mask turning to look him in the eyes, then all became dark.


13 Hours Ago

On an undisclosed military base

In a conference room

Fifteen men consisting of three Lieutenant Colonels and twelve Captains were sitting down waiting for someone.

The door opened and in came the man of the hour, Colonel Rick Flag. The soldiers all stood up upright and saluted.

"At ease gentlemen, I trust you have all been provided with the documents pertaining the mission, please open the documents in your hands"

"""Sir Yes Sir!"""

"I said to be at ease. Now I have been given control over three battalion of soldiers, each consisting of a thousand soldier, sixty Lieutenants and you lot."

A Captain raised his hand.

"Yes, Captain"

"What is Task Force X?"

"That is the squad I am in charge of, that's all you need to know and care about. Just follow the orders."

A Lieutenant colonel asked " What is our objective, Sir?"

Rick replied "Yeah, our main objective is to capture a mercenary by the code name [ALPHA] and our side objective is to kill it if we can't capture it?"

"All these to capture a single target, Sir?"

"Yeah well this target's threat ranking is country level. You wanna take on a country level target with a ten men squad be my guest"

This surprised all the people in there except of course Rick.

"Where is the last known location of it, Sir?"

Rick was now getting irritated.

"I swear to God, are you all illiterate or something? It says right here in the file that it's last known location was Central City"

The Soldier became quiet after that. Rick then continued " As this is a covert task. We will leave two companies in the city to search for the subject, the two battalions will be divided into Five hundred soldiers that means two companies and will search the north, south, east and west of city in a hundred and fifty mile radius, the remaining six hundred soldiers will be divide into four companies of a hundred and fifty soldier each and scour the north-east, north-west, south-east and south-west of the city in the same radius. We will be departing in sixty minutes, so get yourself and the troops ready. The estimated time of arrival is thirteen hundred hours. We will have full military access, so I want this bastard captured or dead. UNDERSTOOD!




An abandoned factory, 15 miles south of Central City

Fourteen Hundred Hours

The doors were kicked in as Captain Cold and Heat Wave strolled in.

"Man this sucks why we gotta run away from those camouflaged fuckers, Let me have at them I'll show those fuckers what real heat is."

"Calm down Heat Wave, we are not running, we are avoiding" answered Captain Cold " Not only the military but the Shadow's Assassins, Black Adam And the army that Deathstroke has brought with him. I am telling you by the time night arrives half the city will be razed to the ground"

"What did you say?!"

A voice interjected. As they looked around, they saw a red blur pass between them stopping in the middle of the room.

"Ah! Flash, To what do i owe the pleasure?" He questioned as he held back Heat Wave from attacking.


"I came to you for some information on a mercenary named [ALPHA]" Flash said "Is what you said true?"

"You know you are the Fastest Man Alive but not so fast in the head are ya" Captain Cold quipped "Honestly what kind of hero doesn't know what's happening in his city?"

"In my defense, these are all assassins, hiding is the first thing they learn."

"Whatever, it's true. What are ya gunna do about it?"

All they saw was a red blur rushing out, they looked at each other and shrugged. Heat Wave took out some donuts and Captain Cold opened a bottle of wine, which he then poured for both of them.

The Flash was rushing towards the city with a turmoiled mind, after some thought he decide to call in some help. He called Batman.

"Batman, We have a problem."


Am I making The MC too bloodthirsty and edgy with respect to him being a fifteen year old transmigrated boy? Cause I have typed up a kill count of thousands for him in this chapter and hundreds in the previous ones.

Let me know.