
The Yellow Flash of KONOHA? in DC!!!

A guy wakes in a forest overlooking Central City, City of the Flash? " I'm fucked aren't I" Find out what he does going onwards.

Punyashlok_Barik_5277 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Please Read Before Reading Onwards

This is a semi-crack fic on what happens if a guy wakes in young justice universe. The main character isn't fleshed out , his personality traits will become more prominent as the story moves forward.

I'm a new author so please guide me if some information or fact goes wrong. I haven't watched the young justice show in a while so do tell me if anything feels wrong. this is gonna be slight AU so, fair warning.

 I am a student so, the upload schedule, if you like the story, will be a little wonky.

I'LL upload a auxillary chapter of stats on alater date.

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