
The Yeager Corps

The people of Terra were caught of guard when demons invaded their world through portals called Gates, bringing with them terror and fear. The demons would kill, rape and kidnap indiscriminately. Before humanity could face extinction, a group of people with never seen before abilities, appeared out of nowhere and eliminated all the demons... Unfortunately the gates never stopped opening. Prompting them to build an organisation tailored for demon slaying, with the aid of the five countries. This group of awakened defenders will later be known as... The Yeager Corps. ••••••••••••• What happens when you find yourself sharing a body with a powerful demon? Zyran Gravel, was a high school dropout that had the misfortune of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, why?' Because on that day, a gate opened and from within it, came a powerful demon that would be the cause of Zyran's despair... And his rebirth. Disclaimer: The Terra (Earth) in this novel is not similar to the one we live in.

Dr_Tepesh · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 31 - Lending a shoulder

Time: [ 08:45 pm]


After asking Thea and Ailani other questions related to the Yeager Corps. Thea and Ailani decided to call it a night but, before Thea left, she said: Tomorrow morning we'll be heading back to the main base, so be ready since we'll be leaving early. You should know by now which room is yours". And with that, both she and Ailani left, leaving Zyran by himself in the dining room. He didn't even get the chance to ask about which type of transportation they'd be using.

Zyran placed his arms on the table and rested his head before closing his eyes. He remained that way for minutes without moving, it was almost as if he was sleeping.

"Alora..." He quietly whispered as his sisters warm smile flashed in his mind. 'I miss you'.

Memories of their childhood, their struggles together, all the way up to their last moments, flashed before his eyes. 'I had to watch you get violated Infront of me without me being able to do anything. I am the worst brother in the world, I failed to protect you and now your gone, all because I was weak, all because i was useless but, not anymore..." the temperature in the dining room began to slowly rise, "I am no longer powerless anymore, I will avenge you, I will eliminate every single demon in existence and I won't rest untill their all gone. That..." Zyran slowly raised his head, displaying his blue eyes that were glowing brightly "is my promise to you".

[Get a hold of yourself human!]

Zyran closed his eyes, followed by the temperature in the room slowly beginning to lower. 'I need to learn how to control myself, my emotions have been getting out of control lately. It seems what Thea- I mean captain said is true. A person's ability affects their emotions'.

[Earlier, During Zyran's talk with Thea and Ailani]

Zyran, you should be aware that a persons ability also influences their personality and emotions. Take me as an example, my ability can sometimes make me temperamental, impulsive and a bit destructive. I am easily triggered and if I don't control myself, I might harm others. As a pyrokinetic, the more you try to suppress your emotions, the more likely that you'll explode, literally. Which is why you need to find something to release all your frustrations on". Thea then shifted her gaze to Ailani "As for Ailani over here, her ability causes her to be constantly sleepy. Which leads to her being apathetic, lazy, moody and sometimes forgetful. She would use every opportunity she gets to get some shut eye. Though, that doesn't mean that you can take her off guard, because as a counter measure, her body's senses are at an all time high whenever she's sleeping and there's also the possibility of you getting dragged into one of her dreams.


[Let me help you]

Zyran got off the chair and walked towards the kitchen, completely ignoring the voice in his head.

[You think you can ignore me forever]

Upon entering the kitchen, he found Sofia standing Infront of the sink, washing the pots and dishes.


"Ahh!". Sofia screamed in alert after being startled by Zyran's voice. Turning around, she saw Zyran, making her sigh in relief but also feel nervous. "You startled me" she said with her hand on her chest. But that action only reminded her of what Zyran did to her this morning. Feeling her face beginning to burn up, she hurriedly turned around and faced the sink. "No, I'm good. You can go ahead and sleep if you—". Before Sofia could finish speaking, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist followed by a heavy feeling on her shoulder, causing her to both freeze and hold her breath. She could feel Zyran's warm breath on her neck, making her spine shiver.

"I'm sorry about your Father. If you need a shoulder to lean on or someone to talk to, I'm here for you".

The moment Sofia heard Zyran's words, she felt both sweet and sad inside. Sweet because he cared about her and sad because she really missed her father. She released all the air that she's been holding in followed by her feeling her cheeks getting moist.

Zyran noticed this and so he turned her around and then pulled her into a tight embrace, burying her face on his chest. "It's okay to cry, pour it all out, don't hold it in".

Zyran words were the final nail as Sofia's tears began to gash out like a broken dam. All the anger, frustrations and sadness she's been holding in began to pour out in that single moment. Though, she never made a sound. Only preferring to silently cry.

Maybe, just maybe, deep down Zyran's words were what she needed to hear. Maybe she was waiting for someone to hold her tightly and tell her that it's okay to cry. She is more than happy to know that Zyran was the one who was able to say this to her. No one could come to imagine the amount of pain she has been enduring for the past two days. Being forced to pretend that everything is okay, even though she was dying inside, dying to pour all her sorrows out. But now she can do that, she can pour it all out without holding back. 'Thank you'. She tightened her arms around Zyran, as if trying to merge herself with him.

Zyran caressed Sofia's hair while making sure to have a firm hold over her body. Even though she was silently crying, he could feel how her body would shiver from time to time. He was sure that his shirt was soaked by now.

After a few minutes of silence, Sofia slowly pulled away from Zyran. Allowing him to see her red and puffed eyes. It was hard for Zyran to resist her at this moment, as she appeared both weak and fragile. 'Damn emotions'. Zyran ignored the sinful desires that were building up inside of him. He gently wiped Sofia soft cheeks with his hands while being lost in her brown eyes. "You alright?".

Sofia who was also lost in Zyran's mesmerizing eyes, took a moment to process his words. And when she did, she hurriedly pulled away and turned her head to the side. "Y-yes, I'm fine" She then gave him a side glance "Thank you". And then, before Zyran could say anything, she hurriedly ran past him and within seconds, he could hear her running up the stairs followed by the harsh closing of a door.

He remained motionless for a few seconds, trying to wrap his head around what just happened.

[That human, she has—]

"I know" Zyran finally moved, and made his way out the kitchen.

[Hmph, I detected no similar emotions in you. Only the desire to mat—]

"Shut it"


[You can't ignore me forever. I am part of you now, Zyran]

Zyran reached the stairs and stopped for a moment. He then silently began to walk up the stairs without bothering to reply to Telos.

[Is this because I didn't mention the awakening part to you?]


[If I didn't know any better, I might have thought you were going through that phase female humans go through on a monthly bases, what's it called again? Ah yes... Menstruation]

Zyran reached the top of the stairs with veins beginning to pop on his head. But he still kept silent.

[Fine, I'll tell you why]

Zyran reached the door to his room that now had a new lock. He went in and locked it behind him. He then walked towards the bed and lied down on it facing up while his arms were under his head. "I'm listening".


[It's forceful awakening, it's a dangerous method that is rarely done because of it's high fatality rate. It's a technique I developed in my time as a monarch for demons that weren't able to evolve even after reaching the final level of their class. The reason I didn't fully explain it to you is because I thought you would have backed down once you learned of it's dangers]

"Your basically saying that you made me do something that could have taken my life without bothering to mention the consequences to me".


"What if I died Telos? What then?".


"Answer me!". Zyran began to grown inpatient.

[You wouldn't have]

"What do you mean?", Telos's words were confusing Zyran.

[Your drive for vengeance is as fierce as your flames. You wouldn't have died because you wouldn't have allowed yourself to. That, I was sure of. Remember human, I still need your aid in eliminating the demons]

Zyran turned to the side, "Telos, if you want us to be able to work together without any problems. Then you'd have to start being honest with me. No more half ass explanations".

[I see... Then you don't have to worry. I'll make sure to explain everything properly now]

"Good, now..." He closed his eyes "I need some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a headache".