
The Yasha The tale of Genji Tokita

In the universe of Kengan Ashura/Omega this story follows the life of Genji Tokita, this is a retelling of his life through Events of the actual content. it follows all his adventures and shows you his ideas and goals to the very end! Will he prevail and become the greatest? or will he drown in his own blood? find out now.

Tuckyworld · Sports
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6 Chs

Calm Before The Storm

The room was Void, Empty other than a bed that sat on the floor, two old and janky arcade machines in the corner that connected to the outlet, and that was all. "Honestly, I forget where we live sometimes." Genji sighed as he was hit with the harsh reality that they live in the one place where law does not exist. "Regardless, I have something to keep me entertained, let's play." There were two stools that sat in front of each machine, they were both set to Tekken 5. After about an hour of playing, the boys were interrupted by Niko walking into the room with his hand on the door frame. "Genji, Me and Bernardo are done talking, Lets go home.'' Looking up at Niko, both boys were a bit sad at the sudden leave. "Just a minute, can we finish this last set?" Genji looked over to Niko with a grin, it was a site to see. The adult Tokita didn't see Genji smile and enjoy himself with a friend often since the kid didn't really have friends. "Sure, Just make it quick, I'll be outside." He left the room. The two boys immediately went back to playing and with the next couple of minutes, they finished. Genji ended winning in the last game, it was a tiebreaker game as well. Armando and Genji stood from their stools, "Geez, Genji you're good." While rubbing the back of his head, The Tokita would chuckle. "Gotta give yourself some credit, gotta go though, let's play again sometime!" After that, Genji left and went outside, Niko waiting for him. "We'll be stopping by The Hachitaka District, after that we'll head home and train." He started walking, Genji following as he took his notebook from earlier out and reading it.

In about half an hour of walking, they arrived where they needed to. An area full of tents, stands with food and a bunch of other stuff. It definitely seemed more... lively, compared to the other districts Genji has been to. Eventually, two came to a large black tent, red lettering that simply said Leave on the entrance, the zipper splitting it at the letter A. "Sarutobi! I'm here." Niko said suddenly and quite loudly where most people in the area could hear him. His voice was firm, not a note of hesitation in his speech. After a few moments, sounds of a sheets and a blanket moving, Proceeding the noise, the zipper came undone and out came an older man. Long beard, it was white and he was bald, Though his head would distract you from his body, He was massive, his muscles were big yet lean. He presented himself in a pair of black shorts and a beater shirt, With sandals to boot. The man spoke, His voice carried wisdom that is comparable to Solomon himself. "What do you want, Rashomon." Niko sighed, his hands in his pockets as he immediately explained himself. "Tiger is on the move, If he comes after me or Genji, I'll need your help. He'll have some Henchmen coming, I want your help to keep him safe or just warn you to be prepared." Genji was in awe of the man in front of him, even though this old yet Strong looking man was dressed like any street bum, The Younger Tokita could tell that Sarutobi was a great martial artist. Something that caught Genji's attention was the hands of the elder, The older male noticed Genji staring at his hands. "Genji, Didn't Rashomon teach you not to stare?" Genji flinched and looked at the ground. "Sorry, Sir." The child clenched his fist in embarrassment, "Rashomon, If you ever need help, You know where to find me and If I may, let me test the boy. Him being your successor, I have high hopes."

Niko looked at Genji, "You're asking the wrong person if you want challenge him." Looking back up, the youngest of the three looked up at Yuya and out of complete excitement, He answered the elder. "Yes, please!" Nodding, Sarutobi walked away from his tent, past the Tokita's and to a clearing that was only a few meters away. A circular stone slab about fifteen to twenty meters in diameter, he had a bit of wear and tear but it still seemed relatively fresh in terms of condition. "Come, We practice here and please, Call me Yuya." Genji took off his Jacket, handing to Niko, The adult taking it from him, resting it on his forearm as he smirked. "Do not go too far, Yuya." Niko spoke as he was concerned for his son, Genji stepped up as he started stretching and shadowing boxing to warm up, for someone his age, he had some good speed to his punches. "Alright let's go, Yuya." The child spoke before he ran forward, throwing a straight punch aimed at Yuya's torso. Yuya put up no defense, He just simply sidestepped the blow as he stuck his foot out, tripping Genji as he fell face first. "Again with this kid, Should've used Flash fire to get his attention." Niko said as Genji rolled and got back to his feet, a bruise of his cheek from hitting solid concrete. Once Genji got back up, he'd quickly start using his footwork and perform Flash Fire, a footwork technique to create after images in the Niko Style, the images are meant to confuse the martial artist but to no avail, Yuya could right through him. Genji would try to throw another punch towards Yuya but he'd caught by the back hand the elder threw. "Your Flame Kata gets a four out of ten, You used it to stay in front of me, bad decision." Another bruise formed on Genji's right cheek, He held his face for a moment before taking his stance focusing his breathing, once he got himself to calm down. He would sprint towards Yuya again, The elder sighed, Expecting a weak desperate punch. Yuya would be wrong on two parts, It wouldn't be a punch and it would not be be normal. It was an Adamantine strike. The strike was in the form of an elbow to the Sternum and it would combined with the technique Indestructible. By tightening all his muscles at the moment of impact, Genji increased not only his physical constitution but offensive power. Yuya would be blown back about two meters and drop to one knee, He also noticed his own error, He underestimated Genji and his abilities. "Should've figured that you had at least this much, your Adamantine Kata is impressive." Yuya noted as held his sternum where the elbow was placed.

"Well, it is the first Kata he learned." Niko stated as he was watching this so-called Test from Yuya. After that statement from Niko, Yuya took his first stance of the fight, a Fudō-dachi, A stance commonly found in classic Shotokan-ryū. He had his hands near his abdomen and another out in front of him, Clenched fists as he smiled. "Come on!" Yuya shouted from his stance, and in response, Genji charged forward throwing a Jab then straight and both were aimed at the face and chest, his form was good but his speed and power definitely could improve. Yuya blocked the jab with his forearm and proceeded to parry the straight with is palm which left Genji's face open. The elder did not miss the opportunity and threw a hook towards the boys face, The reason why Genji was staring at Yuya's hands earlier was due to how brought they looked. Why they looked rough was because they Yuya had conditioned his fists, Elbows, knee's, feet as well as the rest of his joints to the point they were harder than diamonds. Unfortunately, Genji could catch the punch and forcefully change his flow of power with the technique 'weeping Willow'. Genji would force Yuya to hit the ground at a prone position, The young Niko Style practitioners would reach for Yuya's wrist to try and get him into a lock but would fail as Yuya immediately rolled out of the way and got back to his feet. "Your Redirection and Adamantine are impressive. I have my assessment, You found yourself a worthy Student. Niko. Also, Sorry about your face, Genji." Yuya smiled, He had grand expectations for the youth in front of him.

Genji just stood there, A bruised face while he just thinking, He was on the verge of discovering something but he didn't know what. He was locked into the session but there was something he couldn't fully grasp it and he wanted to keep going. "Hm?" Niko tilted his head, making note of Genji's expression at the moment. It was a mix of desperation and curiosity, his mind was all over the place but knew what he wanted to ask, he just didn't know if he should or not. "Genji, What's on your mind? If you have a question say it." Niko was trying to see his student go beyond what he currently is, whether he did or not depends completely on Genji. The practitioner stood there, the throbbing of his cheek and the heaviness of his breath was starting to affect him. Once he had a moment and caught his breath, He'd speak, clearly speaking to Yuya.

"Sarutobi-san, Let's keeping going."