
The Xia Dynasty and Atlantis

In his previous life, while carrying out a special mission, he was severely ambushed by the enemy. With the resolve to complete his mission at all costs, he launched a desperate attack that triggered an energy explosion from one of the nine cauldrons—an object of secret research in Zone 53. This explosion, under the influence of an unknown power and following an unclear pattern, transported him to a strange era. He personally experienced the bloody turmoil at the end of the Xia Dynasty, a period that marked the end of mythology and the beginning of history in China. He witnessed the rapid decline of the once extremely powerful Xia Dynasty, taking on the identity of a hidden star from the Wu religion's Star Sect. He helplessly observed the fall of the Wu and the rise of the Dao, becoming entangled with legendary figures from history. He saw firsthand how history became stories, stories turned into legends, and legends eventually evolved into myths, only to vanish completely into the annals of history, leaving behind mere fragments and glimpses.

Ko_jo · Eastern
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44 Chs

Volume 1, Chapter 27: Pyrrhic Victory

Avoiding heavy weapons had become an instinct for Xiahou.

Seeing the massive blue-purple wave descending from the sky, Xiahou turned and sprinted straight ahead. No tricks, no fancy moves, just a direct dash forward. His skin's acute sensitivity warned him that the wave was almost upon him, causing his eardrums to buzz and his vision to blur with bright spots. The force of the wave was immense.

Amid Xiangliu Rou's triumphant, taunting shouts, Xiahou suddenly leaped forward, curling into a ball and rolling on the ground like a nimble ball. Despite his large frame, his agile movement made Xingtian Dafeng and the others gape in astonishment.

Just three feet behind Xiahou, the massive energy wave struck the training ground, causing it to tremble violently. The iron-hard ground sank a foot deep within a 200-foot radius.

Then, centered on Cangfeng, the energy wave exploded after a brief pause.

Debris flew hundreds of feet in all directions as the royal training ground was blasted into a massive crater. Cangfeng, barely able to control the formidable spell of the Revered Heaven Sword, trembled with blood trickling from his mouth. Xiahou fared worse, being blasted over 200 paces away, landing as awkwardly as a cat thrown from a tall building. He held his single-edged sword tightly in his right hand.

With ears ringing and vision blurred, Xiahou felt like his organs had been steamed and doused in boiling oil, causing immense discomfort. Blood covered his face, and a stream of crimson poured from his nose. He suspected two of his ribs were cracked, and his right leg bone groaned from a massive blow it took mid-air.

Far off, Bai's sharp cries and the desperate roars of Heiyan Army officers could be heard. Bai, seeing Xiahou injured, went wild and tried to rush into the field, forcing the officers to restrain him, resulting in several receiving numerous scratches.

Gasping for breath, Xiahou stood and gave Cangfeng a mischievous grin, "Nice spell, but you missed."

Cangfeng, hands on his knees, also panted heavily. "You... you run too fast! As a Wu warrior, you should have faced my spell head-on. I never expected you to run." He coughed a few times, standing upright. "Had the Revered Heaven Sword hit you, you wouldn't have survived. It's fortunate you escaped; I didn't intend to kill."

Limping towards Cangfeng, Xiahou swung his single-edged sword casually. "Hesitation won't let you win. Do you believe me?" He wiped the blood from his face and laughed, "Let's stop fighting. I punch you once, you surrender, and I'll ask my boss to build you a dojo. Deal?"

Cangfeng felt dizzy. What did Xiahou mean by "boss"? This barbarian spoke so oddly!

Shaking his head, Cangfeng replied seriously, "Sorry, I promised Xiangliu Rou I'd win this duel for him."

Xiahou sighed, standing at the edge of the crater. "Alright, fly out, and let's continue. I can't float on a sword like you."

Nearby, Xingtian Huaying lazily yawned, "Big brother, your guest is losing. Who knew Xiangliu Rou would find a Qi refiner with spell power near that of a First Cauldron Grand Witch? That barbarian can't win. Especially after taking off his armor, which could withstand attacks from two Second Cauldron Wu. What an idiot! Now you'll have to bow to Xiangliu Rou at the gates of Anyi."

Xingtian Dafeng and Xingtian Xuanzhi looked grim. Huaying, waving her sleeve dismissively, left with a few maids. "You deal with this mess. Why bring back such a fool? He could have won with that armor. Now, you'll be bowing to Xiangliu Rou."

The nearby commanders of the Heiyan Army and the Xuanbiao Army turned pale, instinctively touching their money pouches. They looked at Xiahou with murderous intent, knowing that their half-year's salary had been forcibly donated by Xingtian Dafeng and his brother, all bet on Xiahou.

On the training ground, Cangfeng firmly shook his head. "Chihu, little brother, I, Cangfeng the Qi Refiner, may be a bit old-fashioned, but I'm not stupid. Fly out and face you, a Wu warrior, head-on? You think I'm crazy?" He let out a strange laugh, "Try finding a few Wu scholars in Anyi who would willingly clash weapons with a Wu warrior. See if there are any!"

Xiahou was taken aback, while Xiangliu Rou and Shen Gongkun howled with laughter, proud that Cangfeng had verbally outmaneuvered Xiahou. Indeed, Qi refiners, like Wu scholars, focus more on controlling Wu and magic power, and harnessing the forces of heaven and earth. Their bodies could not compare to those of Wu warriors. Ordinary Wu scholars kept their distance in combat, making Cangfeng's words indisputable and leaving Xiahou without a strong counterargument.

Seeing Cangfeng "shamelessly" floating over the giant crater, unwilling to approach, Xiahou shook his head and performed an action that made the spectators laugh and cry. He casually planted his single-edged sword in the ground, then reached down and grabbed a head-sized rock. Holding the stone tightly, Xiahou stepped back a few paces, then lunged forward, hurling the rock with all his might.

The nearby noble scions of Anyi could hear the stone whistling through the air. Somehow, Xiahou had perfected this skill, as the rock flew straight towards Cangfeng's head from over a hundred paces away with pinpoint accuracy.

Cangfeng broke out in a cold sweat, moving his sword light just enough to dodge the stone. Before he could celebrate, another rock flew towards him with even greater force. He dodged again, but the training ground was now littered with debris from his previous spell. Xiahou had ample ammunition and stamina, pelting Cangfeng with a barrage of stones.

Excited, Xingtian Dafeng and Xingtian Xuanzhi led their brothers in cheering loudly. The entire training ground resounded with the Heiyan Army officers and tens of thousands of Anyi scions shouting, "Kill, kill, kill him!"

Cangfeng was exasperated. He didn't want a life-or-death battle, so why was Xiahou so eager to continue? He realized ordinary sword techniques wouldn't work on Xiahou, but using another powerful spell would be taxing.

As he pondered, a dozen more stones flew at him. Amidst them was a yellow clump of dirt, which struck his abdomen with a sharp crack. His robes tore apart, and he let out a howl of pain, flying hundreds of feet into the air on his sword, too scared to come down.

Imagine Xiahou's immense strength. Even a clump of dirt hurled by him could dent a steel plate. For a Qi refiner like Cangfeng, whose body wasn't as hardened, it was no different.

Luckily, Xiahou had aimed for accuracy rather than power, so the throw was relatively light. Even so, it turned Cangfeng's face blue and purple, nearly knocking him unconscious.

On the sidelines, Xingtian Aolong slapped his thigh in frustration. "Damn, that Qi refiner didn't pass out. Should have had Chihu Baolong bring his dragon sinew bow. His archery skills are decent."

Xingtian Xuanzhi calmly grabbed Aolong's hand, saying, "Whether angry or not, stop hitting my leg, alright? Big brother, when we return, have the Wu craftsmen reinforce the dragon sinew bow. With Chihu Baolong's strength, he could draw a bow with tens of thousands of pounds of force." He rubbed his nose, feeling a chill, "Imagine arrows from such a powerful bow. Even if Cangfeng were hundreds of feet in the air, he'd be dead."

Like children fighting, Xiahou grabbed a rock and looked up at Cangfeng, shouting, "If you have the guts, come down here!"

Cangfeng, his beard and hair bristling in anger, retorted, "If you have the skills, come up here!"

Xiahou shouted back, "If you have the guts, come down here!"

Cangfeng yelled, "If you have the skills, come up here!"

The once-tense training ground fell silent, then erupted into laughter. Some of the younger spectators laughed so hard they trembled, and many were rolling on the ground clutching their stomachs. Xingtian Dafeng, feeling embarrassed, covered his face, while Xiangliu Rou looked as though he had swallowed something foul, his face alternating between shades of blue and yellow. He was so furious that he wanted to rush out and tear both Xiahou and Cangfeng to pieces.

The spirit of King Yu above, had anyone ever seen such a ridiculous duel?

Cangfeng finally realized the absurdity of arguing with a teenager. What reputation would he have left if this got out?

Summoning a gust of wind, Cangfeng tapped his abdomen a few times to ease the pain and pulled out a pill bottle, swallowing several pills. His beard, hair, and clothes fluttered as he floated in the wind. Gripping his sword, he pointed it in the four cardinal directions and chanted, "The earth stirs, dragons and serpents rise! Earth Sword!"

A strange light flashed on his sword, and he slashed it towards the ground.

Xiahou's face changed as he felt the earth energy surge unnaturally. He screamed and punched the ground with both fists.

The ground within a few hundred feet quaked, and with a tremendous explosion, yellow earth energy erupted like a volcano. Xiahou was enveloped in the energy, his fists buried in the ground, his muscles trembling as he fought to keep his massive body from being blown skyward. Nearby, massive stones shot into the air, and dust filled the training ground.

Cangfeng, controlling the earth energy with his incantations, directed it at Xiahou. This powerful earth spell, which he couldn't fully control, drew on all the surrounding earth energy to attack from all directions. It was particularly effective against someone like Xiahou, whose tough exterior was like a tortoise shell that even a blade couldn't cut but could be crushed by heavy stones.

Xiahou's body stiffened as he endured the powerful earth force. Within seconds, he reached his limit. With a cry, he was hurled hundreds of feet into the air by the surging earth energy.

The earth energy, condensed into countless invisible projectiles, pummeled Xiahou, making him howl in pain. Sparks flew off his body with each hit.

Seeing Xiahou lifted by the earth energy, Cangfeng quickly altered his spell, causing the energy to split into hundreds of streams, creating tornadoes in the sky. The dense earth energy clashed and sparked, sending stones flying and grinding them to dust. Xiahou, unable to control his body, was like a bean in a millstone, being crushed mercilessly.

Xiangliu Rou jumped with excitement, "I won! I won! Xingtian Dafeng, surrender now!"

Cangfeng, spinning his sword, chanted, "Man stirs, blood flows! Human Sword!"

A blue sword light, dozens of feet long, sprang from his sword and slashed towards Xiahou like a swift dragon. Cangfeng, however, showed mercy, aiming the sword light at the thickest, least lethal part of Xiahou's body—his buttocks!

No one expected Xiahou to win. Even the usually stoic Xingtian Xuanzhi let out a despairing sigh. In such a situation, who could claim they could turn the tide? Xuanzhi even thought that if he, a First Cauldron Wu, were in Xiahou's place, he would have no choice but to resign himself to getting struck and then admitting defeat.

But Xiahou was not a typical Wu warrior. To be precise, he was a unique blend of Daoist and Wu skills, with unlimited mental potential and a unique cultivation method, possibly making him one of a kind in the Daxia Dynasty.

As the sword energy descended, Xiahou roared, twisting his body to cast a subtle spell, grasping Cangfeng's surging sword energy with his bare hands. With a tearing sound, Xiahou's skin burst open, blood gushing like a river.

Cangfeng was momentarily stunned and instinctively flicked his wrist. Xiahou used the momentum to propel himself into the air, cackling as he lunged at Cangfeng. Despite being battered by flying stones, Xiahou's tough physique allowed him to endure and close the distance to less than ten feet from Cangfeng.

Seeing the stunned expression on Cangfeng's face, Xiahou managed a strained smile. "I've never given up. My instructor taught me that fate is in my hands, not the heavens'."

With a powerful swing, Xiahou's right fist landed squarely on Cangfeng's face. Cangfeng collapsed instantly, his energy depleted and his body exhausted, unable to withstand Xiahou's brutal punch. If not for a slight protective spell, Cangfeng's face would have been severely disfigured.

As Cangfeng fainted, Xiahou let out a triumphant laugh. But suddenly, both began to plummet. They were hundreds of feet in the air!

Xiahou screamed, clutching Cangfeng tightly as they fell like a meteor. The spectators watched in horror as the two crashed to the ground, raising a small cloud of dust. Xiahou and Cangfeng ended up three feet deep in the earth.

Xingtian Dafeng, disregarding the duel's rules, rushed to the field. However, a palace official floating above raised his hand, unleashing dozens of tiny lightning bolts that knocked Dafeng back several paces. The official sternly declared, "The duel is not over. No outsiders may enter."

Just then, Xiahou, struggling, emerged from the crater with Cangfeng in tow. He waved at the official, grinning foolishly, "Sir, did I win?" He dropped the unconscious Cangfeng to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

The official descended, checked Cangfeng's pulse, and finally announced loudly, "Xingtian family's guest warrior, Chihu Baolong, wins!"

His eyes flashed coldly as he looked towards Xiangliu Rou. "According to the agreement, Xiangliu Rou must pay the wager to Xingtian Dafeng by the end of today. If not, all his official positions will be revoked, and he will be barred from holding office for life."

Xiangliu Rou's face turned deathly pale as he envisioned the dozens of carts full of treasures. Finally, with a groan, he collapsed.

Xingtian Dafeng, Xingtian Xuanzhi, Bai, and all the commanders of the Heiyan and Xuanbiao armies cheered and surged onto the field. Bai leaped onto Xiahou's shoulder, celebrating arrogantly.

Xingtian Dafeng and Xingtian Xuanzhi hugged Xiahou, shouting with joy, barely able to form coherent sentences. Amid their cries, Dafeng's voice could be heard, "Finally, I have money to spend! No more relying on my brother to treat me at the West Quarter."

The commanders of the Heiyan and Xuanbiao armies roared in unison, "Chihu, brother, we've got your back in Anyi! Anyone messes with you, and we'll bring an army to deal with them."

Xiahou, seeing stars, wiped his bloody hands on Dafeng and Xuanzhi's faces. Finally, spitting out a mouthful of blood, he groaned, "Can I rest now? I've probably broken ten ribs. Give me some space, will you?"

The commanders cheered, carrying Xiahou away while several Xuanbiao Wu healers began treating his injuries with spells, warming his body with waves of heat.

Looking back at the neglected Cangfeng, Xiahou felt a pang of sadness and patted Bai, "Go bring him. If he wants a dojo, he's a good man."

Dafeng and Xuanzhi didn't mind. Xingtian Bian boisterously shouted, "Chihu likes him, then we'll take him. Xiangliu Rou will be furious when he sees his guest leaving with us."

The crowd laughed, and thousands of people, including the Heiyan and Xuanbiao armies, stormed out of the palace, heading straight for the West Quarter. Even the usually composed Xingtian Xuanzhi couldn't help but exclaim, "Brothers, Xiangliu Rou is done for! From now on, Anyi is ours. The young scions of the great Wu families will follow our lead. Tonight, we cover all expenses at the West Quarter! Let's have a blast!"

Thunderous cheers erupted. The youthful and reckless reveled in their victory.