
The Xia Dynasty and Atlantis

In his previous life, while carrying out a special mission, he was severely ambushed by the enemy. With the resolve to complete his mission at all costs, he launched a desperate attack that triggered an energy explosion from one of the nine cauldrons—an object of secret research in Zone 53. This explosion, under the influence of an unknown power and following an unclear pattern, transported him to a strange era. He personally experienced the bloody turmoil at the end of the Xia Dynasty, a period that marked the end of mythology and the beginning of history in China. He witnessed the rapid decline of the once extremely powerful Xia Dynasty, taking on the identity of a hidden star from the Wu religion's Star Sect. He helplessly observed the fall of the Wu and the rise of the Dao, becoming entangled with legendary figures from history. He saw firsthand how history became stories, stories turned into legends, and legends eventually evolved into myths, only to vanish completely into the annals of history, leaving behind mere fragments and glimpses.

Ko_jo · Eastern
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44 Chs

Volume 1, Chapter 10: The Agreement

In a daze, Xiahou heard heavy breathing. Various colored stars flashed before his eyes, and he seemed to hear faint voices.

Suddenly opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was a strange four-legged beast close by. It mostly resembled a horse, with straight horns behind its ears, scales on its back, and cloud-like patterns of curly hair the size of thumbs under its belly. The beast was entirely pitch black, except for three inches of blood-red hooves. This strange 'horse' stood fifteen feet high, was around twenty feet long, had shining eyes, and its muscles looked as tough as steel, making it appear extremely majestic.

On the horse's back was a finely crafted saddle, and a knight in tight black metal armor, holding a two-zhang (about 13 feet) long spear, was scrutinizing Xiahou.

Seeing that Xiahou had woken up, the knight chuckled, "Interesting, this kid didn't die from the fall. Pay up, pay up. I've told you so many times, gambling is like fighting a battle, you have to bet on the underdog to win big. You all said he would definitely die from the fall, but I said he wouldn't, and here he is, alive."

Around them, dozens of similarly dressed knights on identical mounts snorted in unison, reluctantly pulling small money bags from the pouches behind their saddles and tossing them to the knight. This black-armored knight laughed heartily, hung his long spear on a hook at the side of his saddle, and jumped down, striding over to Xiahou. He looked down and asked, "Barbarian boy, are you awake? You're lucky to be alive. I'm Xingtian Dafeng, and I won a big bet thanks to you. If you're feeling unwell, let me know."

Xiahou was furious. These black-armored knights were well-equipped, and their mounts, armor, and weapons were clearly standardized, marking them as a regular army of some powerful faction. But they behaved disgracefully, gambling on the life of someone who was severely injured and close to death.

With a swift sit-up, Xiahou steadied himself, then slammed his right hand to the ground, realigning his dislocated joint. He then used his restored right arm to fix the joints in his left arm. A yellow light burst from his brow, absorbing the surrounding earth energy to heal his injuries. There were no major wounds, just some internal shock. With the nourishing earth energy, he healed almost completely in a few breaths. As for the arrow wound in his leg, the earth energy sealed it firmly.

Xingtian Dafeng paused, then respectfully bowed to Xiahou, saying, "I didn't know you were a Wu warrior, my apologies." He helped Xiahou up with a friendly smile, saying, "What's your name, brother? Earth Wu energy is rare. Fire and wind types are much more common." As he spoke, a red light flashed from his brow, and a red fireball appeared in his hand.

Xiahou's heart tightened. He sensed the immense power in that fireball and had no doubt that its core temperature exceeded ten thousand degrees. Xingtian Dafeng's casual display of power showed he was at least a hundred times stronger than Xiahou.

Looking around, Xiahou saw the strange, scaly tyrannosaurs he had seen before losing consciousness now lay dead, their scales stripped, and their heads split open. Something had been taken from their brains, leaving large bloody holes still oozing blood. Several knights had rolls of scaly hides and coils of something resembling beast tendons behind their saddles.

Amazed at the strength of these knights, Xiahou decided not to show his displeasure. He returned the salute, "I haven't completed my coming-of-age ceremony yet, so I have no name."

Xingtian Dafeng and his companions exchanged glances, simultaneously stunned. Xingtian Dafeng's eyes gleamed with light, and he forced an awkward smile onto his face. "It seems that in the southern wilderness, the coming of age is at twelve years old? Brother, given your size, are you really not of age yet?"

As he spoke, Xingtian Dafeng took matters into his own hands and lifted the beast-skin vest off Xiahou's upper body, revealing that he indeed had no tattoos on his chest. This made Xingtian Dafeng exclaim in amazement, "So, you're truly not of age yet. In that case, you should be…" Looking at Xiahou, who was only a fist's height shorter than himself, Xingtian Dafeng smiled broadly and asked, "Kid, how old are you this year?" As he spoke, he affectionately patted Xiahou's head with a hand clad in a thick metal glove.

Xiahou forced a bitter smile and bowed again, "Half a year more, and I can undergo the coming-of-age ceremony."

Xingtian Dafeng blinked rapidly, scrutinizing Xiahou up and down, then pinched the protruding muscles on Xiahou's body, as if inspecting livestock in a village. He beckoned to one of his companions, "Aolong, come and check out this kid's strength. A kid not yet of age with such strong Wu power, tsk tsk." Xingtian Dafeng's expression made it easy to associate him with words like "insidious" or "crafty."

A man taller than Xingtian Dafeng by a whole head but incredibly lean, dressed not in armor but a black cloak, floated down from his horse. His eyes shone with a mysterious blue light, and two hazy beams of blue light scanned Xiahou up and down. He then said with some surprise, "This kid's Wu power is at the top grade of level five, but his physical body has already reached a strength above level six."

Looking at Xiahou like he was some sort of rare specimen, Aolong muttered, "Big brother, even among our own young people, there aren't many stronger than him. In this barren place, finding a level-five Wu warrior or Wu fighter is rare enough, but here we have such a talent."

Xingtian Dafeng's eyes darted around, and he warmly patted Xiahou's shoulder. "Kid, which tribe are you from? Hahaha, who is your father? How about taking me to meet him?"

Xiahou found it amusing but also felt a warm sensation in his heart. It reminded him of when Yangtou had selected him for the school after discovering his ninety-five percent compatibility with the Xuanwu essence core, showing a similar kind of elation. Did Xingtian Dafeng think he didn't know what he was planning? He had found a promising Wu warrior not yet of age and wanted to recruit him as a subordinate. Xiahou had seen such scenarios many times in his previous life.

So Xiahou replied seriously, "I am from the Chihu tribe. My father is Chi Hu Xiu. If you want to see him, you'll have to wait a few days."

Xingtian Dafeng frowned, "Wait a few days? Normally that would be fine, but this time we're out here for a specific reason…" He glanced at the thick hide rolled up behind his saddle and nodded toward the cliff Xiahou had fallen from, asking, "Kid from the Chihu tribe, how did you fall? And with such a large wound on your leg?"

Just as Xiahou was about to answer, dozens of Wolf Tribe members rushed into the valley entrance, shouting loudly, "That kid from the Chihu tribe is still alive, kill him, kill him!" They suddenly fell silent upon seeing nearly a hundred black-armored knights in the valley, all glaring at them with murderous intent.

Xiahou smiled, "Brother Xingtian, our Chihu tribe is at war with the Wolf Tribe. They chased me all the way down here. Lucky for me, I survived the fall."

A cold, murderous glint appeared on Xingtian Dafeng's face as he growled, "Your tribal war has nothing to do with us. Wolf people, leave, or face extermination."

The Wolf Tribe members were enraged by Xingtian Dafeng's blunt words, believing he and his men were reinforcements for the Chihu tribe. They began hurling insults, their words vile and offensive.

With a grim expression, Xingtian Dafeng waved his hand lightly. A black-armored knight let out a sharp whistle and charged at the Wolf Tribe members like a black cloud, his two-zhang long spear slicing through the air with a series of piercing noises. Hundreds of black streaks enveloped the Wolf Tribe members. The knight's speed was astonishing, and within a single breath, he had slaughtered all the Wolf Tribe members, including several level-four Wu warriors, leaving each with a bloody hole in their throats and chests.

Xiahou was stunned. What kind of power was this? To so easily slay dozens of Wolf Tribe members without giving them a chance to fire a single arrow—was this knight a level-nine Wu warrior? According to the Wugong's teachings, a level-nine Wu warrior could single-handedly annihilate a small tribe in the wilderness.

"Level-nine Wu warrior?" Xiahou muttered in disbelief.

Xingtian Dafeng looked pleased and said leisurely, "Level-nine Wu warrior? Kid from the Chihu tribe, when your horizons broaden, you'll realize that level-nine Wu warrior is just an entry-level standard. In the presence of truly powerful Wu, a level-nine Wu warrior is just like…" He looked down at the ground, where a small beetle was crawling, and stomped on it with his boot, turning it into mush. "A level-nine Wu warrior? Hah, just like this beetle."

"Is that possible?" Xiahou looked at Xingtian in disbelief. According to his calculations, if his Xuanwu True Technique reached the highest ninth transformation, his strength should easily surpass that of a so-called level-nine Wu warrior. But Xingtian Dafeng claimed that a level-nine Wu warrior was no more than an ant. Could this be true? Yet, reflecting on some of Wu Gong's previous words, it seemed possible.

Xingtian Dafeng smiled, pointing to an emblem on his armor—a bronze tripod cauldron engraved on a palm-sized metal plate. The shape of the cauldron was strikingly similar to something in Xiahou's memory.

Xiahou asked in surprise, "A cauldron? What does it mean?"

Xingtian Dafeng's smile became even more cunning and triumphant. He said leisurely, "Kid from the Chihu tribe, do you want to know what this cauldron means? Do you want to learn the true ways of Wu cultivation? Once you're of age and capable of protecting yourself, come to Anyi and find Xingtian Dafeng of the Black Armor Riders." He gripped Xiahou's shoulders firmly and said forcefully, "You are a great talent, kid from the Chihu tribe. Do you want to waste your gifts in this barren wilderness where even birds don't lay eggs?"

"Come to Anyi. I can't promise you wealth and glory, but at the very least, I can give you the power you'll never have in the wilderness," Xingtian Dafeng said, a hint of wild ambition in his tone. He tightened his grip, "Don't you find it tempting to possess the power to easily destroy a tribe?"

Xiahou inhaled deeply and asked, "Power?"

Xingtian Dafeng nodded, "You have the talent, kid from the Chihu tribe. I would be delighted to have another elite warrior in my army, and you can gain the power you desire."

Xiahou asked, "The strongest power, how strong?"

Aolong rolled his eyes and said in a sinister tone, "The strongest power? Don't even think about it, kid from the Chihu tribe. The strongest Wu in legends could split stars with a gesture. But such Wu no longer exist." He paused, then continued with a creepy smile, "However, Wu who can move mountains and shift seas are still quite common."

Common? Xiahou's heart stirred. Despite his displeasure with Xingtian Dafeng and his men for betting on a dying man's life, the thought of gaining greater power consumed his mind. Perhaps with enough strength, he could find a way home? At the very least, greater power would allow him to better protect himself and his family in this world. So why not? Why not go to Anyi?

Anyi—the name seemed to resonate deep within his soul. Xiahou's heart trembled, and he said loudly, "Then, I will go to Anyi. When I am strong enough, I will go."

Xingtian Dafeng and his black-armored knights laughed. Xingtian Dafeng handed his sword to Xiahou, laughing, "Good, kid from the Chihu tribe. I will wait for you in Anyi. Your sword is broken, right? That kind of weapon is not worthy of you. Take my 'Great Wind Sword' and treat it well."

Another knight took a peculiar longbow and a bag of steel-tipped arrows from behind his saddle and handed them to Xiahou, "Kid from the Chihu tribe, take this dragon sinew bow."

Xingtian Dafeng mounted his steed and said to Xiahou, "Remember, Anyi?"

Xiahou nodded seriously, "Anyi, Xingtian Dafeng of the Black Armor Army, I will remember."

Xingtian Dafeng and his men laughed heartily and rode off at full gallop. Xiahou stood at the valley entrance, watching the nearly hundred knights depart. Suddenly, Xingtian Dafeng turned back, rode up to Xiahou, and handed him two pouches. "When you go to Anyi, it's different from the wilderness. Many places won't accept goods for trade; you'll need money. These two pouches of copper bear big coins will cover your expenses to Anyi."

Xingtian Dafeng lightly tapped Xiahou's shoulder with his long spear, smiling at him. "Kid from the Chihu tribe, I originally planned to take you with us today, but since you haven't undergone your coming-of-age ceremony, according to your tribal customs, you can't leave your homeland. So, once you come of age and feel ready to head to Anyi, come find me." He looked up at the sun climbing higher in the sky, pointing north. "Head north. Anyi is a hundred thousand miles from here. As you travel north, you'll find the way."

A hundred thousand miles? Xiahou was shocked. Damn, he knew that in this world, people measured distance in straight lines. A hundred thousand miles in a straight line—on his previous world's Earth, that would circle the globe more than once. The miles here were even longer than the miles from his previous life. No wonder he'd never heard of Anyi; how many trade caravans could make such a journey from there to the wilderness?

"North, a hundred thousand miles?" Xiahou swallowed hard. "Brother Xingtian, how many days did it take you to get here?"

Xingtian Dafeng paused, then laughed heartily, slapping his mount's neck. "You're right, the distance is quite far. For a trade caravan, it would take years to reach Anyi. But we ride the Black Armor, capable of traveling ten thousand miles a day. Even with breaks and leisure, it only took us a month to get here."

After thinking for a moment, Xingtian Dafeng dismounted and handed the reins of his Black Armor steed to Xiahou. "When you go, ride my mount. Otherwise, getting to Anyi would be a real hassle for you. It knows the way, so you don't have to worry."

Xiahou accepted the reins without hesitation. It was necessary; otherwise, riding a slow-paced horned horse for a hundred thousand miles would drive him crazy.

Xingtian Dafeng picked up his long spear and the leather bag from behind his saddle, a strange smile on his face. "Kid from the Chihu tribe, don't blame us for betting on you. At first, we didn't know you were a Wu warrior. If we had known, we would have rescued you immediately. But we thought you were just an ordinary wilderness person." He paused, then smiled, "To us Wu, ordinary wilderness people or commoners, their deaths don't matter much. You'll understand this in time."

Xiahou's expression turned cold. He pointed to the slain Wolf people and said icily, "Some of them were Wu warriors too."

Xingtian Dafeng smiled, "But they didn't have your talent. Besides, I met you first. Your enemies are my enemies, right?"

Xiahou remained silent. Xingtian Dafeng smiled, nodded to Xiahou, and said, "Anyi, I'll be waiting for you there." With that, he turned and walked away.

After a moment of silence, Xiahou suddenly shouted, "Anyi, what kind of place is that?"

Without turning back, Xingtian Dafeng replied, "The capital of Daxia, the residence of the king. I, Xingtian Dafeng, am the commander of the Black Armor Riders, directly under the king."

Daxia, Anyi! These familiar names almost made Xiahou faint.

He took out the copper bear big coins from the money pouch and examined them carefully. The bronze coins, about five centimeters in diameter, had a lifelike engraving of a bear striking a mountain. The back had strange, tadpole-like characters that Xiahou couldn't recognize. The coins were exquisitely crafted, with a corrosion-resistant layer reflecting a warm glow in the sunlight.

"Daxia? Damn it, how could it be the Daxia I know? This Daxia, almost in a primitive state, could produce such finely crafted copper coins? Even the one-yuan coins from my previous life didn't have this level of craftsmanship. And you want me to believe this Daxia is the same as that Daxia?"

Xiahou felt a chill all over. He looked up at the sun and exhaled deeply.

"Anyi? Wait for me, Xingtian Dafeng. I will come. Definitely."