
The X-Gene of Fate

A young mutant in the Marvel 6161 universe tries to master their powers in a world that hates them for being who they are. They will go through trials and tribulations from humans, demon, mutants, inhumane, and anything else that gets thrown at them. Will our young mutant join one of the many mutant groups, turn his back on mutants and join another team of heroes who might never truly understand him, or will he forge his path in the chaotic universe? Read to find out! We are back! Ready to update, take names, kick butts, and pass out swiss cake rolls. Please support me on Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/boredasura --Warnings: Just cause I want no one to be shocked and complain later-- -If you are looking for a book full of cougars going after a kid, this is the wrong story. -If you are looking for something sweet-ish like a superhero cartoon, wrong story. -Looking for me to follow everything in Marvel and not create my ideas, wrong story. -Looking for someone who will not kill a woman opponent, wrong story. -Looking for a system that talks back, wrong story -If you wish for the same events as in comics, the wrong story - Looking for me to follow the timeline exactly, I don't even know how to properly read a marvel timeline except for the big stuff. -Looking for a harem, eh this might happen but only 3 or 4 at most but it will not be every random woman falling for him.

BoredAsura · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

CH 30: Dealing with Heroes 101

"I don't know who you're talking to but I'm taking you down."

The protector of Hell's Kitchen rushed forward with his batons at the ready. If Ruler did not know better, he would truly believe that the legendary Daredevil could see. But he knew the truth and could use that to his advantage.

Ruler's tail shot out from his body and wrapped itself around the AC unit atop the building before, without hesitation, throwing it off and onto the busy streets beneath.

Daredevil was stunned for a moment before he leaped off the building the try to catch the unit before it could hurt anyone.

'A normal hero already has to watch out for debris but you have to be extra careful and on the watch since you can't see perfectly. Fighting superhero rule number 1: Don't fight the hero unless you have. Rule number 2: A heroes job is to protect the innocent. Use that against them.'

And Ruler made sure to follow those rules. His job was to only ensure no one interfered with his teammates but it did not mean he had to fight every random hero and police officer that showed up.

'Police are humans who fear for their lives. Show a little bit of power and they cower before you. As for heroes, they are too stupid to be afraid. You need to be smarter when dealing with them.'

Ruler did not stay ideal and threw several other large and heavy objects on the roof onto the busy street below in different directions. Ruler did not want to make the hero's job any easier. After he ran out of stuff on the first roof, he retracted his tail and moved to another and repeated the process.

Before he could make it to a third, a familiar baton was thrown at him. This time, Ruler was ready and he caught it in his hands.

"I thought you would be busy saving civilians," Ruler said as he tilted his head to the side in confusion. 'I would have thought that would have kept him busy for longer. Unless...'

And as if to confirm his thoughts, a voice rang out coming from a different direction but that was very familiar to Ruler.

"He had a little help. So mind telling me why you were shooting those nice police officers and trying to harm an innocent police officer?"

Ruler did not answer but instead threw the toolbag in his hands at Daredevil. He wanted to make sure of who he was dealing with. But before it struck him, a white substance came out of nowhere and pulled the bag into the shadows of the roof.

Ruler clicked his teeth. He was able to confirm exactly who he was dealing with. The only person in the city who was allowed to shoot out white bodily fluids in public and not get criticized or arrested for it.

"Spider-Man and Daredevil. Is the Merc with a mouth around? That would make all the guys who wear red spandex be in one location."

"Haha. Very funny. How about an introduction and explanation? You know us but I'm sure that I have never met you before. How about you DD?"

"First, I said to never call me that again. And second, nope. Never met him before."

Spider-Man landed next to Daredevil and questioned him. He looked different than when Ruler had last seen him. While it was mostly the same, the spider was much larger and there was some extra black on the costume as well. But the most obvious change was the new mask he was wearing.

"Why are you wearing a bag on your head?"

Yes. Spider-Man was wearing a brown paper bag with eye holes cut out. It looked very out of place with the rest of his suit that looked professional and almost militaristic.

"Don't worry about that. Why don't you just tell us what you are up to?"

Ruler charged straight at them without answering with his knife drawn. Daredevil returned the charged with one of his own while Spider-Man decided he needed one more one-liner before he began.

"Tough guy, eh? We got ways of dealing with you."

Ruler clashed blade with baton against Daredevil before using his free hand to grab the hero's neck. He then proceeded to give him a swift knee to the chest.

'Rule number 3: Never fight when you are outnumbered. Take the heroes out in one on one fights.'

Due to Ruler's enhanced levels of strength and speed, not only was Daredevil unable to dodge but the wind was also knocked out of him in a single blow making him unable to continue fighting at the moment.

Ruler did not give Spider-Man a chance to help before he threw Daredevil off the roof of the building. Spider-Man tried to shoot a web to grab Daredevil but it was blocked by Ruler throwing a loose brick from the roof. Daredevil quickly went over the edge and Spider-Man followed to save him.

"Mission progress?"

"All material gathered has either been recovered or destroyed. Destroying the corpse and any evidence. What's your situation?"

"Two heroes are here now. They have been temporarily dealt with but I am requesting permission to extract before having to re-engage. "

"Permission granted. Call in Junction to your location."

Ruler did not need to be told twice and immediately pressed the extract button. 5 seconds later, a green mist appeared in front of Ruler. He entered it and was soon returned to the Warclan base.

He was greeted by the sight of an injured Junction. The wounds seemed fresh as if they just occurred moments ago. Ruler immediately summoned Assassin to give the teleporter medical care. Junction thanked both Assassin and Ruler.

After waiting for another minute in the launch room both heard the signal for the others to be picked up. They looked at the monitor and saw the location where the signals were coming from.

Junction created a green mist again and the figures of the 3 other members soon emerged from the mist. Neon and Dart had slight injuries while Ember seemed unharmed.

"Good job to all of you. Judging by the comms that were recorded as well as the state in which you have each returned, I shall be giving you detailed grades based on your performance.

Dart B-: You were too reckless and willing to use explosives without trying to be stealthy form the get-go. Your mission was to assassinate a target and not wipe out the organization. You are also much more injured than you should have been for such an easy task.

Neon B: While you did not use explosives, you were just as reckless as Dart. And you are also just as injured as him even though your powers are much better being used defensively. You shall work on that.

Ruler A: You did your job perfectly and reminded the group to stay on task. You did not get caught up in battling and exited as soon as it was safe to. You did not create any unnecessary drama either.

Ember A-: You did an excellent job yourself. uninjured and took out your target swiftly and efficiently. You lose points in leadership. You allowed Dart and Neon too much freedom even though you knew their personalities. As a leader, you must control your members properly otherwise they might not just be injured but ould end up dead next time.

All of you are dismissed so you may go reflect on what I have said tonight. Domina will hand out rewards if she feels you have earned them tomorrow after training. Leave."

Everyone waited for Junction to leave the room before they each left as well and made their way to their own bedrooms. They knew they had improvements to make but none that could be accomplished at the moment. They were all tired and wanted to sleep.

-- 2 years later --

If you did not read the last comment section, I allowed someone to pick one of the harem members. So Red Sonja is a confirmed member. As for the other 2 or 3, I feel like keeping people in suspense.

Who is the next Servant you wish to see get an upgrade or ascension like Lancer?

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