

Azhar a guy of honor gets accused of an undone crime. soon he got himself in a situation only to pledge guilty. not one but everything against him save Staker. only Staker knows something suspicious. dive into this story to know how Staker and Azhar collaborate to take down a handy criminal. but would they succeed??

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17 Chs

CHAPTER 9 Saviour

 As per orange shirt man, his words itself describe he knows something or has at least a single hint about Azhar, and his facial expressions enough to be believe, this time they will not go empty handed, Mike was 100% positive about finding a clue or Azhar here.

 The three follows the man, he continue his walk to the left, the path which he take lead them to the place which is crowded by trees itself. The houses were small even compare to those which they see in the village. The three have doubt why the man lead them here, but still they move on. The man stop in middle of the area. There was a house, somewhat bigger compare to other houses of that same site, one storey, having a red color on the outer wall, the door looks quite old, it has one window. Still smaller in comparison to the orange shirt man's village, he knock the door of the house.

 The door opens. As they see it was an old man, looking to the face he look like he was about 60 or even more in his age. Still looks quite healthy though the age show its effect on the face. One could estimate or predict the man in his late sixties or even more. But his physic is a surprising matter. Looking at the physics he seems quite healthy. Eyes, ears, legs even teeth were completely aligned white and in full working condition.

 "Hey! Frank what's up". The voice was quite heavy. He smiled to the familiar man. However suspicious or wondered about the three which were standing besides him.

 "And who are they?".

 "I will tell everything, let's talk inside". The man look tense, he doesn't want other villagers to get involved, as he has some secret work to do with the man.

 The old man was a smart fellow he understand it. Without a single obligation. He allows them to come in.

 He offered them a seat. The three thought it would be a floor after all that's where villagers offers their seat, but however their were two or at least three coats. Placing in the center.

The coat make three shut, after all their assumption was being thrashed, brutally murdered by the old man, they realise its quite wise to not to think or presume about the culture or residence, is a complete foreign to them they raise in city they won't know much about villages, they only heard it in fantasies. However Mike was raised in village but still he only witnessed his childhood in a village, so he didn't know much about current village culture.

 "Make yourself comfortable. I will get some tea for you, then we will talk further".

 "You are such a nice fellow old man".

 The man laughs. "Thank you". He move to the corner, take out the vessel was about to start its preparation.

 "By the way who is this man?". Mike give a suspicion look to the orange shirt man.

 "You will know soon. Just think you will about to get some lead on the man whom you search for so long". He yawns stretch his arms.

 "Very well then". Mike still has a doubt, and he was still too much curious about what type of information he is about to get..

 "Here have some tea". The old man proceed to the coat serve them pots filled with liquid.

 All take a sip of it, the taste was quite good. Based on the appearance they guessed it was not good in taste. But after tasting it they find, it was far better then the teas they used to drink in Paris. The taste was truly amazing.

 "Thanks for this old man, your tea is awesome, I never tasted this type of tea". Fin place the empty pot on the plate.

 "Yeah! Fin is right your tea is the amazing". He place the pot in front of man. "Can you give me some more tea?".

 This words were quite surprising for the old man. After all, he thought, the city has better things even food or tea, there's no way village people can make better teas or food in compare to city people. But this guys compliments change, his mind. He never thought city person's liked his tea that much.

 "Hey what's wrong". Mike tap on old man's shoulder. "Are you alright".

 "Yes, I am fine. Actually I never thought city person's would admire my tea someday".

 "Why not, if your tea have a quality and taste everyone has to admire".

 "Sir is right, believe me we are not bluffing its really good". Fin lift up his left leg place upon right one. The position was suitable and quite comfortable.

 "Thanks". The tears of happiness fill up the eyes, but still the main matter was absolutely not happen to be a tea. "Now tell what you want to talk about?". He face to the orange shirt man, face was straight, not a line of expression.

 "Actually, I am here to talk about this man". He hand over the photo to the old man.

 "Oh! I remember this man". He lift up his eyes, the eyeballs fixed on the orange shirt man "You left him here in my care, but I have to admit if you weren't consult me this man is right dead, you are the savior".

 "Savior, right dead what the hell are you talking about". The eyes goes intense as this conversation clearly tells the man who rescued him was orange shirt man, but the thing which was bother him was the fact, how old man able to save him, and as he said he was about to die, what the hell was happened to Azhar.

 Orange shirt man knows the confusion is behind the agony. "I will explain..

 The sun was in his prime, it was noon 1:00. A man walking alone, shades of green trees own the site, the growth of these wild creatures were on its peak, the man wore a blue open shirt and black formal as bottom. The attire looks quite old as he owns them and used lavishly at least for year or two, he was running here and there. Checking each and every plant. Scan it very carefully matches with some photos, and then again went off with fell face. But still doesn't quit, move on the other area repeating the process. For one hour he was continuing this.

 "Damn it still doesn't found it". He wipe out his sweat, bend down place each hands on respective knees, gasp heavily.

 "Why I won't able to find them". The eyes stare at the greenish photo. "Picasso said this site is very rich in medicinal plants, till hour or even longer I am searching for them, I can't able to find even a single herb". He lift up his body begin to walk further. "I think I have to move on Dimeru mountains, may be I think I got at least one herb their".

 He set off for Dimeru mountains, now his only hope lies in there. Having full of hopes he proceeds.

 He was about to cross the jungle. And Dimeru mountains was not too far. He clearly sees the mountains over the lake. One end of lake is in front of him. He was too much excited, but during endless run till now he requires water. A plenty of water, that search is enough to drain out the entire supply of water which he has. And not a single drop of water left in the bottle. But he won't bother much as per the fact he was standing in front of a lake, This lake owns the water which fell directly from the mountain.

 He proceed, want to taste the lake's water.

"Mm!". He gulped the water. "This is called the water, I never taste such a sweet water before". He wipe out the mouth move his hands to lake kill his thirst fully. He then take out his bottle, dump into the lake, fill it with heaven water.

 He now ready for further, he walks straight to the edge of the lake end. But after few steps he stand still, staring at the front with face full of doubts.

"A dead body". He woes. "What the hell a dead body is doing here". Move his legs in the North.

"Maybe, there is a possibility its just a hallucination". Still doesn't stop.

He was glancing to the body, he bents touch the body, he thought the hand pass through it.

"No way I can able to touch feel him". He lift up the hands from the body "Means, it was real". He now trying to take this seriously. He then shake the body but nothing the body won't respond.

He then make prone body straight, check on the heart beat.

"Oh! Man, the beats are too slow, but they are running. I can still able to save him". He then lift up the body on his shoulder, proceed back to the jungle, some distance of walking he won't able to proceed further. He stops, gasp heavily, his entire body fell like as it won't respond again.

"This man is pretty heavy". He peer on himself. "With this body its difficult to lift". His eyes fixed on the body, the face showing pity to the man.

"No way I can't left him here for dying, I will save him even if its for sake of my life". He then lift up the body again take a opposite path.

He walks continuously without listening to the body, he force his body beyond its limits, gasping walking in a hope to save him.

"Finally I made it". He was about to collapse, He was standing in the middle of the area which have at least some people presence in it, the people look at the man wondering about the reason why he lift up the body, where he was taking him, either he was a savior or murderer. In order to clear their doubts some even dare to question him, but man won't stop, he moves on with constant speed.

 Finally he stop in front of a door knock it.

An old man opens the door.

He gaze around but no one he could see.

"Maybe, someone want to play a prank on me". As he was about to close door the eyes spotted two bodies.

He take a close look at both, the two were lying on the entrance.

The old man without wasting a single minute place them on the beds begin their treatment.

He take out a bottle. Mix some seeds and herbs apply to the wound of both.

Prepare a drink, emptied in their mouth.

One open up his eyes. Grab his head, as the globe was moving.

"Ah! Where  am I". Finally he rub his face, flicker his eyes.

"Glad you are awake". The man standing on front, staring at the injured one.

"Mr. Max". He loudly said.

"What about him". He pointed to Azhar.

"Don't worry he will be fine. All thanks to you".

"All thanks to me".

"Yup. If you won't take him here, then he must be dead".

"Glad to hear that". He take a breathe of relief. "No way, I have to go". He roared.

"Calm down calm down—".

"No I can't. If I can't find those herbs how do I cultivate them".

"Oh! Now I get it, you are in search of medicinal herbs, so you can cultivate it in your farm?".


"But why?".

"Because, there are many patients in our village who suffer from certain disease or illness, our medicinal experts are cruel they demand high paying price, which is too much to pay so many left untreated and some even die due to disease like TB or High chronic fever".

"Hm! Very well but if you insist I shall help".

"Don't tell, I should take them here and you will treat". The man yelled.

Mr. Max place his right hand on the chin. "Well the idea is not bad, but don't worry I mean something else".

"What?". The man with lazy eyes, facing to the front.

"Tell me the herbs or plants which you require, I will give them if I have".

"Yeah that's a good idea". He take out the photos of the herbs. The man stare at him with smile. Give the herbs to the man.

"Thanks old man".

"Anytime young man".

"But what about—". His pitiable eyes gleams to the other patient.

"Don't worry I will treat him, you go on".

He admiring the old man with a smile. After all he has no connection with the man, still he want to treat him, due to his looks, he presumed his personality is just like those village doctors but he is far better person than he seems to be.

"I truly misunderstood you Mr. Max, you look harsh from outside but far soft in inside". He stood up from the bed. Take the herbs in bag, and depart from the house.

"So you got it now". The man after describing the events said.

"Oh! I see, so you saved the Azhar. By the way I have to admit you did a great job". However he was able to hide the grudge against Azhar.

"Thanks after all I can't left him dying". He turn to old man.

"So Mr. Max, where is he now?".

"After you left..".

"Now back to the duty". He crush the Aloe leaf, garlic buds, comfrey flowers and calendula, prepare paste apply to the wounds. Then he begin to prepare a drink, he crushes lemon fruit, Raw mango and Orange. Then pour the three extract in one bowl. Mix the extract,  pour it in mouth.

As the juice strike stomach the man open his eyes.

He tries to get up but his injuries won't allow him to do,.

"No no. you haven't fully recover".

"Who are you and how I am here?".

"Well, one man founds your body and bring you here". He apply the paste on the wounds.

"Aa Ahhh!". The man screams.

"You will feel pain, but believe me, it will heal your wounds, even prevent the entry of other bacteria inside your body".

After sometime he felt no pain, even as per old man says he witness his healing process. He was shocked by the results, he move his hands and legs.

"You are not a Doctor". He stare at him grudging his teeth.

"Aa—". Old man thought maybe he require higher dose of medicines to recover fully.

"You are magician man, God knows what you apply but it really fastens the healing process, and kills the pain".

"Thanks! But still you require at least one day of rest. Till then lay on bed, let the medicine work". He tie the cloth to the wounds. "OK?".

"As you say". He begin to relax on the village bed.

"And drink this".  He offers a copper glass, filled with a liquid having quite greenish orange color.

Azhar drank it, he thought it seems bitter but It actually taste good.

On the next day Azhar feels fine. His wounds were healed perfectly, his energy is recovered and he was able to walk now.

"Looks like you are healed".

"Hm! All thanks to you".

"Ah! Don't make me shy, its my duty".

"By the way, can you give me that tonic which you offer me last night".

"So you like it". Old man beaming, as turn to Azhar.

Azhar nodded, itching his head.

"OK! Just give me your bottle".  He then slip to the kitchen area.

Azhar was ready to go now, standing outside waiting for tonic to come.

The old man comes..

"Here". He hand over the bottle. "By the way where do you go now?".

"I can't tell for sure, but all I can say, I have a destination". He roll his eyes glimpse at the golden flash.  "I have to reach it".

"After saying this he moves on".

"I know, what kind of destination you are about to reach. Hold on a little, I shall guide you to the place where you truly belongs..". Mike beaming at the front, cold breeze was moving, it blooms Mike's hair and slight shade of tense overshadows his face. The combo make his looks more stunning than ever.

The old man and Orange shirt woes, about what Azhar truly means, why the words rip off Mike's face, those words resembles a sheer bitterness.