
The Wrong Start

GothRouge · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

It instantly knocks the man out, and so Hiro defeats the man and saves the girl he received rewards for winning the fight and saving the madden. He got 7 points. He used 3 points in endurance and 4 points for a magic library. (the magic library allows you to research any magic spells and other magic related things in the world) After unlocking the magic library skills it gave Hiro the ability to use 2 magic elements ( air, darkness). Then Hiro researched the basics of magic and how to use it, 'the main one I want to learn is darkness' thought Hiro in his head. He thought that it allowed you to control darkness and use it to teleport not that he was wrong.

After the fight Hiro went to an inn and got a room to sleep in and put his equipment in, the next day passes as Hiro only travels around town and gets potions. The third day comes that Hiro is at NekoLag. He goes to the guild to get his new adventurer card. He talked to the guild woman and she thanked him for saving her and also gave him a present with a card attached which had (open only in emergencies) written on it. After Hiro walks over to the quest board and starts searching for a quest that he might find interesting, he sees a quest that talks about a weird occurrence that happened on the day Hiro arrived in the new world and at the exact place he arrived at. 'This might have been because of me' thought Hiro wondering if it could be any other reason but only one came to mind a dungeon, like in a manga or anime where all the monsters overflow out of it. And so he accepts the mission, gets his newly bought equipment and starts to travel to the location from where he came, with the help of his newly learnt dark magic teleport.

Hiro arrives at the location and searches around looking for the little different paces from when he was there but then he felt a presence like no other it didn't have a murderess aura like the man he fought but the magic was just overflowing everywhere, it felt like he was drowning in a magic ocean. "What is this!" Shouted at Hiro with slight confusion, he starts to scan the area with his dark magic but to no avail. He tried many ways to find what it was but Hiro failed every time. And so he gave up in despair still with the feeling of being drowned in the magic. He sat down but when he did he fell into a never ending pit or so he thought.

Hiro smashed into the ground but with no injuries or pain, 'what's happening why is this happening?' thought Hiro. But he had too much curiosity to rest and so he got up and started to run around looking for where he was. He then heard a scream coming from one of the paths. Hiro bolted down the path "hello, I'm coming to help," spoke Hiro with worry in his voice and so he does sprinting faster than he thought he could *ping * ping up goes Hiro's agility and he gets a new skill dash (agility 2x when activated) Hiro activates it and flash his legs start to glow he gets faster and faster by the second. Hiro was almost there until the screaming stopped, there was black greyish fog coming from the next turn. Hiro ignores it and continues to run left to right trying to find the person he heard until he finds a thick skinned org with a long sword that looked like it was right about to shatter into pieces. 'I haven't consumed anything yet why don't you be my prey' thought Hiro to himself with a dark grin, and so he rolled behind the ogre without noticing him.

Then he activates the skill a black fog came from his hands. It was like a night time sky in a rainforest when the branches would cover everything above. It totally covered the orcs back in a second with ease. Hiro was stunned because of what he saw the ability's power was like. Before he knew it the org was completely consumed in smoke and then the orc and the fog disappeared, *ping *ping *ping multiple skills appeared ( hamer mastery 10%, berserk and orc language ). "Wow" spoke Hiro with a sound of surprise will wanting to know more info about his new skills he searched them on his skill list ( a list of all his currently owned skills ) he searched for a little while then found them he first looked at the berserk skill ( this allowed him to double his strength but half his intelligence for a short

5 minutes). "I already know what the other 2 are by their names" he started to look around again still wondering where that scream came from.