
Chapter 69

  "How did go?" Came Tina's curious words. She has been up till late at night hoping for a better result on her friends date. When Lily returned, Tina felt her heart skip a little cause she has been having light battle in her head about this date being one of Lily's failed ones. 

But she would hurt the most cause she had hooked Lily up with a stranger. What worried Tina the most was how scary the man appeared to be. Even if she has not met him before, she could tell from the little drama that had transpired with his guards that the man was no ordinary person.

She saw her friend walk into their apartment with a sweet smile on her lips,with the night lights shinning brightly, she could see how pink, how friends cheek had turned.

"He said he's looking forward to another date next week!" Lily said coyly. The part of her palm where Dowson's lips brushed still had his scent there. And Lily could still feel his soft lips on her hands.

"Ahhhhh!" Tina screamed hugging her friend tightly, she couldn't wait to tell Bella about the news she just heard. Earlier she had cursed herself at why she introduced her friend to that man. Her intensions were clear, since all the men Lily has dated ended up dumping her, and Tina hasn't been able to give them a piece of her mind.

This time, she wanted someone she could have access to so she could give him a piece of her mind and scold him for leaving her friend. She could still remember how she and Bella had planned for this date with his assistant few days ago and she smiled.

While Tina and Lily talked about how her wonderful date went and how cute her prince her charming was, Dowson got straight to the airport to get on the next flight back home. Ruth had been overbearing lately on seeing her son.

Dowson had to answer to her call to stop her from her endless naggings.

    The next morning the Willan's family sat on the table ready to have breakfast. Antonio stared at his two daughters, one having his ex lovers hair and one his hair. He has kept them on the low not to attract the eyes of the press to them, as a popular business man married to a popular model, it was best his daughters stay hidden, to avoid commotion and jobless paparazzi stalking them.

Since his two daughters were on holiday, Antonio felt it was only right to bring his wife and the girls closer. Since he was going to be spending a long time with with her as she was his wife, it was best if the girls bonded very well with her.

He spread butter around Jasmine's bread and Bella spread jam around JoJo's bread, handing it over to them for the little girls to take a bite from. "I have nothing to do for the rest of the week, so we'd be leaving for the trip I talked about this noon!" She heard Antonio speak in almost a whisper so the girls would not listen to their conversations.

Bella met his gaze and nodded to his words with a smile. She was more than happy and at the same time intrigued at what Antonio had got installed for her.