
Chapter 32

  One would see Antonio and Bella and think there engrossed in a romantic conversation. But it's just Antonio showing his possessive side. "Don't you think it's wrong to leave an event we attended together without informing me about it?" Antonio picked up a piece of meat he already dug with his fork. Bella watched him putting it into his mouth.

She watched him chew the meat, his actions made her remember the previous night they spent together. She blushed thinking about it. "Are you not eating?" He asked. "No, I don't feel so well, can you take me back home!" Bella said. One of the reasons she really wanted to leave was cause of the strong glare at her. The two siblings Matthew and sage glared at her furiusly and she felt uneasy.

The first time she met sage, she was completely different from Lilo in appearance but now Bella had met her, she believed really that appearances were truly decieving.

"Alright!" Said Antonio. Bella was glad that he agreed to her demand without questioning her choice of leaving. She got into the car and they drove off. "This might not be the right time to tell you, but our engagement party is next week. Since your mum still insist on letting the whole world know about it!" Antonio said rolling his eyes.

He was expecting a scolding from her for taking about her mum that way but he got none. He stared at his new wife with a smile on his lips, he was proud to have Married her. Antonio wondered why he never felt this way the first time he met her. Bella turned to meet his gaze and smiled back.

"So are you okay with the party!" Antonio asked. "Yes sure!" She said briefly, then she noticed he wasn't taking her to Tina's apartment. Her heart skipped at this, "where are we going to?" She asked trying to hide her nervousness. "Our house of course!" Came Antonio's reply and Bella's heart sank.

She could remember her last experience with him. Not to forget sage made it very clear that he was sexually active. Bella gulped at his words, she had to accept her faith, she was fake married to him now anyways, all she had to do now was try to avoid having sex with him. Antonio held her hands kissing it along the way making her blush.

"Antonio stop!" She said cutely trying to hide her flushed face. Her actions was only making him fall inlove with her even more. Yes right now he was certain about what he felt for her. "Why? Can't I express my feelings towards my wife?" Antonio asked her arranging her hair properly.

 She looked at him with a smile, scared this time. Heaven knows if he continues to be this sweet she might just end up falling for him. 

They finally arrived at the entrance of the estate and as usual his men were already at the gate. Even if she had visited this estate before, she was still curious to see the rest of it.