
Chapter 2

  The trio walked out of the restaurant when they were done eating. "A promise is a promise, I just got you the job Bella!" Tina said as they got into the car. "Hold on I don't get, you mean you got me a job?" Bella exclaimed excitedly. "Yeah I sent your picture to Lilo, she liked it and she said you could be her assistant!" Tina smiled.

This was just like a dream to Bella, she never thought that she'd get a job easily. It was like a dream come true. Tina and Lily promised to help her get a job when she arrives, she just didn't think it'll be so soon "That's not all, being Lilo's assistant means you'd have your own apartment and a car as long as you keep working for her!" Tina added.

"Yes bell, Lilo is like the richest model in the country right now because of her current engagement to Mr. Fredrik's son Antonio willan!" Lily said. "Wow, but... I really have no idea or experience with modeling!" Bella said gloomily, "That's not a problem, your job is just being her assistant not a model!" Said Tina.

"Great that'll do!" Said Bella cheerfully. "But first we have to make you look more appealing, you know Lilo has a thing for appearance!" Said Tina. "Okay, let's make me look more appealing!" Bella agreed instantly and the trio drove to Tina's apartment to get changed.

  Tina drove into an estate. The estate was in a more secure environment, a place tucked away from commoners like her.

 Bella walked out of the closet in a green polyester round neck sleeveless bodycon dress, showing her perfect curves. "Don't you think this is a bit too much for work?" Bella felt overdressed. "I think so too, go try something else!" Tina said.

After 5mins, Bella walked out of the closet in a pure color polyester sweatshirt and black leggings, a pure-color purse, and heels. She looked classy but yet casual, her black long hair danced elegantly on her waist. Her oval-shaped bright green eyes were sitting beautifully on her face. She applied a little lip gloss on her pink lips and a little powder on her face.

She's usually the type of girl that likes to look all-natural. Tina and Lily were awed by her look, Bella looked exactly like Lilo, it's like they're twins, her height, size, and light skin are exactly Lilo's, except for her bright green eyes.

"Wow, you look great!" Lily complimented, "All thanks to Tina!" Said Bella. "It's nothing, come on, we need to leave now!" Tina picked up her bag and they both left the room. This time Lily didn't go with them, she had other things to do.

They finally arrived in front of 'BEAUTELL' a luxury fashion house. It focuses on women's clothing, luxury goods, and accessories. Bella was nervous when she saw the company, she knew nothing about this company, cause it was her first time in this city.

"Anxious aren't you? Just take a deep breath everything will be fine!" Tina understood what Bella was going through, everyone's had the same experience before.