

THE WRONG BRIDE (Being his bride ) (An Indian romance) Written by Sampraixe Prologue "This will be our room " he said as he urshered me into his room "Must we really have the same room"I asked getting a little scared,it was one thing to be his wife and another to share his room "Of course we must,After all we are newly married and tonight is suppose to be our wedding night"He said that last part having a smirk on his face "Wh....what do you mean by that?"I asked as I began to move to the door He was quick in getting there before me,He stood in front of it and bolt the door, pocketing the key. "I simply meant that you Prachi will be sharing my bed tonight,After all you married me and so I have the right to have what it's mine"He said and I knew that I was in deep trouble,Serves me right for having taken my sister place.... * * * * * Meet Prachi Kapoor,A nerd on the outside but a kind hearted girl on the inside,She lives her life for her family and her studies. Meet Justin Kingston a rich handsome tycoon,He is ruthless when it comes to business and synical when it comes to love Life tossed this two together when Justin was in need of a wife to get rid of his evil step sisters and also to stop his mother from getting him a wife Justin could get any girl he wants but he knew that they will only be after his money and what they can get out of him. Going to Indian to deal with some problem that came up, He met a lovely girl which he knew would certainly make the perfect bride for him and luck was on his side when he knew that the girl he wanted was the daughter of the man who had been stealing in his company,So in exchange for not throwing the man in jail, he asked for his daughter instead Knowing that her sister was being forced into a marriage she didn't want Prachi decided to take matter into her own hands because she knew for a fact that her sister was inlove with some one else and that this new groom of hers was nothing but a big time womaniser She love her sister and is willing to do anything for her,So she took her place and married Justin instead Justin was furious when he found out and he wowed to make her pay for decieving him. Now the question is how would Justin make Prachi pay for her deceit? What will happen to Prachi when she is taken back to the states to live with his family ? Will this two ever become one? You don't want to miss this interesting story

Sam_Praize · Fantasy
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11 Chs





🥺(Being his bride )🥺


(An Indian romance)

Written by Sampraixe ☺️☺️☺️

Chapter 1


"Welcome home boss"Gaston my handy man at home greeted as I walked into the vast mansion that belonged to the Kingston family.

"Get my things ready. Am heading to India this afternoon"I said to him as we both ascend the stairs.

"May I ask why you are going to India so sudden sir "Gaston asked

"Something that needs my urgent appearance occurred there,I have to get there to clear the situation" I said as we both head to my room.

"Justin my dear!" On hearing my mom call,I stopped while Gaston head to my room to do the task I had asked of him.

"You won't believe this but I found the perfect match for you!"She said as she came towards me.

Knowing what she was talking about,I sighed in exasperation.

"Oh really! And does she meet up to my requirements?"I asked.

"Beautiful,Smart,Down to earth,Obedient and Innocent ,Those are the requirements you made right? "She asked and I nodded.

" Well I found her,I went on this dating app and told them what you needed and she was given to me"She said giving me her tab.

My mom wants me to get married,She has this crazy notion about not seeing her grand children before she died.

And since am her only child and Am not taking the steps to getting married yet,She decided to take matter into her own hands.

She goes into different dating app to find a girl for me But each one have met doesn't appeal to my taste.

They are all after my money and that is not what I want If I really want to get married.

Starring at the lady picture,I smiled to myself and then gave her back the phone.

"Sorry mom but she wont do?"I said.

"Why?She is every thing you required"

"Lies,That lady there is Chantelle right?"I asked and she nodded.

"Wait! How do you know that,I didn't tell you her name?"She said.

"Let's just say am well acquainted with her, She was one of my lovers,So therefore she doesn't fall into my requirements"I said to her and went to my room.

Knowing mom,She will keep up with her search for a bride and I will keep on rejecting until she realise that I will pick my bride myself when am ready .

Gaston had finished packing my things and quickly I took off my clothes and had a quick bathe.

Putting on the bath robe,I head back to the bedroom only to see Cass on the bed and judging from how the sheets clung to her body,She was naked underneath.

"What are you doing here?"I asked.

"I heard you were leaving for India and so have come to give you a fair well gift"She replied giving me a come- on - look.

"I don't need your fair well gift,So put on your clothe and leave or I drag you out of my room butt naked"I said to her.

"Like seriously Justin,This is the fifth time you are rejecting me,Aren't I good enough for you or are you just behaving this way because am your step sister"She asked

"It isn't that, I just don't find that body of yours alluring,Some one else might and so I suggest you try your seductive wiles on them,It would never work on me,So now leave"I said

"But jus......"

"For the very last time Cassandra! Leave my room!" She stood up clutching the sheets around her,Picking up her clothes,She walked to the door and then stopped to say some thing.

"This isn't over Justin,I want you and what I want I get" And then she left.

Knowing Cass,I knew that her threats are always real.

She would stop at nothing to get me even when she knows that some thing can never be between us.

I quickly change into a more casual clothe and I was combing my hair when there was a knock on the door.

Thinking it was Gaston,I told him to come in.

"Why are you here?"I asked as Bianca walked into the room.

"I heard you were leaving for India and I came to help "She said.

"I don't need your help,I can certainly help myself,Now please leave"I said as I Continued to comb my hair.

I didn't hear her leave but instead she wrapped her arms around me,Hugging me from behind.

"Once you leave for India,Don't forget that am only a few call away,If you need a companion,Just call me"She said

Jerking off, I turned to stare at her, Feeling very angry.

"What's with you and Cassandra,Can't you two understand that there can never be any thing between us"I asked

"But I love you"

"Or my money,You are scared that once I get married,The allowance you get each month won't be given to you,Well you can be rest assured. Even if I get married your money will be given to you,So now I need to get ready and I don't want your company"I said as I drew her by the arm and pushed her out of my room.

Both Cassandra and Bianca will certainly make me mad with anger.

They are my step sisters,Cant they see that a relationship with them will never work,Mom wouldn't approve of it and I certainly wouldn't want them as a lover or as my wife.

It's a good thing am going to India,I won't have to deal with their unwanted advances.



I layed on my bed,Listening to a foreign music while I did my school assignment.

Knowing the professor and how he behaves with each of his assignment,I must not even try to leave his assignment undone.

Just then the door opened and My elder sister Priya walked into the room.

Knowing the look on her face I pretended not to see her.

"Prachi,Prachi,Prachi" She called but I didn't answer.

She pulled out my ear piece and I sat up, Starring at her.

"I know what you need from me but am not doing it"I said

"Please Prachi,I just want to see Shivam for a little while and you know that I can only leave if am with you" She said.

"I know but I can't help,I have this assignment to do and the lecturer is way too harsh,If I don't do it,He wi....."

"I will do it for you"

"Really?"I asked as I gave her a smile.

"Yes,I will do it for you,Just come with me to town please "She begged and quickly I went to change.

A while later Priya and I walked through the familiar streets of Bombay.

As we walked past, A lot of people turned to stare at us.

Well it would have been fun if they were starring at me but I knew that it was my sister they were starring at.

After all she is very beautiful while am nothing compared to her beauty.

A lot of guys have approached me wanting me to help them get close to my sister but she refused each and every one of them.

I thought it was because she wanted to face her studies but it was all because of Shivam Khan.

He is also a student like us but he is poor and knowing that our parents will like us to get married to some one who is well established,They won't approve of him.

So Priya decided to keep him a secret and each time she gets, They go and see each other secretly,That is if am there to keep watch on them.

"Shivam!"She called happily and ran into Shivam open arms.

I watched them and I knew that the love between them was genuine.

"Hello Prachi"Shivam greeted and I responded

"While you both catch up with each other,I will walk around,Meet you back at here at six"I said to Priya as I walked off.

I took a stroll around the market,Spotting a chair,I quickly sank into it,Grateful to the person that put it there

I was browsing through my phone when some one sat beside me.

"What's up Rachi"on hearing that Nickname I knew who it was even before I looked up

"Can't you save me the grace of not seeing your face,Have had to put up with you at college,Now do I also have to put up with you at the market too?"I asked

"I can't help it when I see you,You are the only one I get to play prank on and I was feeling bored and decided to stroll a bit,I didn't know that I would be seeing you here,Seems like luck is on my side" Anav Kudra said

Ever since I got into college,Anav kudra have been my worst night mare.

Each moment he gets, He keeps on pulling prank on me and have told him to stop but he has turned it into some thing of a daily routine.

I know that him sitting beside me is because he had some thing in mind and what ever it is am ready for it,I thought sullenly.

"Just go away Anav,Leave me alone"I said and just then a man walked towards us carrying Holi colours

"It will be Holi in a few weeks,Why don't you buy Some Holi colours"The man said to me

"Oh no sir"I replied

"What about you sir?"The man asked Anav

"Sure,give me the green colour"He said as he payed the man.

"Why buy Holi colours when Holi is still few months away"I asked

"No reason ,I just wanted to help the man"He said as he poured some in his hands

"And also to do this!"He said as he put a handful of it on my face.

"Now you look like an ogre Rachi"He said laughing.

"You will pay for that"I said snatching the colour from him and quickly he took off with me running after him.

He kept on running and I kept on pursuing him,He ran into a narrow street and I ran after him only to stop when I collided into some one and to make matter worse I had stamped the Holi colour right on his face.


Who do you guys think the guy she is?