
The Fall

God's many children were all excited, and wanted to do many different things. Some of his children wanted to be him while others just wanted to be with him.

Now we shall see how man and his brother, lucifer will live in this new world. Man loved to be with his father and his father loved to be with him, oh how much joy it brought the boy. The boy followed his father in all things, when his father bounced, he bounced back, when his father spoke, he broke out laughing. Wanting to give the boy a special place he made one with his hands a place called Eden. Eden was a wonderful land where the boy had all the fruit he would ever want, and all the friends he could ever make, oh how wonderful it was. It was a place where all of creation could play, and dance, and sing with God and Man it was a place where all of his family would gather. Sadly not everyone was happy with this wonderful place, and that one was lucifer. He was born as the trumpet of God the one who was loved most for he brought all the songs to him, but he felt replaced by Man. It was as if he was thrown away and replaced by a new toy, but that wasn't how God felt, he loved him and wanted him to be part of creation. But he thought "if I was God I would unmake that annoying little brat and that stupid little garden he made for man!"

With an evil plan he went to Man and said with a loving smile "Oh how lovely is God's love, don't you want to be just like him, Man?" Lucifer already knew what man was going to say, but he waited for man to respond, "Oh how I wish I was! If I was more like him I could do so much with him! We could make so much and celebrate twice as much as we do now! oh lucifer can you make it so?" Man had exclaimed with a trusting look in his eyes, and a smile on his face. lucifer now knew his plan would work. He would trick the boy into doing the one thing God had forbidden, so he would be forever banned from his presence. Lucifer laughed and said "If you wait right here and eat what I bring you it will be done and you will be like God," with a exited nod from man he flew off into the sky. Then touched down by the forbidden land and took the forbidden fruit, to bring it to Man, but in his cruel cunning he decided return in the form of a serpent for he doesn't want to catch the blame himself. He crawled up to Man and said "Here, eat this fruit and it will make you like God, there won't be anything you can't know, or do once you eat it."

The innocently unaware boy took a bite from the forbidden fruit, and collapsed right after. God snapped to the location where the two stood and clutched his son and cried at what he had done. "My son how could you? You broke the one rule I had placed before you! Even if you were tricked you must leave for now because you are contaminated, but I will redeem you so worry not!" As man nodded as his mind was tainted with evil. "And you Lucifer! I shall give you the same punishment as Man, except you shall never be redeemed, only those you trick into following you shall have hope," As tears filled his eyes he threw out his creations that had been tainted by sin vowing to redeem all but lucifer.