
The Writer and the Artist

April Freeman is a seventeen year old girl who is probably the only person to know who Austin Luke Henderson is. Being the daughter of famous chefs Theresa Freeman and Henry Freeman, she is always put in the spot light. Austin Henderson, published author who refused to have a face reveal after his first book meets April in a not so romantic way. What happens when they meet again, five years later, in the same way, and on the same day? What can I say? Fate is something.

t4girl · Urban
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49 Chs

Sugar rush

If we can make it through December,

Baby, we'll make it through forever,

Cause all I want for Christmas,

Is you and me to fix this.

-All I want

-Liam Payne.


"Is that blood?"

"....No?" I answer with uncertainty as I stare at the little kid, looking up at me with big brown eyes that is starting to well up.

"Please don't cry, it's not blood, it's just paint, I'm doing this prank on June and I just need her to believe it's blood." I crouch down, cleaning Nolan's eyes. He sniffs and nods, cleaning his face. May looks at me with raised brows and I shake my head at her, she laughs, going to check on the pie that Devin's baking. Brooke walks in, her dark curly hair swaying behind her. "I'm craving lemon bars really bad, I finally put Bear to sleep and I'm dying from exhaustion but I really want to go out! Just get back to work again!" She whines, stealing a nacho from May's plate.

"Sometimes I wonder how you were able to keep the news of you being pregnant for eight months from everyone." May wonders aloud and Brooke laughs. It's true, no one except Ethan, her and the doctor knew she was pregnant until they told us and posted all the pictures of the photoshoot they did. It's like she just disappeared from the face of the Earth at that time.

"Trust me, I felt like I was on the run or something, Ethan wanted it to be a full surprise, not everyone noticing my small bump." I shake my head, watching as Nolan and the other kids run away.

"I'm going to pick Hakeem up, he's going to be at the airport in like an hour, can I have a piece of that brownie patch?" June asks, walking in, her green hair falling down her face. It's grown a lot longer since she colored it, now reaching her shoulders.

Hakeem is coming over for his birthday and Christmas Eve, which is today. He's going kind of undercover since he might be meeting a lot of fans and all at the airport. June has always been the closest to him and honestly, I don't even know why they aren't together yet. It makes sense that she'd be the one to pick him up, she calms him down better than any of us.

Oh, sweet innocent Hakeem of highschool! I still can't believe he's the one getting angry almost all the time, he was like the teddy-bear in our group back in highschool.

"Please get the cake ready when he gets back home, Kira and mom aren't home so make sure Devin is the one that makes it, I don't want him eating salty cake." She gives me a stern look when. she says the last part. "Hey, it was Chase that put the extra salt, that was totally not my fault!" I exclaim and she rolls her eyes as Brooke and May snicker.

"I thought today was Christmas Eve, you're supposed to be nice." I whine and she quirks a brow at me. "Just go." I have her away and she turns, walking out of the room.

"I'm out, bake two cakes and send me a piece of one." Brooke yawns, taking a plate of brownies and dashing out of the kitchen.

"Yep, it's best if I leave also, don't want any extra salt in your perfect cake!" I scoff and walk out, leaving a gobsmacked looking May.

I walk past Chase and Fayette's room and hear her giggling about something then I hear him hushing her. I make a face and walk farther past their room. Sometimes, Chase can be weird and creepy.

I find myself strolling to the arbor, the smell of the flowers reaching me. The ground was still wet from the rain last night and it was really cold. My eyes narrow when I see Peyton playing with Henrietta's dog.

"Hey Peyt, what's up?" I ask as I bend to pet the the dog. He looks at me with a smile and looks up.

"I was walking by and Ronnie came up to me, all panting." He shrugged, standing up and shoving his hands in his pocket. "It doesn't feel like Christmas Eve does it?" He asks, glancing at me and smiling.

"Nah, not really." I chuckle, feeling my heart clench hard. My steps falter and Peyton holds me. "Hey, you alright?" His brows are furrowed in concern and I laugh.

"I feel like you've forgotten I'm a clutz." I straighten myself and tug at my locks. "Nah, it was mostly May but you had your moments." He says, wiggling his brows and that disgusting memory hits me again. I groan and shove him as he laughs.

"I still don't understand how I can stand you." I groan out, holding my face. "It's because you love me." He grabs my arm and twirls me out and back into him. I slam into his chest and he holds me as we crash to the floor. I roll off him, laughing and groaning at the same time as my hair covers my face.

"You know, I kind of like this position." I hear Peyton's voice as he lies across my stomach, gazing at me with twinkling eyes. His mouth is on my exposed stomach, making fart sounds.

"Ew! Get off me, perv!" I howl and shove him, he rolls over, laughing and pointing at me. "You looked terrified like you just farted!" He laughs.

"Run." I give him a stern look and he gulps. "Oh, shit."


Frank Cross said "It's Christmas Eve. It's the night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier." Clearly, Hakeem didn't believe that and therefore is being very mean.

"Why won't you give us a piggy back ride?" Nolan and Uthur ask, their eyes wide and pleading. Hakeem looks up from his phone with an eye roll.

"Listen kids, I'm tired okay, I just had to go undercover and yet, they were still able to find me, I need to rest and I need some quiet, now if you will, go disturb Devin or Alistair." He groans, adjusting his legs on my lap as he pushes my hands back to keep playing with his hair.

I laugh as they pout but still walk away, tugging at his hair. He smiles contently, rubbing himself against me like a cat. "It's Christmas Eve and you're being mean." I laugh and he shrugs.

"It's my birthday, I get to decide what I do." He yawns, reaching for another piece of cake. I take some myself and stuff my face.

"I think I'm going to go to bed, tell June she can join me if she wants, preferably with no clothes." He winks as he takes off his shirt, flexing his muscles.

"Shut up you perv! I'm not telling that to my sister." I screech and throw a pillow at him which he easily catches and places it under his head.

"Yeah, close the door and don't let those scrawny kids near me." He yawns, waving me off. He's cranky when he's sleepy.

I walk out of the room and see June and May checking each other's hairs out. "What's the special occasion?" I ask as I reach them and they stare at me horrified.

"What are you doing dressed like you're going to a pajama party in the streets?" June screamed. I look down at my outfit. It's the pajamas I bought for everyone for Christmas Eve celebration. They must've ditched it after I went to the room with Hakeem.

"I'm celebrating Christmas Eve?" I say with uncertainty and May rolls her eyes. My brows shoot past my hairline as I stare at my sister.

"We're going out dorko, your grandparents don't want us in the house." June says as she pulls me to her room. She literally throws me into the vanity chair and starts attacking her closet. May starts checking out the drawers and she starts pulling out the makeup kits.

"Ugh, I don't want to go out! Can I just eat cookie dunked in milk and watch the Grinch over and over again, please? I'll even stay with Henrietta so that they don't find out you left me behind." I plead as June walks back and tosses a pair of brown uggs to me.

"Where are we even going?" I ask when I see that they wouldn't let me stay back home.

"We're all going separate places, then we'll meet back at the big Christmas tree for Christmas." June explains as she pulls my hair in a big bun on too of my head. May just slaps some lipgloss on my lips after she's done with my face. It didn't even take fifteen minutes and they still haven't let me see myself.

"Okay, why the makeup? I'm not exactly going anywhere that people really know or care about me right? And besides, I'm sure I still look pretty much the same." I grumble and cross my arms when June adds the last pins to keep the bun in place.

"Trust me, you look even better than you did a few minutes ago." I roll my eyes and take a look at myself in the mirror. I must admit though, I'm impressed. Seeing as though I hardly ever put on any makeup, I sure do look different. But not so different that I can't recognize myself, I still look very much me. Just how I like it.

"You'll go with Peyton in his car, Chase and Fayette are going with dad's, May and Devin are going somewhere far away, then I will take our single cousins for a manner lesson." She chirps as I tug on the sweater she gave me.

"Okay fine, but what's the use anyway? You can just ditch them and come with me and Peyt." I quirk a brow at her and she smiles while fluttering her lashes. "Oh honey, you're getting it wrong. I volunteered to take them out, since I'm the nicest one and it's Christmas Eve." She giggles and I gulp, already feeling sorry for them.

Peyton walks in just as I finish adjusting the sweater to fit me. "You ready?" He questions, accessing my outfit. "Yep, and by the way, where are we going?" I grab my phone and follow him out of the room.

"That's for me to know and for you to not know. Also, we're taking the kids to Millie's for Christmas Eve, then we'll get them tomorrow morning. But for now, you should enjoy yourself." He sings, twirling and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, but I choose where I'll go to eat, no surprises." I warm and he mock salutes me.

"What about Kira and Ethan?" I ask when I remember that June didn't say anything about them. He shrugs, tilting his head.

"Grandma wants every married person back here, I think get together for the 'grown ups' or something." He scoffs.


"The wheels on the car go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!"

I have been trying to shove my earplugs in since Peyton started the song along with the kids. Nolan, Uthur, Chad and Rayne have been singing at the top of their lungs. I'm just glad they haven't been singing Christmas songs, I'd just die.

"How far is Millie's place from here?" I ask Peyton and he chuckles, his eyes crinkling. "We're here, don't get your panties in a twist."

He pulls over in front of a white door with a beautiful wreath hanging on the front. "Alright kids, free chocolate and gingerbread houses." Peyton cheers and they squeal, throwing the door open and rushing to the front door. He laughs and follows them, ringing the doorbell.

"Merry Christmas Eve Millie!" They all sing as she opens the door. "Hello kids, Merry Christmas Eve to you too. Come in, I'll take care of them Peyt." She smiles as they usher themselves inside.

He nods, leaning in and placing a chaste kiss on her lips. My eyes go wide and my jaw drops. What was that? She giggles, smacking his chest and walking back in her house.

"What I'm the name of the red nosed reindeer Rudolph was that?" I exclaim as he gets back in the car.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that we're a thing?" He giggles nervously and I smack his arm. "Hey, you smacked me!"

"And you deserved it!" I reply, huffing. Everybody around me is having their romantic sob story come true and here I am, sulking because of a stupid argument with Austin.

"Oh come on, don't be so sad. Here, we can go get some lemon chicken, how about that, huh?" He asks, starting the car.

"Fine, but you're paying."


We got to the big Christmas tree earlier than anyone else, we didn't really do anything but eat and sing to good old rock songs. I called June a few times but she said they're still busy so Peyt and I decided to go do some mischief.

And by that I mean eat more before they get here.

"Here you go!" Two candy canes are shoved in my face and I smile at Peyton. "Thanks, if June was here she'd definitely break it for our tradition and I always got the smaller part of the cane." I pout as I bite into the cane.

He laughs, biting into his own candy apple. He takes my hand in his, swinging it between us as we walk. "Do you think Malia, Mara and Trisha will let June take over tonight's activities?" I ask and Peyton looks at me like I've magically grown dragon scales on my face.

"Are we still talking about June Freeman, like your sister? It's June for goodness sake! And, she's the one driving, she can just ditch them for the new pub downtown."

It's true, June can be a bitch sometimes, a wicked one. She left me in Hong Kong once, like boarded a plane and left me. I was stuck nodding to the house maid at whatever she said. It was horrible. I had to get a translator app!

"Yeah, imagine what she'll do once she finds out about Millie." I snort and he groans.

"You're never going to let it go, are you? You guys are honestly the worst cousins ever!" He grumbles, tossing the finished apple in the trash.

"Whatever razzles your berries." I sing, skipping to the candy store. I can feel the sugar kicking in, eyes are wide.

"Hey, no more candy for you!" Peyton grabs my hand and pulls me to his chest. I struggle out of his hold, my desire for more sugar fueling my kicks.

"Why did you give her candy? You know candy canes always get her to react like this! She looks like a hobo that just got a dose from the Candyman." June's voice drawls out, I glance and see my cousin's walking behind her with a kind of look on their face. June must've tortured them too much.

"What's wrong with her?" I hear Devin ask, his hands wrapped around May's waist. I roll my eyes at them, relaxing and turning to June.

"You know I'm right here, and there's nothing wrong with me, this oaf is just relaxing on me and his wight is crushing my insides." I shove him again but it seems like no one is buying it.

"Okay fine, it's his fault though, he gave me two candy canes." He gasps, releasing me and raising his hands up in surrender when June's eyes narrow.

"Aha, I got out!" I try to bolt towards the store but he grabs me, holding me tight against himself. He starts walking back, away from the store and I see May's eyes getting wide.

"Uh, Peyt, I think you might want to release her." Her eyes start flicking above my head to his face and to mine. I frown, turning around and facing Peyton, he looks down at me confused and I shrug.

"June, separate them!" May hisses and I turn around to tell her off but I shut up when I see someone with ocean blue eyes striding to me with a frown on his face. He tears me off Peyton, his arms wrapping around me.

"What are you-?" He shuts me up as his mouth covers mine. My eyes flutter close, my hands fisting his shirt. His large hand tilts my head, his thumb grazing my skin.

"You're my princess, no one touches you except me, no one holds you except me, no one gets to make you laugh except me, and I will definitely not let anyone get you candy on our first Christmas together except me, you're mine, and I don't like to share." He growls in my ear and a shiver runs down my spine, my toes curling.

I look up to his eyes, his forehead resting against mine, his lips swollen. I bite mine, smiling to myself. "You came." I whisper and he smirks.

"I promised that we'd make it, didn't I?" His eyes flicker between my lips and my eyes before sealing it with his again.

His hands brush my hair back, his light stubble prickling my fingers.

"You remember when I told you I had insomnia? But then I could sleep because I was thinking of you."

"What happened Austin?"

"This time I couldn't because I was thinking of you, thinking that I didn't have you there with me."

My heart clenches and I close my eyes, resting my head against his chest. "But you're here now, that's all that matters."

I hear him chuckle and I smile, looking at him to find him looking up at the sky. "What's funny?" I ask and he looks down at me with twinkling eyes.

"Mistletoe." He whispers and I look up, the mistletoe hanging over our heads.

"Mistletoe." I sigh. My eyes see only him; only Austin.

"Merry Christmas April." He tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Merry Christmas Austin."

Alright, we get to see Austin possessive, ooh la-la ^_^

Is it just me or did it get hot in here?



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