
The Wretched Mistress

She didn't want all of these to happen. Never in her wildest dreams would she want to become a mistress of a Royal Business Tycoon. Even if she came from a humble family, she didn't want to be entangled with someone who was already married. And yet, here she is. April had loved him secretly all throughout the years and yet, this is how he repays her. Anguished, sadness and unloved. To the point of losing her mind again. If only she could turn back time, she would never have love this ravish man! Unfortunately, they had a son. Her most treasured son was made by accident. Even though Alex didn't planned it, he wants to stand up as the father. Alex had trapped her to stay or else she would lose her son. But where would she stand in this messy situation? She was nothing but a so called mistress. Would there be ever a day, where she will be finally be free? Or will she be taken over by her own darkness? ---------- This story is about our own devils. Tackling them in our daily lives, as well as struggling to survive. Remember, Demons are not an illness. If you're not into dramatic - romance, you can freely skip this novel. Parental Guidance is required. A lot of hot and steamy scenes ahead. Be prepared to eat dogfood. This is my 2nd Novel and English is my 3rd language. Sorry in advance, for my grammatical errors. Reviews are appreciated! Enjoy! UwU ------- Also read my other novels ! The Fallen Consort & Phoenix Rebirth : The Unruly Empress -------- JOIN THE DISCUSSION !!! Discord : discord.gg/hAJDepT ---- Also please support me by buying me a coffee! buymeacoffee.com/ElleJaye

ElleJaye · Urban
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132 Chs

Mystery Package (2)

James was just finishing up at the office and was about to head to the hospital, when he received a call from Josie.


"Sir, Can you come here at Sky Book Cafe? I need you to see something. Sir Alex have sent me back here to investigate. I'll explain everything once you get here." Josie said on the other line.

"I'll be there in minute." James said and hanged up. He looked at his watch, it was already past noon. His boss would probably not have the stomach to eat right now. He sighed.

James slowly walked to the car, as the idea hit him. He can't let his boss be unhealthy again. He just got back after all. He didn't eat this morning nor for lunch. The last time April was on the hospital, he almost didn't eat. Until his mother Phoebe force it on him.

As he entered his car and turned the engine on. He then turned on his car's bluetooth that connected to his phone and dialer a number.

"James?" Theo answered.

James' face turned sour. He dialed his boss's mother but the father picked up.

"Sir, I'm calling regarding April. She is in the hospital again." James signed. He knew that he'll be in trouble for telling but he also was worried for his boss's health.


"I'm not too sure about what happened yet, I'm heading to Josie to check in with the situation. Alex is at the hospital right now. He just got back from a business travel and haven't ate. He might not eat again until April wakes up." James silently prayed he understood.

"Okay. Thanks for letting us now. I will tell my wife and head to the hospital." Theo then hanged up.

James felt relief. At least he could concentrate with whatever Josie wants him to see. Rather than be worried about his own boss.

After about 10 Minutes, James arrived. After all, their offices was closed by. When he got in the staff was already sent away and only Josie was waiting on him by the lobby.

"So what exactly that you wanted me to see?" James inquired.

"Follow me." Josie sighed and went upstairs.

James furrowed his brows, but none the less followed her.

As they got in, James furrowed brows went deeper. Josie still hasn't cleaned the pills on the ground.

"What exactly happened?" He was a calmed guy, he was trained to be calm in all situation. But man, he could feel his heart beating fast. His boss would probably kill someone if he saw this scene.

"I wasn't here when it happened. I went to grab lunch for her and when I came back." Josie looked at the pills on the ground. "She was already fainted on the floor and the pills were on the ground. Her breathing was weak so I instantly called an ambulance. I didn't want to risk her life and it turns out that she did swallowed a bunch of pills.

When I left the hospital, they were trying to get the pills out of her stomach. It was when Sir Alex arrived. He then told me to come back here to investigate what happened." Josie looked at James. He was still standing in front of the door. As if not wanting to disturb a crime scene.

"I presumed that this isn't what you want me to see?" James looked back.

Josie shake her head. "No. That box is. I guess she received a parcel when I went to get her lunch. The staff here wasn't informed of anything, so they gave it to her directly." She sighed.

James finally took his first step and went towards the box.

"I closed it back when I saw it earlier, not daring to look through it. I figured that it isn't my business to do that." Josie said as she seen James going for it.

James lifted his brows up as he got near the small box. It looked like an ordinary box. He opened it, not expecting much.

His eyes widen at the contents. He then closed it, without a single moment. Thinking the same thing as Josie. He couldn't bring himself to look at it.

His inside were shaking. If he was April, he would've gotten quite a shock too. He clenched his teeth. Who would have the nerve to attack a helpless woman?! This made him infuriated but still he showed a calm face.