
Madwoman With A Gun

As we moved through the building, all we could hear were more and more explosions coming from outside.

How the PHA hadn't arrived yet, I didn't know.

We made our way through the building until we came to the front door, a quick peek outside showed that we had actually somehow looped back around to where we first got hit by the black hole bomb.

The destruction on the road was immense. Fresh craters were still smoking on the ground, and the black hole explosion that Brainwave had somehow made had dragged most of the ruins down with it.

Brainwave herself was no longer on the street, she'd likely gone off somewhere to hunt for us, but there were still some members of the mob in the road.

If we went out now we'd have the element of surprise on our side to launch a counter-attack, but we'd also be vastly outnumbered, and without Wildthing around the amount of force we could actually use against them was fairly limited.

But it was also the only choice that we had.