
The Wrath of the II Legion

The Primarchs, sons of the Emperor himself. Created with the intent of leading humanity into a brighter future. With 20 Primarchs, the Emperor sought to better the lives of humanity. If left untouched, they were to be saviors along side their father. Strong willed and tutored under Big E himself, but the chaotic hands of the warp thought otherwise. What better time than now when the 20 children were of the development stage. A stage of easy manipulation, like stealing candy from a child. Washed away from the warp and sent away to god knows where, one Primarch found themselves in a world not their own. In the 31st millennium, 20 Primarchs were lost; 18 only found. half of which turned traitor. Two of the 20 legions were lost, untouched by the dramas of war and slaughter; but only one was truly lost and forever forgotten. But amidst the war, amidst the difference of time between worlds, the lost son returns home... and he brings with him draconic fury. ══════⊹⊱≼≽⊰⊹══════ Hello, I don't own any of the known IPs. This is purely for entertainment purposes for myself and others. I gain no form of payment for this work. A story to enjoy and something to work my writing on. Credit to the respected owners of each IP.

Zesrael · Video Games
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MC Powers and Introduction

The Auxiliary chapters keep up with the current chapter in the making. This helps me keep track of things. You might get spoiled so viewer discretion advised.


Name: Duraeus Vendrandar

Sex: Male

Status: Alive.

Occupation: Primarch of the 2nd Legion

Whereabouts: Earth

Description: Black with silver highlights. Sapphire blue eyes with vertical pupils. Tall. Toned. Dress nicely… too nice– has a noble, royal attire. Clothing constant of black and white mixture of main colors. Gold edges on the coat. A silver chest ornate decor.

Attitude: Whimsical, stoic, battle maniac.

Short History: Separated from his gene-father due to ruinous powers through the warp, Duraeus Vendrandar is left to his own devices to unknown worlds. Little does he know of the changes done to his very being by an unknown assailant.

Legion Name: The Draconian Revenants

Legion Status: Infancy

Items: [Items: 56,970 Legion Points | 12x Mapo tofu | Titan Blueprint: Draconic Dogma | Experimental Blueprint: Behemoth | Experimental Blueprint: Atlas | Goliath Blueprint: Hunter | Goliath Blueprint: Commando | Goliath Blueprint: Saber | 2x Heavy Cannon] 

(Current) Power:

Legion System: Creates the Adeptus Astartes for the II Legion: The Draconian Revenants. Custom space marines. Custom chapter vehicles. Upgradable tech tree. Takes Legions points. Legion points generated through conversion of currency (1:1 conversion). Comes with a command view (A map only he can see. Shows the desired combat area, designate orders through vox calls, real time action). Can spawn brothers of The Draconian Revenant (arrival by drop pod or aerial transport). Spawning marines through the Legion system cost legion points. Spawning Vehicles through the Legion system cost legion points. Spawned marines and vehicles in The Legion stronghold don't require legion points. The Legion system has a built in stronghold, provides recuperation and a place to hold Draconian brothers. Can assimilate other world technology.Reward System: Killing grants rewards. Rewards are proportionate to the foe. Rewards aren't necessarily related to Duraeus Vendrandar but are more likely to come from 40k. Built in inventory. Can scrap items for currency to buy anything from his current world or to convert to legion points.

(Current) Traits:

- Draconic: Natural Wisdom. A noble pride. Ease of control (internal energies if he has any). Heavy Resistance to flames. Skin as hard as scales of a dragon (still keeping that natural human skin though). Communication with animals (ease of converse and understanding). Supernatural strength (combined with his Primarch status… easily over 1,000-1,500 ton potential force). Supernatural speed (Too fast for a normal eye to recognize movement). Supernatural Stamina (Don't tire easily, can go a long time without food or rest, resistant to trauma or stress). Supernatural senses (All five senses are jacked up with 10x steroids, able to identify beings even if invisible). Mastery of the mind (By natural instinct/second nature, he is able to understand intent and emotion by way of the individual mind. Don't mistake this for mind reading, just an educated guess. He ain't no Charles Xavier.)

- Primarch: Superhuman strength/speed. Healing factor. Additional organs. Adept growth (Fully grow to his prime by just a few years). Resistance to the elements (ice, fire, radiation, etc). Poison resistant. Easy sustenance (Isn't picky, can eat a major amount of normally inedible food). Really durable. No need for sleep (he can still sleep). Multitasking (able to keep track of multiple fronts in the middle of a battle). Innate knowledge (thanks to his dad). Adept at learning language. Superhuman mental capabilities (process information like a supercomputer… maybe even faster). Adult mindset. Natural combat capabilities. High charisma. Detecting warp anomalies/resistance against the warp. Eat an organ to gain their knowledge.

- Perpetual (Semi-Pure): Able to reincarnate upon death (the time it takes depends on the damage). Supernatural regeneration. Never Aging (really fucking slow). Heavily resilient soul, capable of preserving his soul whether by soul attacks (or visiting the warp and demons want a snack).