
The Wrath of the II Legion

The Primarchs, sons of the Emperor himself. Created with the intent of leading humanity into a brighter future. With 20 Primarchs, the Emperor sought to better the lives of humanity. If left untouched, they were to be saviors along side their father. Strong willed and tutored under Big E himself, but the chaotic hands of the warp thought otherwise. What better time than now when the 20 children were of the development stage. A stage of easy manipulation, like stealing candy from a child. Washed away from the warp and sent away to god knows where, one Primarch found themselves in a world not their own. In the 31st millennium, 20 Primarchs were lost; 18 only found. half of which turned traitor. Two of the 20 legions were lost, untouched by the dramas of war and slaughter; but only one was truly lost and forever forgotten. But amidst the war, amidst the difference of time between worlds, the lost son returns home... and he brings with him draconic fury. ══════⊹⊱≼≽⊰⊹══════ Hello, I don't own any of the known IPs. This is purely for entertainment purposes for myself and others. I gain no form of payment for this work. A story to enjoy and something to work my writing on. Credit to the respected owners of each IP.

Zesrael · Video Games
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Completed Upgrades

These upgrades act like passives. Once bought, they are automatically equipped to the Space Marine. Combat Blades and grenades fit this category. However, new weapons are different. Once unlocked, there's a chance for the marine to equip them.

For example, the Plasma Gun and Meltagun are both unlocked. When spawning a new marine, they may come with the Meltagun or the Plasma gun or just a regular Bolter. However, the chances of getting the desired marine with the right equipment is guaranteed when specifying a sub-directive.

A Tactical Space marine has a random chance in getting the desired gun. But a long range anti-tank Tactical Marine is guaranteed to spawn with a missile launcher. Another example is a short range anti-tank Tactical Marine is guaranteed to spawn with a Meltagun. Anti-heavy armor Tactical Marine is guaranteed to spawn with a plasma gun.

The directive changes depending on the right squad. Using Devastator Marine as the main directive changes the weapon pull, same with Assault Marines and Scout Marine directive.

Dedicated tech tree for named characters.

Named characters can be customized to see the Primarchs' vision complete. Note that the existing upgrade must first be purchased. Named characters will appear like D&D character sheets. Open slots for wargear. Info on the characters will be displayed. 

Note: using a dedicated sub-directive will increase the cost.

Note: applies to vehicles.

Note: some upgrades also affect the Primarch
