
The Wrath of The Hungry Wolf (Hiatus)

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if someone like Theon Stark, the hungry wolf who ravaged the Andal lands and kept them away from the North, was around? Someone who was ruthless, a skilled fighter, an experienced politician, and above all else a true Stark was reborn as the second-born of Eddard Stark during the War of the Five Kings? Well, this is the story of the hungry wolf.

Logi_cal · Book&Literature
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Battle of bloody gate

The preparations for the battle were complete. Archers were already on the walls, and knights and smallfolk levies were in place. The garrison of the Bloody Gate consisted of three hundred and fifty trained men. Around one hundred men had been further gathered and given training on how to use a spear.

The spear was the only weapon that could be easily used by untrained levies, making it ideal for them to act as skirmishers. The mountain clans were considered a group of savages, comprised of poor people with low-quality weapons and armor.

We had sixty archers on the wall, who were further assisted by twenty levies slingers. It is worth noting that sharp stones hurled by slingers can cause serious harm. Additionally, we had a hundred and ten horses, forming our cavalry unit, ready to charge at the enemy. The remaining forces consisted of skirmishers, flanked by the garrison infantry.


80 long range fighters. Out of the 80 long-range fighters, only 60 were proficient in using a sword properly.

110 heavy cavalry.

150 heavy infantry.

80 skirmishers.

Having 60 fighters proficient in swordsmanship, along with the support of archers, slingers, and cavalry, should provide a strong defense against the attack of 500 raiders. The combination of long-range attacks, skilled swordsmen, and the ability to charge with the cavalry can help to effectively repel the enemy forces. Additionally, the presence of skirmishers and the garrison infantry can provide added support in defending against the raiders.

Brynden, standing alongside the archers and giving them orders, caught my attention. I acknowledged him with a nod, indicating my understanding. As part of the cavalry, our charge was to be led by a renowned knight named Ser Donnel.

As a horn blew in the distance, I noticed Brynden's frown, and immediately, everyone became alert. The shouts of the raiders approaching the gate grew louder, accompanied by the sound of arrows being fired. We positioned ourselves behind the gate, standing alongside the footmen, prepared to defend against the impending attack.

I observed the end of ladders being placed against the walls by the raiders, indicating their attempt to breach our defenses. Fortunately, they lacked proper siege engines. As the raiders started climbing the walls, our skilled archers swiftly dealt with them using their swords. However, despite our successful defense, we suffered a significant number of casualties in the process.

As the gates swung open, the commanding voice of Ser Donnel echoed, "CHARGE!" I tightly gripped my lance and propelled forward, joining the cavalry in a fierce charge. With each thrust of my lance, I aimed to impale any raider in my path. Blood sprayed in every direction as we plowed through the enemy forces, pushing towards the tail end of the raider horde.

As we turned around to charge back at the raiders, the sight of their overwhelming numbers struck me. There were more than a thousand of them, but we didn't falter. We charged again and again, determined to diminish their ranks as much as we could. The gates were closed behind us, leaving us no choice but to fight with all our might. With every swing of my lance, I aimed to eliminate any raider within my reach, driven by the urgency to protect our stronghold.

As a stone hammer struck my horse, ending its life, I swiftly leaped off its back, landing on the ground with a thud. In an instant, I found myself confronted by two raiders charging towards me. Reacting swiftly, I hurled my lance at one, piercing his chest with deadly accuracy. Pulling out my sword, I deftly parried the attack of the other raider, causing him to lose his balance. Seizing the opportunity, I unleashed a powerful slash, cleaving through his torso, leaving his chest separated from his legs.

In the face of the formidable raider charging towards me, I acknowledged that overpowering him with sheer strength would be a daunting task. Instead, I relied on the extended reach of my longsword and swiftly thrust it forward, piercing through his armor with relative ease. However, my triumph was short-lived as a swarm of raiders closed in, encircling me. With a combination of swift slashes and precise hacks, I repelled any raider who dared to venture within striking distance. Every movement was fueled by a desperate determination to maintain my position amidst the advancing enemy.

Despite my relentless efforts, the raiders continued to assail me with their crude stone weapons. While some managed to land hits, my fine steel armor provided a significant advantage against their feeble attacks. However, the situation grew dire as the cavalry around me fell one by one. Realizing the urgency, I made a strategic decision to retreat towards the nearby forest.

With the raiders in hot pursuit, I sprinted through the dense foliage towards the infantry's left flank. The forest provided cover and an opportunity to regroup with the remaining infantry forces. Adrenaline pumping through my veins, I pushed my body to its limits, determined to reach safety and rejoin the battle from a more advantageous position.

As I noticed the knights following my lead, my attention was also drawn to the presence of wildlings moving stealthily through the forest. Understanding the potential threat they posed, I came to an abrupt stop. The knights mirrored my actions, their expressions filled with curiosity and uncertainty.

Pointing towards the raiders who were swiftly making their way to join the battle at the bloody gate, I conveyed the urgency of the situation. It became clear to all of us that our first priority was to ensure our own survival amidst the overwhelming odds we faced. We knew that Lord Brynden had already ordered the evacuation of the people in the town, emphasizing the importance of our own escape.

With this in mind, we made a collective decision to attempt to sneak past the raiders unnoticed. The chaos and noise created by their rush towards the battle would likely divert their attention away from us. We understood that this was our best chance to slip away and regroup with the remaining forces.

Rejoining the infantry, we found Lord Brynden preparing for a retreat. His decision confirmed our own instincts. We quickly readied ourselves, understanding that it was time to leave the battlefield and retreat to a safer location. The priority was to regroup, reevaluate our strategy, and continue the fight another day.


Author's note:

Choose temporary love interest:

1) Mera Reed

2) Wynafryd Manderly