
The Worlds’ Finest

The Worlds' Finest follows multiple characters in a multiverse of narratives. Each world different from the rest and each character destined to be the strongest. Richard Vance: From modern metropolis, Bluff City, Richard Vance emerges with superhuman abilities, taking on the mantle of a protector in a city riddled with crime. Micah Morley: In a realm where everyone has magic, Micah Morley is the only exception. To compensate, Micah crafts extraordinary devices that blur the line between science and magic. Alistair Galen: Across the cosmos, Alistair Galen serves as a galactic commander, bound to his men and his mission is enwrapped in conspiracy and civil war. Felix Megistus: Thriving in the shadowy otherworld of the supernatural, Felix masters the dark arts to bind entities to his will and eliminate those who do not conform. Keiko: A child of a meaningless war, Keiko struggles to adapt to her new life in the Jasmine Sage Sect, but she finds ancient scrolls that change the course of her life forever. Zephiriel: Now Zephicin, the absent king who slept while her people perished by the thousands. Now she seeks to find meaning in her loss as she turns her grief against the pale demons who invaded her land. "The Worlds' Finest" weaves these narratives together, each character's journey a message on diverse forms of strength. As more champions emerge, their stories intertwine, revealing deeper connections and the broader implications of extraordinary responsibility and the grief it comes with.

The_Finest_Author · Fantasy
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129 Chs

Vance - 4.2

I waited on the cold cement until the sound of the henchmen's footsteps faded into the night. The adrenaline slowly ebbed away, leaving me with a throbbing jaw and the weight of the experience pressing heavily on my shoulders. Finally feeling comfortable enough to move, I picked myself up and made my way home, the events of the fight replaying in my mind like a kung-fu movie reel.

The ache in my jaw persisted well into the next morning, a stark reminder of the previous night's confrontation. Determined to face the day head-on, I left home early, making a beeline for Jim's Boutique to collect my suits. Jim handed them over with a knowing look, his eyes lingering on the fresh bruise that marred my face.

"Take care of yourself, Vance," he said softly, his usual humor replaced with genuine concern. "I would be morose if we never spoke again."

"Always, Jim," I replied, offering a tired smile before heading to the office.

By 6:00 a.m., I was seated at the conference table, the weight of the expectations already pressing down on me. To my surprise, Lafayette entered the room, his sharp eyes immediately noticing the damage.

"Who'd you fight?" he asked, rubbing his own cheek as if to illustrate. "Looks like you caught a haymaker right here."

I chuckled, though it pained my bruised jaw. "The ground and I had a disagreement," I responded wryly, trying to downplay the previous night's events.

Lafayette raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying my nonchalance but choosing not to press the matter further. 

"Still quite the surprise to see you here so early," I remarked, breaking the silence.

Lafayette smirked, leaning back in his chair. "Figured I'd keep everyone on their toes. Besides, the investors are quite anxious to regain some stability here. No one better than the co-founder to spearhead their proposal for a new project."

I grimaced, shaking my head. "Pembrose should be back in a couple months. The people here can handle whatever proposal has been instated until Michael returns."

"Be that as it may..." he replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I have been forced into helping out with the excitement here."

"Excitement is one word for it," I said, my mind flashing back to the previous night. "So, what's this project you're working on?"

He leaned in, lowering his voice. "All in due time, Vance. Let's just say it's something that could really use someone with your… particular set of skills."

Before I could respond, the door opened, and Anthony and Henry walked in, both looking a bit bleary-eyed but determined. They nodded greetings, taking their seats.

"Morning," Anthony said, stifling a yawn. "Looks like we're in for an interesting day."

"No doubt about it," I replied, glancing at the clock. Clara and Jules were running late, which was unusual.

Minutes ticked by in relative silence, the atmosphere growing tenser with each passing second. Finally, the door burst open, and Clara entered with Jules in tow. Both looked harried, their expressions a mix of anxiety and forced composure.

"Sorry for the delay," Clara said, smoothing her skirt and taking a seat. Jules followed suit, her eyes darting nervously around the room.

Lafayette gave them a pointed look but remained silent, waiting for Clara to begin. She cleared her throat, shuffling some papers in front of her.

"Thank you all for being here on such short notice," Clara started, trying to steady her voice. "As you know, Mister Pembrose has been hospitalized, and we've had to make adjustments to ensure the firm continues to operate smoothly. I'd like to bring our guest up to speed on our current workload and the state of the branch."

She launched into a lengthy update, detailing various cases and initiatives the firm was handling. Her tone was upbeat, but the underlying stress was evident. She kept glancing at Lafayette, gauging his reactions, and frequently asked for the others to chime in.

"Henry, why don't you tell Lafayette about the Henderson case?" she prompted.

Henry shifted uncomfortably. "Well, we've managed to keep things on track despite the challenges. The team has really pulled together."

"And Anthony, could you elaborate on the new client intake process?" Clara continued, trying to project confidence.

Anthony cleared his throat. "We have streamlined the initiative as much as possible. The intake has been… manageable."

Lafayette listened intently, his expression unreadable. Clara continued her report, glossing over the more problematic areas and emphasizing their efforts to maintain normalcy. However, the strain in her voice grew more apparent as she struggled to paint a rosy picture.

After what felt like an eternity, Lafayette finally raised a hand, cutting Clara off mid-sentence. "Thank you, Clara. I appreciate the detailed update."

Clara fell silent, her eyes widening slightly as Lafayette leaned forward, his demeanor shifting to one of authority.

"I've listened to all of you, and I can understand the immense pressure you've been under," he began, his voice calm but carrying an edge. "However, the board has expressed significant concerns about the operations and stability of this branch in Pembrose's absence. They are worried about the long-term viability and the capacity to maintain the firm's standards."

He paused, letting his words sink in. The room was deathly quiet, everyone hanging on his next statement.

"The board has decided to vote on replacing Pembrose's position within the company. This decision is out of my hands," Lafayette continued, his tone growing more somber. "They believe that new leadership is necessary to navigate these troubled times."

Clara looked stricken, and the others seemed equally stunned. Before anyone could react, Lafayette delivered the final blow.

"Effective immediately, the board has appointed me the role of chief in place of Pembrose. Furthermore, to ensure we have a fresh start and to instill new vigor into this branch, I am replacing all partners except Vance. You are all dismissed."

The shock was palpable. Clara opened her mouth to protest but quickly shut it, her face a mix of disbelief and resignation. Anthony and Henry looked shell-shocked, while Jules seemed on the verge of tears.

Lafayette stood up, signaling the end of the meeting. "Thank you for your service. Pembrose & Lafayette have prepared very generous exit terms. Please speak with my secretary for your papers. Vance, stay behind. We have much to discuss."

As the others slowly gathered their things and left the room in a daze, I remained seated, the gravity of the situation settling heavily on my shoulders. Lafayette turned to me, his expression softening slightly.

"Let's get to work, Vance. There's much to do and little time to do it," he said, his voice carrying both a promise and a challenge. "We need to clean up the mess caused by Pembrose and his posse. I want you to assemble a team to tackle a series of high-profile cases that we have collected."