
The Worlds’ Finest

In "The Worlds' Finest," the paths of several extraordinary individuals intersect, each rising to become the strongest in their own world. Bound by their distinct abilities and driven by their personal quests, they navigate the complex landscapes of sacrifice, strife, and salvation. Richard Vance: From modern metropolis, Bluff City, Richard Vance emerges with superhuman abilities, taking on the mantle of a protector in a city riddled with crime. Micah Morley: In a realm where everyone has magic, Micah Morley is the only exception. To compensate, Micah begins crafting extraordinary devices that push the boundaries of innovation. Alistair Galen: Across the cosmos, Alistair Galen serves as a galactic knight, bound to uphold justice and peace in an expansive universe. Felix Megistus: Thriving in the shadowy otherworld of the supernatural, Felix masters the dark arts to bind entities to his will and eliminate those who do not conform. Keiko: A child of a meaningless war, Keiko struggles to adapt to her new life in the Jasmine Sage Sect, but she finds ancient scrolls that change the course of her life forever. Zephiriel: Now Zephicin, the absent king who slept while her people perished by the thousands. Now she seeks to find meaning in her loss as she turns her grief against the pale demons who invaded her land. "The Worlds' Finest" weaves these narratives together, each character's journey a message on diverse forms of strength. As more champions emerge, their stories intertwine, revealing deeper connections and the broader implications of extraordinary responsibility and the grief it comes with.

The_Finest_Author · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Keiko - 插曲

"Wait, an ancient spirit responsible for all of contemporary society awakens and chooses a weak kid as his host?" The man across my table interrupted my story, his eyes wide with disbelief.

I paused, sipping some of my cooling tea. "Mmmm yes, it was so."

He sipped some of his, finally, before he continued, "And his first instinct was to fight a little girl?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the incredulity in his voice. "Girl, boy—it matters not."

"That's not what I meant." He leaned back in his chair, skepticism still etched on his face. "The way you described his accomplishments, that seems unwinnable. How did you even survive?"

"Yes, we did fight from a certain perspective. I was physically sparring, but my opponent was his apprehension," I explained, watching his reaction carefully.

The guest shook his head, clearly struggling to process my story. "I'm sorry, but why would anyone base their entire inheritance around a simple test? What kind of rationale is that?"

"Grandmaster Li Tian wasn't like any other in history," I replied, my tone thoughtful. "His existence was bound by the very laws he mastered, and he sought to find someone worthy of his knowledge. Try to listen the first time; old women do not like to repeat themselves."

He nodded slightly, signaling his attention. "I get that he's unique, but testing someone through combat? Seems a bit...extreme."

I smiled, the memory of that encounter vivid in my mind. "The test was his way of ensuring I met the necessary requirements for his successor, but simple is quite the opposite of his methods. It wasn't a matter of exchanging fists. It was a test of everything I have learned and could learn. My physicality, emotions, rationality—essentially, the measure of my life."

The guest adjusted his posture, curiosity blending with lingering skepticism. "Alright, I'm listening. How did it start?"

"With a vision of the past..." I began, my mind drifting back to that moment.