
Classified As Dead; Revived By Amputation


"Thank you, doctor. Please tell me which hospital this is and how long I have been here?"

I all but ask the first thing that comes to mind. Of course, I can see pretty well that, this is a different hospital and much more exquisite and superior than the last.

"This is the La Grande medical facility, madam. You were airlifted to this place two weeks ago. You were in a very bad state. And I am sorry to inform you that we had to amputate one of your hands from the elbow. You had a really bad case of necrotising fasciitis. Also..."

I shut him off not wanting to hear anymore. I no longer have a hand and he is sitting there narrating it like some scene from some flop of a movie? How dare they take away my hand without my consent? No wonder I could not wiggle my left-hand fingers. It is because they are no longer there!