
The world was harsh on me so I destroyed it!

The world is so boring, I mean we will die anyway so why go through all the trouble to live an amazing life?

Random_Guy_GJH · Fantasy
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30 Chs

21) What Are Feelings?

"Probably for the achievement."

"What achievement?"

"Kart is an orc and orcs belong to the demonic beings. So he wouldn't have any problems with getting demonic achievements. And moreover..."

Gi Wan picked up Rai and started running towards the base while carrying Rai on his back. Although they cleared the dungeon and made a place good enough to be called a base, the monsters will still spawn so Lucy is taking care of Gi Wan's back.

"The achievement attained by killing an apostle is not something to scoff at. He must have gotten these thoughts as he was killing his own race to get stronger. He must have thought, 'If killing my race is ok, wouldn't backstabbing an apostle to become strong also be ok?'. Or something of such sort."

"So? Are you going to leave him like that?"

"I will kill him. I need to set an example to everyone about what would happen to them if they mess up with us. And..."

Gi Wan readjusted Rai's position on his back and continued to run.

"This is a good opportunity to show Rai that we are capable comrades for him to be with."

For some reason, Lucy narrowed her eyes and spoke

"Not because you are angry for Rai?"

"You know it too don't you?"

"That's just your delusion. I'm sure you are just covering up your anger with those reasons."

"You can think whatever you want."

Gi Wan had a problem. No one would expect him to have a problem like this.

"Do you know how cringy it is when you say you don't feel anything?"

"That's why I don't say it."

His senses are fine, really. It's just...

"Not like there is something that will happen to me if I say it out loud anyways."

It's just that he doesn't feel anger, sadness, excitement or any other feelings.

"Probably that's why I am an apostle? I don't know what this apostle thing is but I'm sure it has something to do with my feelings."


Lucy looked dejected. She was turned down in the past because Gi Wan said that he didn't feel love towards her.


"Hey, bluey! stop running!"

"Hehe, catch me if you can greeny."

Two small kids could be seen running on green fields that seemed to never end. Both of them seemed to be 8 or 9 years old.

"Caught ya!"



The kid with the bigger build managed to catch the kid with smaller build but the kid he caught turned out to be nothing but sparks.

"How's that? My master thaught it to me last month! And you know what? I am already an expert at using it!"

"Then see this."

The bigger kid suddenly ran with speed way higher than when he was chasing the smaller kid and caught the smaller kid.

"Woah, how?"

"My master thaught it to me too."

"Nice, wanna do a spar?"

"Hm? let's do that after we kill Gi Wan!"

"What, why Gi Wan?"

"Because I don't like him!"

"But that isn't a reason good enough to kill someone."

The bigger kid suddenly had a grim expression.

"Just do what I say."


Suddenly the space around the smaller kid grew black and he was all alone. Then, a werewolf which seemed to be pretty old and powerful appeared and said

"Seems like that apostle is a good guy, stay with him for the time being. But never let your gaurd down since you never know what an apostle would do."

The smaller kid was no more 9 year old but a 13 year old.



"Ah, Rai you are up."

"Why did you gasp so loudly Rai? Did you have a nightmare?"

"I guess you can call it a nightmare."

Rai looked around and asked

"Did you kill him?"

Rai looked really down.

"No, but I will kill him soon."

"I see."

"Cheer up guys, I know Kart betrayed us but let's get our mood back up high and leave for the next dungeon line. I don't think we can continue to the next dungeon considering the difficulty level."

"Yeah, I will open the portal."

Rai tried to stand up but he immediately fell down again.


His body was full of scars and bandages were tied all over.

"Haha, sorry but I hurt you a little trying to stop you."

Rai smiled. It was genuine. Even a kid who knows nothing would know that it's a genuine smile. But for some reason, Gi Wan seemed a little displeased.

"Well then, take a little more rest Rai, we can just head to the next dungeon line after you are recovered."

"Haha, sorry for causing you trouble."

"But didn't your attitude towards me become a bit more friendly?"

"It has something to do with the dream."

Rai reminded the words of the werewolf from his dreams

"Seems like that apostle is a good guy, stay with him for the time being. But never let your gaurd down since you never know what an apostle would do."

'Thanks father.'

Rai thaught that while staring at the locket he just took out from his pocket.

"Hmm? I didn't know you had such sort of locket."

"Well, only people whom I think of as my friends know about this wallet. This is a keepsake from my father."

Gi Wan narrowed his eyes and said

"I see, don't worry Rai. I'll make sure to bring them back once we pass through the final hurdle."

Rai looked at Gi Wan with his eyes wide open.

"You even know about my parents?"

"I know pretty much everything."

Rai stared at Gi Wan and then shook his head and turned away to talk to Lucy.

"You sure are an amazing person. To think you were able to stalk someone who stalks everyone and knows all their information..."

Lucy was reminded of the description of her title and yelled at Rai

"Just why the hell is it that everyone says the same-"

"Because it's the truth."

Lucy didn't like how Gi Wan interrupted her and punched him in the face. Rai looked at Lucy with terrified eyes.

"W-Wow! I thought you were a mage but you were actually a brawler?"

Gi Wan was knocked down unconscious.

"Don't underestimate me."

Gi Wan stood up as the mood lightened up.

"Well, seems the mood is back to normal. Let's rest for now then"


After everyone woke up, they got ready to leave to the next dungeon line.

"Do you have any recommendations about which dungeon line we should go to next?"


Gi Wan looked at Rai and smirked.

"To the dungeon with the most number of irregulars."