
The world was harsh on me so I destroyed it!

The world is so boring, I mean we will die anyway so why go through all the trouble to live an amazing life?

Random_Guy_GJH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

11) Gross But Delicious

It was truly a shock to Gi Wan. The noble orc which is now lying dead as it was cut into two pieces had atleast 200 or 300 vitality stat. However such a monster has been taken care of by Rai with just a single movement.


"Why didn't you just kill me back there?"

"A righteous person would never use aura on a non aura user and lightning body is out if the question. That's why I didn't use either of them."

The amplification provided by using the aura and lightning body was that high. Although 5 star aura is already good enough to make him as strong as Hulk, the lightning body is the skill that made him strong enough to do the feat of slicing the orc.

"Anyways, we already wasted too much time. Let's clear this dungeon and shift to another dungeon line."

Dungeon line meant a dungeon organized for a few people. For example, Gi Wan's dungeon line was made for him and the other 3 people he killed. These dungeon lines were supposed to be cleared by the selected people, and what's even worse is that the selection is done based on who is near you when the dungeons opened up.

"Why do we have to?"

Generally, there would be no way to travel from one dungeon line to the other. However Gi Wan had Rai, who is acting as a helper right now. For reference, helpers are allowed to move from one dungeon line to another 3 times.

"I'm sure that even if it's you, we will face difficulties facing the third dungeon. And didn't you say you are here to get enough stat points to help your transcention? This would be a great way to gain additional stat points."

Rai still looked worried.

"But, what if 'he' moves?"

Gi Wan flinched for a moment there.

"I don't know the reason why but..."

Gi Wan looked at an orc wandering nearby.

"'He' is trying to let as many people of earth survive as possible."

"What? Why would he?"

"IDK. However, this is an advantage for us, so let's use this and grow as strong as we can."

"Sigh... okay."

Gi Wan grinned as he heard the affirmative from Rai and dashed towards the orc with great speed.


Gi Wan formed a spear over his staff using aura and stabbed the orc's weakest part, it's shoulder-neck joint, vertically downwards so that he could directly stab it's heart. As a result the orc immediately died.

"Let's clean up all the mobs of the dungeon first."




A young girl, seemingly in her early twenties was panting heavily as she ran a long distance. She sat down with a 'plop' sound.

"Ah, I'm hopeless now. All the others died to the dungeon boss."

She was soaked in blood and sweat.

"Sigh... Only if these could do more damage..."

Some objects were flying around her. They looked like some sort of sticks, but if one were to look closely, they were made of a weird metal, which seemed to have cuts all over, enabling it to be reshaped. However they also seemed really tough. Probably even a noble orc won't be able to leave a scratch on them.

「Alert! The dungeon is being restructured due the entrance of a 'variable'」

「The difficulty of the dungeon is set to 'Impossible'」

「Orcs are now normal mobs.

Noble orcs are now guardians.

Goblin Shaman has been assigned as the new boss.

All the stats of monsters have been increased by 100%」

"W-What the hell?!"

Tak Tak Tak

Footsteps could be heard from a distance. And after a while, two bodies could be seen standing before the girl.

'N-No way! Did my dead teammates' ghosts come?'


Eight hours passed after Gi Wan and Rai started clearing the dungeon. As Rai was too quick at clearing the dungeon, Gi Wan felt like his growth rate would further slow down and asked Rai to restrain himself. So, Rai stopped using lightning body and only used aura to clear the dungeon. And finally, after eight hours, they have completely swept away the whole dungeon. All the orcs and noble orcs were massacred.

"Let's head to the boss room now, then."

Rai said that and started to move towards the huge door infront of them.

"Don't you think we should take a little rest first? I mean, you should know what is gonna come out if we go on right?

Rai pondered for a moment there and nodded. They then set up a campfire using the branches and twigs in the dungeon and heat from lightning body. Actually, Rai disagreed with the idea of using lightning body to light up some twigs. But decided to use it as the conman Gi Wan talked him into it.

"They better be like what you said."

"Don't worry bud, trust me."

Gi Wan was doing something rather weird. He poked a branch into 'Uncooked goblin meat' and is grilling it over the fire.

'As my authority over information also increased, I now know even these small things heh.'

As he finished grilling the meat, he gave it to Rai. The meat only looked like it was well heated. There was nothing other than meat and the meat smelled kinda bad.

"Don't forget to inform my master about my funeral if I die here."

"I will make sure to do so."

Rai slowly brought the meat near his mouth and the smell disgusted him. However, he risked his life and tasted it.

'This taste... as expected...'

Rai looked really serious. This prompted Gi Wan to ask

"So, how's it?"


Rai's eyes were shining just as brightly as Gi Wan's eyes when he removed the usage cost from his staff aura.

"Wow man, I don't know how you knew but if you keep on giving me this kind of food, I will make sure to become your royal servant and serve you for the rest of my life."

"Haha, but I prefer you became a comrade of mine rather than a slave."