
Chapter 1: Arriving in an unknown world!

In a waterfall there was a person sitting on a stone seemed to know the secrets of life.

And that person is me Li Yang I am lost in this forest, A few minutes ago I came to this forest and luckily I found this waterfall to cool off.

I remember that I was about to arrive at school but something inexplicable happened, I think it was a phenomenon, like a black hole or a wormhole that sent me in this forest.

Now that I think about it, I had heard a voice with a few words when I was transferred in this forest, I tried to remember that I had heard but I don't remember well.

I finish cooling off with the water of the waterfall and start walking along the river of the waterfall I had heard on TV, that when one gets lost it is better to follow the river in search of civilization.

A few minutes later I hear the voice returned.

"Ha" Li Yang.

I was surprised but I try to hear what the voice says, speak with a mechanical voice like a game when you start, it said:

Acquired title: Time and space traveler.

"Eh" I got confused because he said Time Traveler, he may have returned in time, he also said more.

Hp: 18,920 / 20,000

Mana 18,000

Stamina 15,000

"Ah" is like a videogame, I think that life lowered me when I went through the black hole, that was dangerous, even though I lost only 1,070 points of life I could have died if I dropped many more.

Hp: 19,920 / 20,000

Hp: 20,000 / 20,000

Ah it seems that I recover everything so that I must have a self healing ability, if I have such a skill.

Innate ability: Self healing

With everything he said, a command had appeared where he says everything I have and my status, look to see what I have besides my title and ability.

I have other skills such as: Edit, Distribute, Learn, Storage, portal and time.

I also have level points and I have 3,960 I got confused so I look at my level and it is 396 and I got tired of being surprised so it just makes me happy that it is high level.

It seems that the level points I get through leveling, and each level gives me 10 points, so I upload my skills to the maximum such as edit, Distribute, Learn, Storage, portal and time, self healing, and use the storage and save ability in my things as a backpack that I had when I appeared in this forest, to be able to go without weight.

Leaving that aside I have been walking for a long time, so I start running and another skill appeared that is "running", so I put points it seems that I can only put up to 10 points, without realizing I was running very fast it seemed flash , so stop running and lower the points to 6.

Much better, by the way it seems that the ability to distribute is what allows me to use the points to remove and put.

So I started to make jumps, blows with my fist to see if I get a skill, I got a jumping skill, it seems that I couldn't get that of the fist, it seems that I must hit a target to have such a skill.

While I am testing the jump skill I climb it to 6 points and jump very high, about 5 meters and when I fell back on the ground I lost some life points that I recovered very rarely.

Also thanks to that error I got a body strengthening ability, it seems that I can make my body more resistant to not hurting me by a blow or any damage that happens to me, it is very useful so I raised it to 5 points.

I walked again and you must jump in to see if there is a city or town, unfortunately I did not see one I got a little depressed.

So I accelerated the passage and I saw a path so I followed it, a few minutes later I saw something approaching and I thought about asking for help if they took me, but I was surprised that it was some horses that were pulling a carriage looked like a video game noble or of history before motor cars.

There I thought that in the title of the time traveler it seems that I have returned in time and in a very old time but I still try to ask that the one who is driving the carriage stop.

In a short time it seems that he saw me and they begin to slow down the carriage and stops.

"#&%#%#"#*#" driver.

I did not understand anything I was talking about. It seems to speak in another language, just a signal from the system appeared to me.

Language of the Goyo kingdom acquired, it seems that it appeared to me thanks to the ability to learn, so I raised the language of the Goyo kingdom to the fullest and it gave me a little headache but it happened very fast and I heard the driver say back.

"Hey, what do you want, boy? If you're not going to talk, get out of the way, I'm taking some noblemen," driver.

"Sorry I got lost and can you tell me where the nearest city or town is" Li Yang

"It's very close boy how can you get lost, walking can arrive in an hour" driver

"Ah thank you then sir" Li Yang

"Oh neglect by the way you must be a nobleman who got lost leaving his house, come up I'll take you in the same way is very close, passing this forest" driver

"Sure" Li Yang

"My name is Rock Wesley and you" Rock Wesley

"My name is Li Yang" Li Yang

"Li Yang goes up we will arrive in a few minutes so he goes up with me" Rock Wesley

"Sure" Li Yang, after having left we continue talking, it seems that I am arriving in the city of Gyo near the capital of Goyo, I also talked about the waterfall where that river was going, it seems that I was going near the city, so the program I had seen if it served in most landslides.

We arrived in an hour I saw that the city is surrounded by a wall I asked Rock Wesley so it seems that they use it to prevent bandits or monsters attack, when I heard the word monster I was surprised it seems that it is totally like a game I kept asking about whether there are guilds or mercenaries and if I had asked about many other things about how the trade is, Rock Wesley looked at me like a person who just met someone who was locked up who barely left his house today.

When we arrived at the city gate were the guards, asking for identification and the tax to be paid for being in the city.

Check in the game system if you had something like the money you usually have when you start a game and if you had a few coins and was from this kingdom, you had 100 copper coins, 100 silver coins, 100 gold coins, 100 coins of platinum and 100 diamond coins.

With what I speak of Rock Wesley with that of how the copper coins were compared with the others, it seems like, the copper coins are the basics of the lowest value then follow silver that would be 1 silver coin is equal to 100 copper coins and also gold, platinum and diamond, apparently I have a good amount and I can live comfortably for a while.

The guard kept asking me for identification but I told him that I had lost him so he asked me to accompany him to make a new one, I said goodbye to Rock Wesley and went with the guard.