
The World Through Her Eyes

Daimos was on the verge of giving up after losing everything to an enemy of his race. That was when a book fell into his hands and could only be wielded by someone who had a certain percentage of Cthulhu's bloodline. He thought this was his opportunity to take revenge, only to realise that he needed a minds eye to access the book. A minds eye that was severed from him. Now he needs another way to access it, and that way existed in a woman called Likyl. Now Daimos has a chance, but the books keep giving him trials that start to get harder and harder. Would he fold and give up or continue his quest for revenge. ____________________________________________________________________________ I had to pause this novel due to some issues. But you can read my other novel Welcome to the supernatural world; what power would you get?

papylion · Urban
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15 Chs

Likyl Silvermoon

Evelyn could not believe it.

"I was demoted to be a coomon foot soldier?"

She was in denial after the set of events that happened today.

She was in command of a 32 man squad that was in charge of spiking the drinking water of all the humans on the planet they were supposed to harvest a new batch of Z-virus, a deadly virus that could help the scientists of their race create new doses of a serum that could help the elves heal their wounds at a fast rate.

There was just this eyesore in her group that the higher ups placed in her care, or rather, for her to do the usual breaking in.

Normally, the woman brought her group were usually stubborn women who failed to obey orders, so she and her team usuall broke them in. When she and her team became the new Z-virus team, she did not expect for them to still send in a new woman for her to break in.

The woman's name was Likyl Silvermoon. According to her records, her ability awakened when she was with her family on their way to the awakening center. There was even a picture of her family now looking like black and red puddles of blood.

But what caught Evelyn's eye was the womans ability.

Hive mind. She could connect everyone in her squad to herself and make them share the same thoughts, sights, feelings and even strength. But she needed to have the DNA of the peole she wanted to connect in her body or to be registered in her body.

The file did specify that kissing her would suffice, but to Evelyn?. It just meant that the men could have their way with her and for the other women in her team, especially those with exquisite tastes, she left at heir mercy.

The downside was that it took a toll on her mind, and if used for too long, she might develop split personalities and they couldn't leave an area of one football feild away from her, or they would be cut off from her hive and they would have to re-record their DNA. Some abused this loophole, but Evelyn didn't care.

Now she regretted not caring. Who would have thought that a simple contamination mission would lead to her getting demoted. If not for her past 'achievements' she, would have been relieved of her duties.

According to the report she got before being called by her supervisor. The six members of the team she left with Likyl were suddenly attacked by a horde of Zombies who came out of nowhere, it was like they just spawned in the area and that group were just lucky to be right there.

So they did what every sane individual would do...of course they ran. As for Likyl, they did not know what happened to her later. With her exo-suit, running would be easy for her, as she would not be tired in anyway.

But now...

"Likyl Silvermoon was what the Chuthulu race refered to as a seer that could help any Chuthulu descendant see again with their minds eye." That was what her supervisor said.

Apparently, the dragon race found out that the minds eye of the Chuthulu race was actually their weakness. The information was all a lie.

The reason why they sent her to her squad was because, her own squad was the most busy and well guarded squads, since they were the only squad that actually had a supervisor. This was the only chance the elven race would evere get to having the dragon race as their benefactor, but now.

'Even, demoting me was all they could do.' Evelyn was not entitled to keep all the doings of the millitary under the rug, as a general daughter in the army, they could not silence her even if they wanted to.

"But who would have thought that Likyl was that important, well because of me she would hate the whole elven race. That is if she survives in that zombie infested planet, hahaha, I don't give a shit about those old foogies that would rather lick the asses of those shameless dragons... But why put her ini the millitary though?". This was the question that bothered Evelyn the most.


Evelyn heard the announcement and left her own cabin. Even though she was demoted, it was just a word by mouth. If she played her cards right, she could get her old post back.

The planetary cruiser was disk like ship that served as means of transporting personnel from the mother ship to the planet. Just like how a pirate ship can't dock on an island that does not have a port, and would use a row boat to get to the island, the same principle worked for the mother ship. It was not larger than the planet, but its massive size alone when entering the atmosphere of a planet could be akin to ten nuclear bombs stricking on continent repeatedly.

The mother ship of the elven race was not the most advanced ship, it still had the old design of a long box like ship.

Unlike the new generation mother ships that looked like planets, and could even house an entire civillization on them.

The chuthulu race where the most feared at that time. They where the only race at that time to have about 60 of these mother ships, and their collosal size when they assume their 'Return to origin' form, made them the most feared.

Evelyn could still remember how the whole universe reacted when the dragon race anounced the defeat of the Chuthulu race.

The dragon race were not the largest when it came to comparing sizes, as the there were still, the World serpent race, the Rocs, and the titan race, also known as the human race.

The human race they harvested where more of another species of humans, but it was still a dangerous expedition for them.

Evelyn got down from the planetary cruiser and saw the docking station of the mother ship, this was the one the dragons gave them (since it was gathering dust in their basement). She still could not believe how humongus these things where.

'Then what of those other mother ships.' She thought, she knew that the Chuthulu race did not have 60 mother ships at all. The number was never confirmed, but the highest number of mother ships was 7 and they are being owened by the Grays.

Evelyn descended the stairs of the of the planetary cruiser and instantly felt the strong metallic surface of the floor of the mother ship.

"Where to?". Of course a ship of this size had to have a transport system inside. Imagine people walking the distance of 6 football fields every day, just to reach the toilet to bathe. By the time you make it back to your cabin in the ship, you would already be drenched in sweat.

"Squad leaders sector, room 23". Evelyn replied as she got into the golf cart looking vehicle and realised there were other elves in the same vehicle. She of course ignored them and had her iris scanned in the retina scanner.

To avoid certain millitary personnel from entering the wrong sector in the mother ship, saying your sector and room number was just an informal practice, the vehicle would scan your retina so as to just confirm your identity.

"Sorry, you are not authorised to move in that sector, soldier Evelyn Rose". The rejection error was to expected.'They work fast in this regard, bunch of slackers'.

"So where is my lodging now?". Evelyn asked with anger in her tone, as she heard the whispers of the other officers.

"Marines sector, room 512". The Ai replied.

"Take me there".She said.'Do not let me find you Likyl'. She thought, as she had to endure the mocking gazes of the other passengers.