
The World the Goddess Only Knows

(Main Story) Uzumaki Haruto is a 15-year-old high school student who lives in Chiba, Japan. He has a distant relationship with his younger-twin-sister Naruko, who always treats him rudely. One day in spring, he encounters a girl playing piano on one of his travels to a junkyard and helps her in many ways as he discovers that her name is Lucy Heartfilia. At the same time, he also found his sister is actually an otaku with an extensive collection of moe anime and younger sister-themed eroge she has been collecting in secret. Noticing his sister has no one to share her secret hobbies with, he accompanies her to join the online community Otaku Girls United! tea party at a maid café in Akihabara, where he meets a 'vampire' girl named Ruby Rose. (Special Story: In The World of Midgar) Long ago, there was a woman who once reigned supreme and had reached the very brink of subduing the world under her rule. Her name was Ouzelia Lucifen, a very powerful woman dreaded as the Black Emperor. However, she was defeated by the heroes who opposed her ferocity, and her ambition was brought to an end. Years later, a girl suddenly wakes up in the body of her MMO character — 'Ouzelia Lucifen' — in a game-like fantasy world called Midgar. She soon discovers that 'Lucifen' is both feared and worshiped by those around her. She struggles to come to terms with her new identity, and with the fact that she is now living Lucifen's life. She must navigate the world of Midgar that is simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar, as she attempts to uncover the truth behind her strange predicament. All the while, she must also contend with the weight of Lucifen's legacy, and the lingering question of whether she will follow in Lucifen's footsteps or forge a new path. *** A reimagine of Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai, Sayonara Piano Sonata, and Yasei No Last Boss Ga Arawareta stories with Naruto, Fairy Tail, and RWBY characters.

Orange_Naru · Anime & Comics
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343 Chs

The Little Sister's Novel (6)

꒰ঌ The Little Sister's Novel 6



"… Well, I'm going to go shower… you better not peek."

"Who the hell would peek? Just go shower."

"Hmph." She snorted, and disappeared into the shower room. I also snorted, and sat down heavily onto the double bed.

"… Haah… " Flustered, I sighed and looked around the room nervously. It was a small room with around 8 tatami of space. More than half the space was taken up by this big double bed. The ceiling lights were turned on, but even then the room was quite dim.

Click. Flipping the switch near my pillow, the lights right above the bed also turned on, and it became a bit brighter. But it still wasn't completely bright.I heard the sound of the shower going in the other room. The smell of soap began to gently fill the air.

Naruko probably had not noticed yet… but I could see her silhouette from this side of the frosted glass. This lighting and the frosted glass… it was all probably meant to build up a lustful atmosphere.

Whoosh. The minute I discovered the secret of the frosted glass, I quickly averted my gaze. Completely against my will, my feet started tapping on the floor nervously.

"… What exactly am I getting nervous about?"

This is bad, isn't it? This is really bad. Hey, hey, calm down, Haruto, it's just your sister.

"I know that… I know that but… "

My feet began to tap even more heavily. I could feel my face heating up. Not being able to tolerate my restlessness any more, I looked for something that would distract my attention.

I found a remote control near my pillow. Pushing the power button, I saw the LCD television in the corner of the room turn on. However…

"C-crap…!" I quickly turned the television off. Why the hell was there a porn video on!? I hurriedly glanced at the shower room, but luckily it seemed Naruko had not heard anything.

Phew… I rubbed my chest in relief. If I had really watched an adult video while my sister was taking a shower, I have no idea what she would say to me. That was close… although… yeah, I suppose this was a hotel in which people did that kind of thing. So, why exactly was I here with my sister…?

"Arghhhhhh what should I doooo…?" Frustrated, I scratched at my chest. I could feel my heartbeat throbbing. To think I would get involved in a mess like this and come to a place like this with my sister…

Steam slowly leaked out into the bedroom from the ever-continuing shower. Accompanied by the sweet fragrance of the soap…

"Haah… geez… I'm beat… "

How far did she want to go to collect data? If I thought about this situation calmly, this definitely isn't normal, right? Also, just wait a second. In the webnovel she's writing, after the protagonist gets out of the shower… there's no way… nothing would happen… and they'd just check out, right? If she wants to do a simulation… uhh… exactly how far is she planning to take it?

Ugh… I just imagined something disgusting. Really damn disgusting… but there's no reason that would happen, right!? That's insane! As I listened to the sound of flowing water in the next room, I was seized by a sense of discomfort I could not express.

How long is she planning to shower!? Hurry up and finish, you dumbass! And then, I heard my phone go off. The cell phone in my back pocket began to vibrate.

That surprised me. Who's it from? When I looked at the LCD screen, I saw "Erza" displayed. Feeling just as if a saving hand had been extended to me, I picked up the phone.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Ah, Haruto? You picked up, thank goodness… "

"Hm? You sound like you have been trying to call me for a while or something."

"Yeah… sorry for being so persistent."

"I don't mind. I'm sorry for not realizing you were calling me. Well, what did you need?"

"A-ahh… that is… around what time… do you think you'll be back?"

"I have no idea, but I'll probably be back by nine-thirty."

"A-ahh… I see. "

"What's wrong?"

"I-I… I made you a cake… so maybe… if you could… if you could drop by after your plans are over… that would make me happy."

Her voice gradually became harder and harder to hear.

"Ah, I see. If I have time I'll stop by then."

"T-thank you."

Why in the world are you the one thanking me? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Erza continued to hesitate with a number of "Umm"s, and then asked the following: "H-Haruto… c-could it be… right now… you're with a girl… ?"

Ah, I see. So she made some weird misunderstanding then. Although geez, it took me a while to figure that out, didn't it! Was this the reason Erza had been acting strange before as well!? Uwaah, not good… h-how should I answer her? I mean, there's no way I can just answer truthfully and go "Ahhh, well I'm here in Shibuya with my sister at a love hotel." If I did that, before I could explain the situation to her she would just make a more terrible misunderstanding… ugh, this isn't good.

"Why aren't you answering?"

Oh crap. If I keep silent, she's going to jump to some weird conclusion all by herself… I guess I have no choice. I'll just leave out the parts that she might misunderstand and tell her the truth.

"Nah, I'm with my sister."



"So, soo tonight you're on a Christmas date with Naruko?"

I really don't want you to put it like that, though. But if I think about it, that's pretty much what we're doing.

"It's not really a date… we just went shopping for some things."

"Well, that's a date, isn't it?"

"S-shut up. I don't care what you say, it's not like that."

"Alright, I understand. If that's the case, make sure to have lots of fun with her."

Erza seemed to have readily accepted the situation. I let out a relieved sigh.


"Phew… after that shower I finally feel refreshed. It's waaarm. Hey, in love hotel bathrooms, the lights are rainbow colored! I never knew that before!"

You idiot! What the hell are you saying, and what the hell is up with this godawful timing!?

"H-Ha-HaHa-Haruto…? Where are you right now with Naruko…?"

"Oh no, I think the signal's going, I can't hear you… !" Click. I cut off the phone call and turned the phone off.

Crap, does she suspect something now…? She seemed to have figured out the situation… and not being able to think up an excuse, I had immediately cut off the call…

Haah… I'm so beat… how the hell am I supposed to clear up the misunderstanding that happened just now… !?

This is bad. No matter how I think about it. What kind of brother goes with his real sister to a love hotel on Christmas Eve? And also, I really was at a love hotel with my sister, so it's not like it was really a misunderstanding!

Dammit! I cradled my head in my hands in agony, when I heard Naruko's voice.

"What? Who were you on the phone with?"

"Shut up! Everything is your fault! What the hell!? Now Erza thinks I'm doing something terrible! Everything's over, dammit!"

"What do you mean 'what the hell'…? I don't have any idea what you're talking about… " As the smell of soap came off of Naruko, she spoke. "Why don't you just quick load and choose another option?"

"This isn't an eroge dammit!" If only I could do something like that…! And then… "W-what the hell are you wearing…?"

The minute I lifted my head up, I stiffened. My sister was standing there in nothing but a bathrobe!

"Hentai. Don't look at me that way. It's not like I have a choice, since my clothes are not dry yet. Stop looking at me so blankly and get the hairdryer or something to dry my clothes."

"Shut up!"

"Hmph. Don't tell me that you were getting aroused seeing your sister in a bathrobe? This is why siscons are so… ugh, gross gross."

"You're the only person I don't want to hear that from!" And I meant that in two different ways!

My retort went in one ear and out the other, and Naruko quickly turned the other way. And then, my sister, still only clothed in the bathrobe, began to wander around the middle of the room. She opened and closed the surrounding drawers, and flipped through some of the pamphlets on the desk… she then took out her cell phone and began to play with it. Occasionally, I heard the sound of a camera shutter, so it seemed that she was taking photos.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Taking some inspirations."

While Naruko continued to wander around the room taking notes, she opened one of the pamphlets in the room.

"About the storyline for the novel… remember how I said it seemed like there would need to be a prostitution scene?"

"… Y-yeah… so?"

"Could you call this prostitute line for me? For the Inspiration of course."

"Don't make me smack you!"

Dammit. My sister always goes way beyond anything I could possibly imagine…! Of course, I never called that number.

After that, we exited the love hotel and walked towards the station through the nighttime streets. And like that, our "date" came to an end. On the train back, my sister immersed herself in thought, mumbling all the while. She might have been quickly trying to work out the plan for her novel. I guess she was fine with how things turned out? I have no idea.

And the next day was Christmas. Naruko seemed to have already quickly begun to work on her webnovel. And then… after the closing ceremonies at school, Winter vacation arrived.

