
Chapter One: Prologue

Never ending flames surrounded what looked like a pilar as savage beasts attacked each other. On top of the pillar sat a man with a shaggy beard, a cloak that seemed to be burning as well and dark hair. The mans eyes were empty as he scratched away on a wall using a pointed rock.

``This marks the 10th year``; the man said to himself with his coarse voice before falling on his back. His eyes gazed at the stalagmite roof above him and began whisking away thoughts. The thoughts in his head comforted him before he was interrupted by a ball of fire flying at him. The ball fire hit the top of the pillar where he was standing on but as the smoke cleared the man stood there uninjured.

He looked down and saw an army of creatures that were completely made out of bones that continuously were lit ablaze. ``Cant give me a bream, huh``; the man muttered before his eyes reddened. The ground began shaking as the man took flight and burst through the hoardes of creatures.

I'm stuck here because of a choice I made years ago that I will never regret and no matter how long it takes, I will get out.

30 years prior in a room not too pretty but not ugly sat a woman with long red hair that sparkled like stars and in front of her was a man with white hair and a muscular body. He was clenching her hand as she screamed out in pain with her legs wide open.

Moaning, she used all her strength to push. 

With every push the man could see something come out.

She bit her bottom lip as she did her last push, finally delivering the baby.

It was a boy with normal black eyes.

The man quickly cut his umbilical cord before being the first to pick him up.

Tears slowly came from his eyes as he saw his child. 

Smiling, he handed the boy to his mother.

Like the man tears flowed down her cheeks as she held the boy. 

"He looks so precious. What will we name him?"

The man came beside her and told her the name.

"His name will be Ivanian…Ivanian Gale."

"It sounds nice. Welcome to the world Ivanian."

In this world that most residents know as Ithun there are many supernatural things. There are mythical beasts that walk the land, soar the sky's and swim the seas, there are men with abilities that surpass the capabilities of normal humans, there are people with inhuman characteristics and the most mystical thing "✨Magic!✨".

Magic also known as Eros is the main power source in Ithun and can be used by anyone with Chi. Every living being has Chi no matter how little it is, it is still there. Many use Eros to perform spells but some use it to strengthen their bodies. There are three types of Eros; Astros, Palios and Veridian.

Astros is used to strengthen the body or other weapons and can be used through those weapons.

Palios is the most common form of magic where the mage can use the Chi stored in their core to perform spells.

                     And finally

Veridian: It is the most legendary kind of magic and whoever has it gains god-like abilities.

Also they are multiple kingdoms that are separated by borders which hold the different races but all are hidden away from each other. 

The home of the humans is Randu.

A city created due to the hard work of the primal generation. It is governed by a hierarchical system.

                   *  Royals *


                   *  Nobles *



                *  Commoners *



Time would pass and the baby had now become older and was crawling on all fours. Now that he could crawl he explored the house. He crawled into the kitchen and saw his mom cooking. As he entered the kitchen his mother noticed him and picked him up.

"Huh, how did you get out of your crib?"

Ivan simply giggled as drool ran from his mouth.

She sighed before she brought him back to his wooden crib.

This would happen several more times through the span of a week and every time he went to the window and watched his father train.

Ultimately she conceded and went outside with him and watched her husband train. He smiled with each attack his father performed. His mother sighed as she saw how excited Ivan was. Later in the day she sat in her room with a book in hand and began writing:

Mira's Journal

Entry 19

It's been a year since Ivan was born and he's been getting more curious and adventurous as the days go by, I guess he's more like me in my early days. He loves his father way much more than me, sometimes I think Vons the one who gave birth to him. Von was the first one he called and Von was the reason he got up and walked for the first time. His connection with his father is unexplainable and there's nothing I can do to separate it even if I wanted to. 

Entry 46

A few days ago I found out Ivan really enjoyed our shopping trips but I think it is because he gets to see all those weapons and battle equipment. 

Entry 56

Ivan made some new friends and they're getting really close. Glad to see he's finally making some friends.

Entry 72

Ivan is now 3 and I bought him this book about magic for his birthday and now.hell sit in his room all day and read. Glad he's doing something besides watching his dad train.

Entry 142

Ivan became 5 and Von is now teaching him sword fighting and basic combat skills. It took Von and Ivan several months but they finally got through to me and I allowed Ivan to train only on one condition; Hell train with Von in the morning and in the evening he'll learn more about magic with me. I know that he's my little boy but I want him to learn what he wants to learn and do what I didn't have the chance to do when I was young.

End of Chapter

So this is my first story and I originally didnt want to add the first part but i didnt want to start it off yk bland. Anyway hope you enjoy

All I want is to share my stories with people so they can enjoy the m :)

LegendaryKing13creators' thoughts