
The World of unique beings.

Do you think that the mythologies can be true? Adventures far above your imagination can be done true by just a group of youngsters? Would they let their fears overcome their greatest beliefs and even the fact we think is true[earth is only the home of certain plants, animals and the better and advance form of animals] Adventures of bev and her friend in the world of unique being can change everything; read the book to find out more. . P.S [Dear Silent Readers, I know you don't want to comment/vote but your 1 minute work could increase this story in wattpad algorithm, It would make me feel happy if my stories are reaching to you guys,and by the way if you that this story can reach more people: D] . I am not a great summary maker; but yeah try reading my book it can't be that bad. ONGOING_book.UPDATES ON FRIDAY,or whenever i feel like.

aloooooo88 · Fantasy
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14 Chs


The blood-lust was in vampa's eyes with his nails readily along his cannies to tear my flesh and drink my blood to celebrate the victory,i caustiously took my steps back looking at the forest ground trying to scan and find something to attack.As we took our steps with each step the leaves under our foot broke/cracked creating a total scence like movies everyone waiting to see the victory of the hero.But in real life its nothing like movie the chances of endings like movies are less than 0.000000000001%,So yeah you can imagine. With every step i was losing hope and horas's side was becoming fearless in between all this i lost the track of my feet and fall on my back growling,cursing,grinding my teeth and closing my eyes shut in shooting pain on my lower back where the vamp had attacked me trying to slow my speed or better i say killing me after all i was a 13 year old girl sent to boarding school by her parent,abused by sisters to classmates. Only my friends were Arina a child like me given up by because of polio in her left arm[you would be think what is the use of left arm? but lets see it like she was lefty] who got a scholarship in my school only, even if she didnt have a family but the nun(nancy) who took care of her since the starting of her life after she had the worst moments of life.Now i think hee life is facing a new experience who only some of the common people face BEING TRACKED BY HORAS, they were like vampires but vampires are far far better than horas .

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till next chapter,

cat's out
