
The World Of Skill

Release schedule: 1daily at least. A serious, relateable, mind-blowing, heartbreaking, tear-inducing comedy game(life) story. This is not an OP story. This is just a normal story of a normal boy playing a normal game. Find the extraordinary in ordinary moments. Having won the Olympic, Ryu is finally allowed by his father to play a VR game. Follow the passionate youth experiencing life inside the game. To see the world. To gather wisdom. To find himself. You can check out my other works so you know what to expect from this.

SnowOnSummer · Games
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Hi guys, since I have sucesfully signed a copyright exclusive with ringdom, the rest of my story can be found at ringdomstory. I am still doing daily chapters update over there. you can also find another 14 stories that I wrote. some of them are updated more than 3k words/day. see you guys soon over there! go to ringdomstory and search for snowonsummer to see all my works or just search the world of skill! cheers!