
The World of Nostalgia

Charles wakes up naked and with no memories, a tablet with his status screen appear out of thin air, doglike monsters want to have him as their meal, a cute girl needs his protection and that's just the beginning. "Welcome to Nostalgia, I hope you survive until the end."

Ankowl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 7

'Too many skill options.'

From weapon masteries to crafting magical stuff, you can find cooking or leatherworking, for some reason there is even a paper crafting skill, why would anyone learn that given the circumstances?

I should get some sort of close combat related skill, there are several martial arts in the list, Taekwondo, Karate, Boxing, Muay Thai, Krav Maga and even Capoeira, the list goes on to some ancient techniques and even fictional martial arts from movies and tv shows.

All these techniques, I don't see them working long term, magic skills and weapons taken out of fantasy worlds make them look 'normal', I believe no martial art was created with such a fantasy-minded approach, and much less created to fight monsters.

Sure, the monsters so far resemble dogs and you can somewhat deal with them using normal means of combat. But what comes next is worrying, I'm sure this game can only get harder, imagine a giant tentacle monster, how do people deal with something like that.

I have the chance to acquire two skills, one of them must be a passive skill which doesn't require 'Magic Power' or any other energy to be used.

[You need to reach level 10 to unlock Rank E shop.]

The fact that it isn't possible to take a look at Rank E skills or higher makes choosing even harder, as I can't plan my skillset long term. I wonder how the hunting teams chose their skills and weapons.

'Do they complement each other?'

Looking at Nina playing around with her bow makes me think, what skill would be useful for me to protect her?

'What have I been doing up until now?'

In hindsight, I tend to rush towards my enemies and try to pin them down, once on the ground it is easier for me to dispose of them.

'Pin them down… that's it!'

I read the descriptions of the different martial arts skills, there are a lot of them who serve multiple purposes, some are supposedly more deadly but that is considering human as your opponents.

And then I found this.

[Brazilian jiu-jitsu]

[Rank: F – Passive Skill]

[Proficiency: 0/10000]

[Description: Brazilian jiu-jitsu focuses on taking the fight to the ground and defeating the opponent applying joint-locks and chokeholds.]

[Cost: 200 points]


[Rank: F – Passive Skill]

[Proficiency: 0/10000]

[Description: The objective of Judo is to either throw or takedown an opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue an opponent with a pin.]

[Cost: 200 points]

Either of those two skills works wonders for me if I forget about dealing damage, which I should leave to my partner. So long as I can keep the enemies on the ground, Nina and I should be able to finish them off, besides I have my gauntlets to boost my damage when striking them.

I think I'm going with Judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu focuses too much on holds and that would limit my movements. I need to think about fighting multiple enemies at the same time, so throwing them to the ground is more important than holding them down. I'm not sure it's the right choice but it's the best I could come up with the information I currently have.

'First skill card gone. What to do with the second card?'

I was thinking that it would be good to learn a defensive skill, something to ensure my safety.

'Wait! I have a better idea, for now I should find a killing technique, some sort of finishing move.'

It should be able to benefit from the gauntlets to deal damage, so some sort of strike.

'Strikes… strikes…'

I keep scrolling down the list of active skills, there are surprisingly few of them. Now that I think about it, most Rank F skill are things you should be able to learn within the real world, the few magical or fantastical moves are sort of basic, such as a small fireball or a magic arrow.

It's understandable though, considering there are higher ranked skills, those should be the really overpowered and unrealistic.

[Charged Strike]

[Rank: F – Active Skill]

[Magic: 5 MP x Strike]

[Proficiency: 0/25000]

[Description: Focus the energy inside your body in your fist, breaking the limits of your strength to strike your foes.]

[Effect 1: 200% Damage]

[Effect 2: If Magic Power reaches 0 after using the skill, -50% all stats until MP is over 0.]

[Cooldown: 5 minutes]

[Cost: 150 points]

'That's the most decent one, but it's not great.'

With my current magic power I can only use it twice and after that I would be weakened by 50%. I'm not sure how long the magic power takes to recover, I'd need to test it out before using this skill against enemies. I will take it as a finishing blow to use when necessary, but I am not going to depend on this skill.

'That's it for now. I can't wait to unlock higher ranked skills.'

I see Nina getting used to the bow, she looks really focused on learning how to handle it properly.

"Nina, what happened to Kat and Molly?"

"Kat is taking care of Molly, she was devastated after seeing Jerry's corpse."

'Oh… right. I'm an idiot, I completely forgot about Jerry's death.'

"Can you bring them here please?"

"Of course Charlie."

A few minutes later both girls have joined us inside the cabin. Kat looks like she is doing fine, at least compared to Molly, whose eyes look death and has a blank expression on her face.

"Here is the thing, have you thought about the future? What are you going to do? How are you going to survive? Have you thought about food?"

Molly keeps staring at the air as if she didn't even hear me, Kat seems to be contemplating my questions, while Nina is standing next to me looking cheerful.

"I don't know, I'm guessing you have a proposal, right?"

At least Kat has a good mind, she clearly understood that I have a purpose for bringing the two of them here.

"I would like you both to join my team."

Kat immediately answers.

"Does that mean that we would have to go out and fight?"

She doesn't seem to like the idea of fighting, while Molly turns pale and starts shivering.

"Look at this."

I point towards the computer's screen.

[Healing touch]

[Rank: F – Active Skill]

[Magic: 2 MP x Heal]

[Proficiency: 0/25000]

[Description: Applies magic power on the palm of the hand, which can be used to heal the user or their allies.]

[Effect 1: Recovers 5 HP]

[Cooldown: 1 minute]

[Cost: 200 points]

"I need someone to learn this skill, that person would only act as healer."

"I could do that, but what about Molly?"

"There is other skill we need to survive."

Molly remains expressionless while Kat is pondering about my offer.

"Truth be told, I could get anyone within the village to learn the skills I need for my team, I'm sure there are a lot of people willing to remain behind while I fight."


Kat says while looking directly at me.

"I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Jerry… I'm giving you the chance to survive because he chose to remain behind with me to protect the two of you."

Molly reacts when hearing his name, she looks at me and finally there is some semblance of life in her eyes.

"What would I have to do?"

Molly's voice is almost imperceptible but I manage to hear her question.

"There is a skill for you and it doesn't involve fighting at all."

I turn around and search for the skill in the computer, then I show it to them.

[Basic Cooking]

[Rank: F – Passive Skill]

[Proficiency: 0/10000]

[Description: The basics of the culinary world and all you need to know about food.]

[Cost: 150 points]

"As long as you cook for the team, we will give you food and clothing while keeping you safe."

They both seem to consider the idea.

"Even if you don't join my team I would still suggest you to learn these skills as they will be useful within the village and you may exchange for food."

Molly is the first to answer.

"I'll learn to cook and join your team."

Once she says that, Kat is also convinced to join the team. They both approach the computer and learn the skills, while also exchanging their voucher for equipment. Molly got a Kitchen Knife and Kat got some sort of staff, I think it was called 'Simple Bo' in the shop.

I give some of the points I have left to Nina so she can help Molly and Kat choose some clothes. Molly got a yellow shirt, black pants and a pair of black shoes. Kat herself chose some sort of white robe which covers most of her body while leaving her long beautiful legs to be appreciated.

Nina glared at me when she noticed how I was staring at Kat's legs. But what can I do? Kat has incredibly nice legs, they are just my type. Besides, I previously saw her voluptuous breasts, which makes me think it wouldn't have been that bad to have her naked a little longer, moral support or something like that.

Molly needs some extra equipment to cook, a cooking pan a pot and some condiments such as salt. She also gets a simple bag to carry those things around, as much as the system is nice to handle your items without you having to bring them outside with you, bringing them out is only available when you have a computer next to you, apart from your equipment.

Now to register our team while Molly is cooking some of the meat I had. Turns out two people can eat from one piece of dog meat as long as a player is the one cooking it, she is also capable of making meat jerkies to eat while we are out in the forest. I think she doesn't even need to go out with us, but I'm trying to convince her to come with us so she can earn some experience.

Kat has accepted her role as a healer, she will also remain by Nina's side to block with her staff any creatures that manages to escape from me.

Once I select the [TEAM] menu, there are two choices: [Join a team] and [Create a team].

I choose to create one and that reveals the hardest choice I have to make so far.

[What is the name of your team?]