
The world of magic and mystery

James White, a former game developer, passed away after undergoing significant hardship. Following his demise, he discovered himself transmigrated as a privileged teen of 14 in a wholly dissimilar universe. In this new environment, he perceives resemblances to the 1700s, yet the world teems with enchantment and fresh prospects. Nevertheless, during his tenure in this new realm, he notes that while the world radiates beauty during the daytime, nocturnal hours usher in mystery and peril. When the grand clock tower rings at midnight, echoing throughout the city, hear the prayers of its inhabitants, yet it is unclear to whom these prayers are directed. James White undertakes a journey under the cover of darkness, maintaining his true identity. However, he leads a double life, for at the break of dawn, he adopts the persona of Zakiel Lunite, a student of magical arts. Discord:https://discord.gg/jvufW2Rh

Kingjr10 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

The Lunite household

Zak opened the door, stepping into a hallway with the bathroom on his left, two doors on the right, and a descending staircase at the far end. He proceeded to the right, stopping to open the first door—an entryway to a minuscule room housing a large, wooden wardrobe brimming with garments.

Enthralled by the wealth of choices, Zak lingered, struggling with indecision. Ultimately, he selected a crisp, white cotton shirt with intricate bone button closures at the wrists, paired with sleek black trousers. Once his selections were made, he shut the wardrobe and the room's door, then continued down the hall to the bathroom.

Surveying his surroundings, Zak found his reflection in the mirror. He noticed his long, black hair and blue eyes, bearing a remarkable resemblance to his stunningly beautiful mother, marked by her own black hair and purple eyes.

"I must say, I clean up nicely. I never thought I could look this good," Zak admitted with a self-satisfied grin. After shedding his clothes, he stepped into the shower.

Following a thorough shower, Zak incorporated several cosmetic staples into his grooming routine such as deodorant and lotion. Once fully dressed and his hair tied neatly into a ponytail, he proclaimed, "Alright, time to go." Then he exited the bathroom and trailed down the hallway, descending the staircase located at the hall's end.

As Zak meandered down the flight of stairs, he took in the expansiveness of his living room, noticing features such as a fireplace, a spacious circular glass table surrounded by six two-toned chairs, and a sizeable bookshelf positioned near the exit door. Additional interior design components included a coat rack and an oversized clock mounted above the door frame.

Noticing the clock, Zak observed, "Oh, it's time." Just then, his mother, Alice, made an entrance hauling numerous luggage pieces. "Your sister's here," she announced, offloading the suitcases near the glass table.

Zak then stepped outside where he noticed a classic car being offloaded. His sister was already there, keeping an observant eye on Alfred who was tasked with unloading the car.

With her black hair falling around her shoulders, Zoey turned to face Zak. Her brown eyes twinkled, amused, as she greeted him.

"Good morning, brother," she said, her black dress swirling around her as she moved. "It's nice to see you. Especially after that wild stunt you pulled, leaping off the balcony when you heard of our grandmother's passing. I know you loved her, but don't engage in such reckless acts again. Mother's worry was apparent even over the phone when I was informed about what had occurred."

Zak took a moment, absorbing his younger sister's admonishment. It was sting to hear, but he valued her counsel.

"Good morning, Zoey," he conceded in response. "It's good to see you too, after your long, last year of school. I promise, I wouldn't repeat that action again."

Satisfied, Zoey turned, her dress following her movement as she made her way towards the entrance of their expansive house.

Observing his surroundings, Zak admired the striking facade of the house, highlighted by two sizable black gates. Leading towards these gates, a path laid with brown tiles was constructed, specifically for facilitating both carriages and vehicles. Adding to the visual appeal, an array of colorful flowers bordered the path. Astonished at his surroundings, Zak contemplated, "So, this is what wealth feels like!" before reentering the house.

Inside, seated at the glass table, were Zoey and Alice engrossed in a conversation regarding school. Choosing to join them, Zak pulled out a chair and settled himself across from the two. Promptly he posed the question, "So, how was school?" to which Zoey, after turning to face him, replied, "It was an enlightening experience indeed, and I met some wonderful people. Unfortunately, due to our divergent aspirations, we might never reunite at the same school."

"School, as I know it, is a bit different here," Zak said thoughtfully. "In my previous life, education progressed from an elementary school, to a middle school, and then to high school. However, in this setting, it's simply elementary school and then high school. Moreover, after spending 11 years in the elementary, there's a waiting period of a year before moving onto high school. Currently, I find myself in that one-year hiatus."

Zak turned towards the entrance just as the door creaked open. "Good morning, family," a man sporting a stylish combo of a black and purple top hat with a matching black jacket greeted. A gold emblem — symbolic of a scale — was noticeable on the left side of this large, sweeping coat. A crisp white shirt beneath the jacket and black pants completed his ensemble. A neat pair of gleaming, black shoes added the final touches to his appearance.

"Good morning, father," Zak replied "This is my father, Jack Lunite, an eminent figure popularly recognized for being one of the distinguished captains in the police department. "It's heartwarming to know that my son is thriving so beautifully," Jack expressed warmly.

He subsequently withdrew a revolver from the holsters concealed beneath his coat, prior to draping his coat over the coat rack. "So, what's on the menu for tonight?" Jack inquired, pulling out a chair and seating himself beside Alice. Alice responded, "Dinner isn't prepared yet, so it would be a good idea to make conversation while we wait." She then proceeded to give Jack a tender kiss on the cheek before excusing herself to the kitchen area, located to the left of the living room.

After Alice's departure, Zak quickly found himself reflecting on a past memory. He then inquired, "When will I be eligible to join the police force?" Intriguingly, each time Zak raised this question, Jack would either divert the conversation or dissuade him from selecting this career path.

Even though I personally don't aspire to join the police force, I find it odd that Jack consistently chooses to either change the topic or discourage Zak whenever his profession is brought up. Jack would often express, "No, no, no, trust me, you wouldn't want to follow such a dreadful profession when there are numerous, far more fascinating ones out there."

Zak responded with a smile; Jack, his father, had answered in the same predictable way as always.